What would you have done with Afghanistan?

Ok that makes sense. So wouldn't have withdrew our troops, you would have kept our presence and simply ask for UN support. Is that what you would have done?

You agree that Trumps plan and execution and Bidens plan and execution led to this shit show?
Don’t twist my words or take this thread elsewhere. No reason to mention Trump. I stated clearly what I would do in my OP and you Should have known that we are part of the UN. If you want to discuss Trump then start a separate thread.
Stayed there forever; pissing away as much as we possibly could on a lost cause.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


I would have never gone.
View attachment 527653

Not this.

If for some reason there was a problem with the Trump plan...develop your own...but don't cancel and forget.
Biden had no plan. As with most things...the border...inflation...crime

He is a fucking idiot....and his administration is as well.

Trump had already made a commitment with the Taliban in Doha... He did NOT involve the Afghan government in his "negotiations".

Trump had already made a commitment with the Taliban in Doha... He did NOT involve the Afghan government in his "negotiations".

This thread is not about Trump. Learn to read. Where in my OP do you see Trump. You didn’t even answer the question in the OP. Learn English.
Well, you asked.

A lot of the military hardware (Hum-Vs, APCs, helicopters, etc.) should have been evacuated months ago,....As should have the civilians....Any remaining U.S. citizens should have been moved to within a secured perimeter.....Bagram Air Base should still be a secure airfield.

Xiden bugged out of the whole country like a cheap date on a one-night stand.

Biden doesn't have power like that over US citizens.
I agreed, but I'm not sure a warning would be sufficient. I thought W screwed up in not going into Bora Bora at the onset, once they refused to hand over OBL, but that was a tactical decision to not have casualties, so no hindsight from me.

I thought the drone war was necessary. Our armed forces killed all Taliban leadership and forced the Taliban to Pak to regroup. Maybe that was 2002, I don't remember. But after our military accomplished that, imo it was mission accomplished, although staying on to kill OBL was not, imo, a waste.
Like I said before we should listened to the late congressman Charlie Wilson back in the late 1980's after the communist army left.
Of course it is.. Trump struck a deal with the Taliban in Doha.
I asked What YOU would do. Don’t care what Trump did.
Do you not speak English or are you trying to derail the thread as your fellow Islamists ravage another country and poor innocent young women?
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


The UN? Are you serious? The organization that has China and Iran on the human rights board. Those people. Holy fuck.

Withdrawing was fine. There’s a way to do it. You pull back furthest points out first. Bring the people you want or need out from there. Pull back a little further, with all of our gear and stay there until everyone is out. You continue this shrinking circle until the last ones out are the military troops under massive air support.

It’s not that fucking hard to plan for.
Arming the warlords turn out to be a dumb move.. but who knew.
Arming them against the Red army was not a dumb move. AFTER the Russian withdrawal Wilson sponsored a 1 billion relief package which included money for infrastructure, schools, restocking herds etc. Fell on deaf ears. Had we done that things may well have turned out different. No guarantee that what followed from 1989 to 2021 would have prevented, but the odds would have been lessened to a considerable degree. But we just left and did nothing,
From the beginning, formed an Internationalist Global fighting force made up of all women under the U.N. to go in and free their 'sisters' !!

Like this would have really happened.

Women globally shut up, before they put up!
Globalism is a F'ing mirage.....
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


Ida taken the Russians advice(USSR)....decades ago
I would have hoped that I would have been smart enough to have sent the right number of troops to capture Bin Laden at Tora Bora.

If not then I think I would have declared victory after Bin Laden was wasted in Pakistan.

No nation building. Go in and get Bin Laden and get out. That was the real mission.

No way were we ever going to nation build a tribal country like Afghanistan.

I sure as hell would not have escalated the war like The Worthless Negro did.

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