What would you have done with Afghanistan?

I would have hoped that I would have been smart enough to have sent the right number of troops to capture Bin Laden at Tora Bora.

If not then I think I would have declared victory after Bin Laden was wasted in Pakistan.

No nation building. Go in and get Bin Laden and get out. That was the real mission.

No way were we ever going to nation build a tribal country like Afghanistan.

I sure as hell would not have escalated the war like The Worthless Negro did.
I'd bet that the occurrences of terror attacks around the world would have been much higher over the past decade had they executed your plan.
I'd bet that the occurrences of terror attacks around the world would have been much higher over the past decade had they executed your plan.

We will never know, will we?

The mission was always to capture or kill the sonofabitch that mastermind 911. It was never to create a Democracy in a third world shithole like Afghanistan. If that was the mission then we were delusional.

Trump knew that and that is why he arranged to get out. The differrence is that he would have done it in a competent manner while this Joe Dufus asshole fucked it up.
We will never know, will we?

The mission was always to capture or kill the sonofabitch that mastermind 911. It was never to create a Democracy in a third world shithole like Afghanistan. If that was the mission then we were delusional.

Trump knew that and that is why he arranged to get out. The differrence is that he would have done it in a competent manner while this Joe Dufus asshole fucked it up.
Sure, kill the bee that stings you but do nothing about the hive.
Trump had already made a commitment with the Taliban in Doha... He did NOT involve the Afghan government in his "negotiations".

Well neither did the Biden shitheads when they cancelled everything. Neither did the Afghan leadership when they just decided to up and walk out of the country. To include generals, and governors.

This is called a clusterfuck.
I hate how Biden handled it.
So do I. The decision to leave was righteous. The way he-and-his executed the task was inexcusably negligent.
I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves.
That's actually a good idea, but I seriously doubt that the UN would have put boots on the ground in sufficient numbers, authorized to fight, to do any good.
It’s really sad.
With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender.
Only if the UN force had teeth, and that rarely (if ever) happens, and the Security Council ( Russia, China ) can veto any such proposal easily.
And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan.
That still would not have prevented Taliban atrocities.
The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys.
Well... damned incompetent, anyway, I'll grant you that... and... I'll add... feckless.
Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.
No... that is on the Taliban... and that was going to happen anyway... now it's just a matter of sooner rather than later.
One order of Armchair Quarterbacking (with a side of Hindsight) coming up...

1. quietly evacuate all American civilians
2. quietly evacuate all Allied civilians
3. quietly evacuate all Afghan helpers and their families
4. quietly evacuate all Embassy personnel
5. quietly evacuate all non-combat military personnel
6. blow-up the Embassy and all other US -occupied or -owned assets across the country
7. evacuate all combat military personnel
8. wait for developments

.....then, when the Afghan Army dissolves...

9. destroy all US -provided military equipment and bases on Afghan soil that we left behind and that can be destroyed by airpower only
10. call it a wrap
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Sure, kill the bee that stings you but do nothing about the hive.
It is obvious that when the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration escalated the war and then imposed terrible weak ROEs on our troops they pretty well set in motion the destruction.
Would have left in 2002, warning the Taliban that another can of whoopass is coming their way if they harbored jihadist scum.
^^^ This :clap:you can't 'nation build' Afghanistan there's no nation to build they have virtually no natural resources. That's like trying to nation build the Gobi desert.
It is obvious that when the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus administration escalated the war and then imposed terrible weak ROEs on our troops they pretty well set in motion the destruction.
The destruction of what?
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


What would I have done?
Killed bin Laden and the Taliban 20 years ago.
The guy you're quoting as part of the problem decided that "there are no good targets in Afghanistan" and let Bin Laden and the Taliban go.

Look in the mirror.
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


I would have gone after Osama bin laden and got him and said thank you to the Northern alliance for taking over the country and come back home and not go to the Iraq either. Stupidest wars in our history. Great job GOP. The jingoistic brainwash strikes for the first time since the Spanish-American war. And the next time I would listen to my terrorist Czar when he said there was a problem with airplanes among other warnings of 9/11. The GOP is totally incompetent greedy idiots. The French and the UN inspectors
I hate how Biden handled it. I would have contacted the UN and stated that there needs to be a UN task force in place to protect young women who have only known Democratic rule for 20 yrs but now will become sex slaves. It’s really sad. With a UN task force there the Afghan army likely doesn’t quit/surrender. And the US doesn’t have to bear the brunt of the cost. If the UN refused then I would publicly shame them and exit the UN and eventually (winter time) exit Afghanistan. The way Biden did it, we look like the incompetent bad guys. Every girl that gets tortured and raped is on Bidens hands.


No one expected the Taliban to take over the country totally in 11 days with no resistance so blaming Biden is ridiculous. Just shows how dumb it was to stay there all this time. I hope the Taliban learned something and so did Afghanistan from all the nation building which bush said he would never do. Trump was the one who negotiated 5,000 terrorists being released from prison, negotiated directly with the Taliban and cut out the Afghanistan government, and promised all Americans would leave. The French were always right lol. were right there were no weapons of mass destruction. Etc etc. The Vietnamese and the afghanistanis are the worst people in the world to try a nation build with.
He could have given the evacuation order under the proviso that if you are outside the perimeter, you're on your own.

Quit being such a facile-minded dope.

What BS. Biden is not going to abandon US citizens. The evacuations will continue.
I would have gone after Osama bin laden and got him and said thank you to the Northern alliance for taking over the country and come back home and not go to the Iraq either. Stupidest wars in our history. Great job GOP. The jingoistic brainwash strikes for the first time since the Spanish-American war. And the next time I would listen to my terrorist Czar when he said there was a problem with airplanes among other warnings of 9/11. The GOP is totally incompetent greedy idiots. The French and the UN inspectors
No one expected the Taliban to take over the country totally in 11 days with no resistance so blaming Biden is ridiculous. Just shows how dumb it was to stay there all this time. I hope the Taliban learned something and so did Afghanistan from all the nation building which bush said he would never do. Trump was the one who negotiated 5,000 terrorists being released from prison, negotiated directly with the Taliban and cut out the Afghanistan government, and promised all Americans would leave. The French were always right lol. were right there were no weapons of mass destruction. Etc etc. The Vietnamese and the afghanistanis are the worst people in the world to try a nation build with.

Nation building is for fools.. You can't go in and change religion, heritage and tradition because you think the only way is the American way.

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