What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended.

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

You don't understand how the oil market works. If oil goes up for Japan, it goes up here.

Japan? Oil? I guess this problem Germans and Japanese are able to solve together. We could replace oil with hydrogen in most cases => oil price sinks.

But: When the Iran delivers oil, then the oil price sinks too - isn't it?
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I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended.

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

You don't understand how the oil market works. If oil goes up for Japan, it goes up here.

Japan? Oil? I guess this problem Germans and Japanese are able to solve together. We could replace oil with hydrogen in most cases => oil price sinks.

But: When the Iran delivers oil, then the oil price sinks too - isn't it?

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel source. It transfers energy because it takes more energy t make it than it creates.

BTW, ever seen a hydrogen explosion? Want to drive around in a mobile bomb instead of a car or truck?

Maybe you will understand better when you get out of high school.
I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

How about we leave them alone . For once can we stop fucking with the Mid East !
Let them keep funding terrorism?

We funded OBL and Isis, are you saying that would be justification for someone attacking us?

Where do you get these stupid ideas? Do you get a conspiracy nut email every day?

Do you speak with me?
Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof?

Good... maybe that will make people realize that the empire's endless wars have consequences...
The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

Yeah, they really started it all when they signed that JCPOA thingy

Well, actually they started it 1979 when they had the nerve to overthrow their benevolent puppet dictator and nationalize the oil fields...


So holding Americans hostage for 444 days was just fine with you? My God, you are an ignorant POS!
I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy

I hope you didn't teach international law...
You seem to be suffering though
And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

How about we leave them alone . For once can we stop fucking with the Mid East !
Let them keep funding terrorism?

We funded OBL and Isis, are you saying that would be justification for someone attacking us?

Where do you get these stupid ideas? Do you get a conspiracy nut email every day?

Do you speak with me?

Try that again after you learn how to communicate in English please. Your posts are incredibly hard to understand.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

Yeah, that will work!

Re-enter the agreement as was previously agreed upon.

That agreement was a failure, and the bad acting of the Iranian tyrants since prove it.

Trump is doing to the right thing. Avoiding war, but negotiating with Iran to try and convince the Regime to abandon evil. The President doesn't want war, blood is a big expense as another businessman pointed out years ago.

Imagine a world where the Iranian mullahs along with the leaders of the Islamic State and other Islamonazis climb aboard the USS Missouri parked in the Persian Gulf to sign a treaty agreeing to Unconditional Surrender? Wouldn't that be a great day?
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?
I hope you didn't teach international law...
You seem to be suffering though
And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

You don't understand how the oil market works. If oil goes up for Japan, it goes up here.

Japan? Oil? I guess this problem Germans and Japanese are able to solve together. We could replace oil with hydrogen in most cases => oil price sinks.

But: When the Iran delivers oil, then the oil price sinks too - isn't it?

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel source.

Sure it is.

It transfers energy because it takes more energy t make it than it creates.

BTW, ever seen a hydrogen explosion?

Sure I saw.

Want to drive around in a mobile bomb instead of a car or truck?

Not any problem. Study modern technology. German submarines are using for example fuel cells.

Maybe you will understand better when you get out of high school.

Let me say it this way now: You sound as if you never had visited a Kindergarten. So why is the politics of the USA interested to keep the oil price high? Is Saudi Arabia this Borg Queen in the white house?
Re-enter the agreement as was previously agreed upon.

That agreement was a failure, and the bad acting of the Iranian tyrants since prove it.

Trump is doing to the right thing. Avoiding war, but negotiating with Iran to try and convince the Regime to abandon evil. The President doesn't want war, blood is a big expense as another businessman pointed out years ago.

Imagine a world where the Iranian mullahs along with the leaders of the Islamic State and other Islamonazis climb aboard the USS Missouri parked in the Persian Gulf to sign a treaty agreeing to Unconditional Surrender? Wouldn't that be a great day?

Since the USS Missouri is a museum in Pearl Harbor, WTF are you talking about?
Will you say that when gasoline and heating oil prices go through the roof? The only warmongering going on is by Iran.

The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

You don't understand how the oil market works. If oil goes up for Japan, it goes up here.

Japan? Oil? I guess this problem Germans and Japanese are able to solve together. We could replace oil with hydrogen in most cases => oil price sinks.

But: When the Iran delivers oil, then the oil price sinks too - isn't it?

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel source.

Sure it is.

It transfers energy because it takes more energy t make it than it creates.

BTW, ever seen a hydrogen explosion?

Sure I saw.

Want to drive around in a mobile bomb instead of a car or truck?

Bot any problem. Study modern technology. German submatine are using for example fuel cells.

Maybe you will understand better when you get out of high school.

Let me say it this way now: You sound as if you never had visited a Kindergarten.

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel. It does not occur naturally except in combination with other elements. You must have an oxidizer to make it work. To create hydrogen for use as a fuel, you must expend more energy, such as electricity to make it work. Where does the energy to create that electricity come from?
Re-enter the agreement as was previously agreed upon.

That agreement was a failure, and the bad acting of the Iranian tyrants since prove it.

Trump is doing to the right thing. Avoiding war, but negotiating with Iran to try and convince the Regime to abandon evil. The President doesn't want war, blood is a big expense as another businessman pointed out years ago.

Imagine a world where the Iranian mullahs along with the leaders of the Islamic State and other Islamonazis climb aboard the USS Missouri parked in the Persian Gulf to sign a treaty agreeing to Unconditional Surrender? Wouldn't that be a great day?

Since the USS Missouri is a museum in Pearl Harbor, WTF are you talking about?

I've never been to Hawaii, so I didn't realize this.

I would hope the Navy would get the ship back in shape, so it could be used in the future for its role as the site for unconditional surrender documents to be signed.
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

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Re-enter the agreement as was previously agreed upon.

That agreement was a failure, and the bad acting of the Iranian tyrants since prove it.

Trump is doing to the right thing. Avoiding war, but negotiating with Iran to try and convince the Regime to abandon evil. The President doesn't want war, blood is a big expense as another businessman pointed out years ago.

Imagine a world where the Iranian mullahs along with the leaders of the Islamic State and other Islamonazis climb aboard the USS Missouri parked in the Persian Gulf to sign a treaty agreeing to Unconditional Surrender? Wouldn't that be a great day?

Since the USS Missouri is a museum in Pearl Harbor, WTF are you talking about?

I've never been to Hawaii, so I didn't realize this.

I would hope the Navy would get the ship back in shape, so it could be used in the future for its role as the site for unconditional surrender documents to be signed.

The battleships were all decommissioned in the 1990s, which will soon be almost 30 years ago. The Wisconsin is in Norfolk, VA, the New Jersey is in New Jersey, and the Iowa is in California.
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we shoud erase all US-Americasn within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortiatlly some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians - are very poiite and friendly people. Bad luck.

Learn to speak English and use spell check because your posts are almost unreadable. Nicht wahr?
The USA swims in fluid gas. So normally the prices should go down in the USA. That's why Trump - the president of some superrich US-Americans - likes to sell it in Europe. And this, in turn, is why Trump attacks Germany like crazy, because of the Russian natural gas. Indeed changes the pipeline from Russia to Germany nothing. Europe always sold natural gas from the Russians - also during times of the cold war. The new pipeline minimizes only the influence and risk of the transport of natural gas through some East-European states. So what about to sell your own gas more cheaper to the own people instead to attack other nations? Or do we live today in times of a socialist welfare state USA for superrich idiots?

And to make somehing clear in context of so called "bad deals". As long as a deal exists someone has to lose something. So the normal way is to modify a bad deal step by step again and again so slowly a better situation grows. This needs often decades and a constant politics. To cancel TTIP, to cancel the INF Treaty or the Iran agreement and so on was a seldom stupid politics of the USA. In such questions also a majority of the opposition parties should agree, because such things need a long time. The quality "to be a military and economical superpower, who is always able to do everything it likes to do" is not able to replace the quality "reliability".

You don't understand how the oil market works. If oil goes up for Japan, it goes up here.

Japan? Oil? I guess this problem Germans and Japanese are able to solve together. We could replace oil with hydrogen in most cases => oil price sinks.

But: When the Iran delivers oil, then the oil price sinks too - isn't it?

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel source.

Sure it is.

It transfers energy because it takes more energy t make it than it creates.

BTW, ever seen a hydrogen explosion?

Sure I saw.

Want to drive around in a mobile bomb instead of a car or truck?

Bot any problem. Study modern technology. German submatine are using for example fuel cells.

Maybe you will understand better when you get out of high school.

Let me say it this way now: You sound as if you never had visited a Kindergarten.

Hydrogen is NOT a fuel.

What's wrong.

It does not occur naturally except in combination with other elements. You must have an oxidizer to make it work. To create hydrogen for use as a fuel, you must expend more energy, such as electricity to make it work.

Exactly. You can use alternative energies - and produce hydrogen. Then you can use aftwrads hydrogen as a fuel without to have ot produce CO2.

Such things knows normally everyone.

Where does the energy to create that electricity come from?

Good grief.
if you don't know what and how blockades work, then educate yourself. The OP asked what we would like to see the President do. That is what I would like to see done.

So you want something done but you don't know what the consequences will be....
Educating you about it is not on the agenda today or ever.

I think educating yourself is more important... but I guess that's not on the agenda either


Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we shoud erase all US-Americasn within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortiatlly some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians - are very poiite and friendly people. Bad luck.

Learn to speak English

No. If this means someone has to think like you then English is a stupidifying danger.

and use spell check because your posts are almost unreadable. Nicht wahr?

You live in another time spectrum - that's your problem. Read slower - think more.
Blockade Iran and then address the people if Iran with a simple statement.

Bring the heads of the religious leaders to a port of our naming and a plan to rebuild your country in the likeness of the rest of the FREE world. We will then speak on your behalf to the U.N. on humanitarian aid and help to rebuild your country.

How would this blockade work exactly, for example, what happens when a Chinese oil tanker ignores the orange warnings because they think it doesn't apply to them?


Somehow a funny situation. From an US-American point of view it seems the whole world (except the USA - without the other people of the USA) has to go in the underground, because the real world (= the USA and only the USA or only the own people of the great USA) - likes to define the life in all countries of the world. But on the other side more and more US-Americans live in their own ghettos and lose the ability to communicate with each other.

It is obvious from your poor English language skills that you are not an American. Why are your trolling here?

I am a German and I ask now myselve whether we should erase all US-Americans within 1o seonds from this planet. Unfortunatlely some of your people - specially under Latinos and Blacks and Red Indians but also some of the white Europeans there - are very polite and friendly people. Bad luck.

If you are a German, you shouldn't be talking about erasing people.

Why? Do you think, I would really do so? :lol:
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