What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we shoud erase all US-Americasn within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortiatlly some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians - are very poiite and friendly people. Bad luck.

Learn to speak English

No. If this means someone has to think like you then English is a stupidifying danger.

and use spell check because your posts are almost unreadable. Nicht wahr?

You live in another time spectrum - that's your problem. Read slower - think more.

Stupidifying is NOT a word. Try again.

I learned some German in college and was amazed at the similarities with English. You should try learning English.
if you don't know what and how blockades work, then educate yourself. The OP asked what we would like to see the President do. That is what I would like to see done.

So you want something done but you don't know what the consequences will be....
Educating you about it is not on the agenda today or ever.

I think educating yourself is more important... but I guess that's not on the agenda either


I gave you the consequences. Please stop replying when you clearly are following an agenda and not any kind of real thought process.
Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

Yes, but the empire is exceptional and a force for good... so it's useless to complain about silly things like international law, souvereignity, hypocrisy...

Oh, and don't worry about the peasants in the homeland, it really doesn't matter what they want or think... that's why they have the deep state instead.... (just like we do in the collective)...

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

Deep convoluted thinking.
I gave you the consequences.

No you didn't, you only admitted that you're clueless about the consequences
Please stop replying when you clearly are following an agenda and not any kind of real thought process.

What agenda would that be, worrying about WWIII?

So, in your mind, the Iranian people overthrowing their oppressive government is the equivalent of WWIII?

The world WILL be a better place when Iran's leadership is no longer making decisions, on anything, ever.

However, since pathetic anti-American agenda followers would whine like whipped little bitches if the US dropped bombs and/or put boots on the ground, then it is a requirement that the people of Iran do this. Since people who are oppressed, throughout history, only throw off the yokes of their oppressors when life becomes so intolerable that the risk of civil war is less a threat to life than the current status quo, then we can affect change without firing a single shot.

I know you'll now get all squeamish about this, but frankly, I don't care.

As I said, the OP asked what I would like to see done to change the current issue.

This is what I would like to see done.

You WILL NOW be ignored throughout the rest of this thread.
What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

Leave those people the hell alone.
Them and everybody else.
So, in your mind, the Iranian people overthrowing their oppressive government is the equivalent of WWIII?

No, in my mind, the US navy hijacking a Chinese oil tanker of the coast of Iran might lead to WWIII
The world WILL be a better place when Iran's leadership is no longer making decisions, on anything, ever.

Right, the empire will decide what's best for people in other countries.... that attitude tends to piss people off comrade...
However, since pathetic anti-American agenda followers would whine like whipped little bitches if the US dropped bombs and/or put boots on the ground, then it is a requirement that the people of Iran do this. Since people who are oppressed, throughout history, only throw off the yokes of their oppressors when life becomes so intolerable that the risk of civil war is less a threat to life than the current status quo, then we can affect change without firing a single shot.

Simple question, do you know what the CIA did in Iran in 1953?

I can assure you that the Iranians haven't forgotten
I know you'll now get all squeamish about this, but frankly, I don't care.

As I said, the OP asked what I would like to see done to change the current issue.

This is what I would like to see done.

You WILL NOW be ignored throughout the rest of this thread.

So, no more intelligent discussions?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we shoud erase all US-Americasn within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortiatlly some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians - are very poiite and friendly people. Bad luck.

Learn to speak English

No. If this means someone has to think like you then English is a stupidifying danger.

and use spell check because your posts are almost unreadable. Nicht wahr?

You live in another time spectrum - that's your problem. Read slower - think more.

Stupidifying is NOT a word.

And you understand what I said with this word. So don't try to be more stupid than stupid.

Try again.

What? To learn instead of you?

I learned some German in college

Poor guy. You never read what Mark Twain wrote about the German language

and was amazed at the similarities with English. You should try learning English.

A friend of mine learned some long years ago Maori when he started to study the history of the normal people, who lived in the center of Europe. The reason: Maori is a language far from the own country on the other side of the world. This helps to be more objective.

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Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German". Lots of my people don't think they are Germans, and lots of Germans don't think my people are Germans.

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

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It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?
...Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question...

Oh, oh, you've attracted the attention of the mindless creature...

Whatever you do, don't feed it after midnight

...Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question...

Oh, oh, you've attracted the attention of the mindless creature...

Whatever you do, don't feed it after midnight



I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?

You sound so. What's your real nationality?

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?

You sound so. What's your real nationality?

Sound so......what?

What's a "real"nationality?

You never saw the movie?


Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:

So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?

You sound so. What's your real nationality?

Sound so......what?

What's a "real"nationality?

Okay - you are an US-American. You sound so.
So you are German.

I'm one of the people, who is called from people, who are not Germans, "German".

Deep convoluted thinking.

Deep what? ... Complex and convoluted is a little difference, undear citizen of the confused states of America. It's by the way very astonishing to see how US-Americans don't speak with each other and how they nearly never answer any question.

What makes you think I'm a citizen of the USofA?

You sound so. What's your real nationality?

Sound so......what?

What's a "real"nationality?

Okay - you are an US-American. You sound so.

You don't pick up nuance too well, do you?

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