What would you have done with Afghanistan?

What would I have done?
Killed bin Laden and the Taliban 20 years ago.
The guy you're quoting as part of the problem decided that "there are no good targets in Afghanistan" and let Bin Laden and the Taliban go.

Look in the mirror.
You would have built a time machine? Please allow adults to converse.
Nation building is for fools.. You can't go in and change religion, heritage and tradition because you think the only way is the American way.
Jews did it in Palestine…you’re still butthurt but you’re derailing the thread. What would you have done? And you cannot go back in time as say what you would have done in 2002 since you don’t have a time machine.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


He could have used President Ford’s withdrawal from Vietnam as a template. He could have prepared our allies for this and given them time to evacuate their people. He could have prepared for and provided for the full evacuation of our people, and those Afghans who worked for and those leaders in democratic efforts, women’s rights, and journalists...all those in danger from the Taliban. Take them to Guam while they get processed like we did the Vietnamese.

I was listening to this interview with Jason Crowe, former vet who served in Afghanistan, now Congressman, part of a bipartisan group trying to get Biden to push the tbe deadline back. He makes good points. Biden failed hugely HUGELY in this, if he can get people out, he might salvage a little.

I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


Oh come on, the Taliban were known for being incorruptible to the point of being sanctimonious.
They tolerated no rapes at all, and were know for executing rapists.
It was the warlords they were fighting who were known for rapes.
What would I have done?
Killed bin Laden and the Taliban 20 years ago.
The guy you're quoting as part of the problem decided that "there are no good targets in Afghanistan" and let Bin Laden and the Taliban go.

Look in the mirror.

You have the Taliban confused with someone else.
The Taliban were the least corrupt of the CIA's Mujahedeen.
They hated al Qaeda and all Arabs, and only tolerated them because the CIA insisted.
The Taliban arrested bin Laden several times.
The Taliban were NEVER the bad guys.
Crazy! Both sides decided to get our troops out, and I agree. It is how we left that is important. That is on Joe, he screwed the pooch.

This is not about if we should have left, but HOW we left the region. It is the biggest disaster since the Bay of Pigs. If you do not understand this, I feel sorry for you!
I would have done the opposite of this.

"Biden should have never listened to them or agreed with the fucked up provisions negotiated by Drumpf."
This is about BIDEN’S embarrassment at his incompetence here. Trump has nothing to do with this Asslips.
Crazy! Both sides decided to get our troops out, and I agree. It is how we left that is important. That is on Joe, he screwed the pooch.

This is not about if we should have left, but HOW we left the region. It is the biggest disaster since the Bay of Pigs. If you do not understand this, I feel sorry for you!

The Bay of Pigs was an illegal attack on a sovereign nation.
If the Castro regime was unpopular, the Bay of Pigs would have succeeded.
It failed because Castro was very popular.
He provided food, education, and health care.

We don't know if this withdraw is a disaster or not.
So far it looks good to me.
Jews did it in Palestine…you’re still butthurt but you’re derailing the thread. What would you have done? And you cannot go back in time as say what you would have done in 2002 since you don’t have a time machine.

I am, speaking of ARAMCO.. They were very successful in Saudi Arabia because they kept the US government out of their business and they never tried to change the Saudis.. not their religion or traditions or government.

The British model was very different so you got Iran and Iraq.

I have known that you don't jam people up since 1950.

That's the essence of the Ugly American.
You have got to be kidding, lol. Our people are on the line, and you like it? Biden has screwed the pooch; and it was HIM, not the planners, or haven't you been paying attention. This is a disaster.

This is the Bay of Pigs all over again, times 2!

Tell us all how you recall 2500 soldiers, then you have to insert 7000 to peacefully extract. Tell us how you lose control of the airbase you need for extraction. Is that planning? Nope, that is Joe Biden!

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