What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?

You sound so. What's your real nationality?

Sound so......what?

What's a "real"nationality?

Okay - you are an US-American. You sound so.

You don't pick up nuance too well, do you?

You make and endless war of words on no reason to do so. That's typical for US-Americans. It's a "winner-loser" game. Winners are good - losers are bad. In other cultures people speak for example with each other on reason of joy or curiosity.

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I'm a stranger and not a member of your culture.

I'm actually not that far away from you, we're both members of the EU collective 'culture' (just click on my location to the left)

Oh, and if you want to know, the mindless creature is from the Brexit homeland and a big fan of BoJo...

I'm a stranger and not a member of your culture.

I'm actually not that far away from you, we're both members of the EU collective 'culture'

The EU is not a culture. The worst joke the EU made was in the last time, that the European citizens elected Manfred Weber - in an election where many people in Europe tried to change something. It was the first time in 60 years that a German was elected - but Macron made Ursula von der Leyen to the president of the commision. A German too - but not comparable at all. I hate this very much.

(just click on my location to the left)

Oh, and if you want to know, the mindless creature is from the Brexit homeland and a big fan of BoJo...


The Brits make something what's bad for their own country and what's bad for the EU. No idea why they are doing this. The problem for Germany is in this context that companies who trusted most in GB and the USA have to suffer now. It's by the way also very strange how Donald Trump tries to define the politics in Great Britain against his self defined enemy European Union. "Don't pay - let pay" is his slogan. That's why he's rich I guess. And the stupid Brit Boris answers who bets against Great Britain will lose everything - whatever this means. In the moment Donald Trump tries to attack Sweden, I heard. He's really an idiot.
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What means your answer "funny" when I sajd "I am a stranger and not a member of your culture"?

You're German, I'm Dutch....

That's the same. I'm a Highlander, Netherlander. Best greetings to Arnold Janssen by the way. Indirectly a very important man in my life - although he's dead since a very long time and I never met him.

there's not that much of a difference in culture... certainly not compared to the murican empire...


What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I'd like him to suck our defense fund dry for his pissant wall so we could do nothing-

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