What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

Why should we listen to anything you post?

To broaden your horizons, get an alternative point of view... but I wouldn't dream of forcing you comrade, that's why god invented the scroll wheel...
Your posts are written on about a third grade level, and that is being generous.

You apparently do not know the definitions of common words, and your spelling sucks!

I thought you were an admiral, not a school teacher...
There is no such thing as an illegal invasion because there is no such thing as a legal invasion.

That's where you're wrong, it legal when it's authorized by the UN... like the first liberation of the Iraqi oil fields...
You need to go back to playing in traffic and leave the discussion to the adults.

Oh, come on, this place would be awfully boring if it was only populated by 'adults' like you

Now, instead of punishing your brain to come up with pathetic insults why don't you try to find a good excuse for the illegal invasion of Syria by the empire...

I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
Ahhh. Kind of like a Game of Thrones thing with flags and sigils?
Why should we listen to anything you post?

To broaden your horizons, get an alternative point of view... but I wouldn't dream of forcing you comrade, that's why god invented the scroll wheel...
Your posts are written on about a third grade level, and that is being generous.

You apparently do not know the definitions of common words, and your spelling sucks!

I thought you were an admiral, not a school teacher...
There is no such thing as an illegal invasion because there is no such thing as a legal invasion.

That's where you're wrong, it legal when it's authorized by the UN... like the first liberation of the Iraqi oil fields...
You need to go back to playing in traffic and leave the discussion to the adults.

Oh, come on, this place would be awfully boring if it was only populated by 'adults' like you

Now, instead of punishing your brain to come up with pathetic insults why don't you try to find a good excuse for the illegal invasion of Syria by the empire...


I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended. I do not suffer fools, and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.
I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended.

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.

I ask only when the USA will start the war against the Iran, which Trump prepares since he is president of the USA, in the hope to be reelected when in war. Another question could be: Is Trump the Borg-Queen of the USA - or is he only a leading drone? USA, Saudi Arbia and Israel against the Iran and the peace of the world. Has the rest of the world any chance not to be assimilated? To be continued. Next week: "Nuclear bombs on the Iran and the reactions of Russia, Pakistan, India and China". Will "the Christians" (USA), "the Muslims" (Saudi Arabia) and "the Jews" (Israel) win under their greatest of all great leaders Donaldo Trumpo, the emperor of all nations, the sun of the suns , the center of the universe ...?

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I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
I said in another thread he needs to bomb every electricity plant, every dam, every bridge, every Road, every Port of Entry, every shipping port, and if you destroy all of those things 100% the country will cease to operate. It will grind to a halt.

Only to make this clear: To be member of terroristic organisation is a crime. What about to hang all terrorists who like to bomb electricity plants, dams, bridges, roads, ports and so on until the first US-Muezzin in the Washington monument will crie "allahu akbar" (="God is greater") and the hanging stops?
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I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended.

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Illegal invasion? DOES NOT EXIST!

There is no such thing as a legal invasion, so there cannot be an illegal invasion. Why are you such a dumbass?
Illegal invasion? DOES NOT EXIST!

There is no such thing as a legal invasion, so there cannot be an illegal invasion. Why are you such a dumbass?

It's a scary thought that you were paid for 21 years to teach....

Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

Illegal invasion? DOES NOT EXIST!

There is no such thing as a legal invasion, so there cannot be an illegal invasion. Why are you such a dumbass?

It's a scary thought that you were paid for 21 years to teach....

Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter. In an interview with the BBC World Service broadcast last night, he was asked outright if the war was illegal. He replied: "Yes, if you wish."

Iraq war was illegal and breached UN charter, says Annan

The UN does not determine what is legal or illegal. Learn about the real world. Name me one thing the UN has ever done right.

Btw, fuck you very much, asshole!
Start talks leading to a non-aggression and mutual support treaty.

Iran does not want any such thing for the past 40 years. Talking to a wall does no good.

Iran understands we are being hypocrites when we start talking "non-aggression".

Really? Who was been the aggressor since 1979?


LOL, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, El Salvador, Lebanon, Grenada,Honduras, etc. That would be us.

There is not a more violent nation in the world than the U.S.
The UN does not determine what is legal or illegal.

According the UN charter it does... and the empire is a founding member of the UN..
Learn about the real world. Name me one thing the UN has ever done right.

The UN can't do much right since the empire has a veto..

But if international law is worthless in the 'real' world why are you complaining about Iran hijacking tankers or shooting down drones?
Btw, fuck you very much, asshole!

Thanks, but I don't think you're my type

I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
Ahhh. Kind of like a Game of Thrones thing with flags and sigils?
More like North Korea.
I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
Ahhh. Kind of like a Game of Thrones thing with flags and sigils?
More like North Korea.
It does sound like something King Joffrey would come up with and Joffrey had many qualities in common with Trump and Kim.

Yeah, I can see it.

If only we lived in Westeros.
I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
Ahhh. Kind of like a Game of Thrones thing with flags and sigils?
More like North Korea.
It does sound like something King Joffrey would come up with and Joffrey had many qualities in common with Trump and Kim.

Yeah, I can see it.

If only we lived in Westeros.

Anathema is sort of a mix of Stalin, Kim Jong-Un, and Pee-wee Herman.
I was a teacher for 21 years after my Navy career ended.

I hope you didn't teach international law...
I do not suffer fools...

You seem to be suffering though
..and you have yet to prove that you are not above the garden variety example.

And you have yet to prove that the empire didn't illegally invade Syria

But this is supposed to be about Iran and what individual 1 should do.. I think he should fire Pompeo and Bolton, forget about the warmongering and focus on murica first...


Illegal invasion? DOES NOT EXIST!

There is no such thing as a legal invasion, so there cannot be an illegal invasion. Why are you such a dumbass?

The allied invasion of Europe - operation Overlord - which started in 6.6.1944 was illegal? Not really, isn't it? The last war of the USA against the Iraq -under the totally wrong doctrine "preemptive strike" - was illegal. A war against the Iran is more a kind of world war - for sure a destabalization of the current political structures worldwide - not only in the Middle East - because Russia, India (Pakistan) and China are not able to accept a state US-Iran. In combination with the stupid politics of Donald Duck in context with intermediate range nuclear forces Trump destabalizes not only the peace in Europe too - it looks like he prepares a nuclear war.

Oh by the way: Donald Trump makes even mistakes, when he speaks about the history, which had happened during his own life. Either he was in his life not very interested in politics - so he did not notice what was really going on all around him - or perhaps a psychiatrist should take a look at him. His fantasies are not real.


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