What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

Sanctions are working, keep them up.

The Iranians shot down a beautiful drone, they're executing CIA spies, the Brits are having their oil tankers hijacked...

What's your definition of 'working' exactly?


No, they are executing Iranians accused of spying. They shot down a drone with no loss of life. We have taken down two or three of theirs. The Brits are dealing with Iran on their tanker issues.

Next deflection please!

That's what I would like the President to do!

GOD BLESS President Trump!
Do you realize that the only troops we had in Syria were in areas controlled by ISIS, so they really were not even "IN" Syria?

Do you realize that murican crusaders are still in Syria and that psychopathic jihadis running around in the desert doesn't mean the desert isn't part of Syria anymore...

Do you realize that the only troops we had in Syria were in areas controlled by ISIS, so they really were not even "IN" Syria?

Do you realize that murican crusaders are still in Syria and that psychopathic jihadis running around in the desert doesn't mean the desert isn't part of Syria anymore...


Wrong again, buffalo breath!

I work for the US Army. My daughter just returned from a deployment there. You are fucking clueless!
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.

If you have an agreement with country X regarding their _________, the terms of the agreement are actionable. Meaning that if the terms are for third country inspections of their nuke plants, you (at the very least) have someone going to the nuke plant to see what they are up to. When you back out of the agreement, you don’t have those inspections taking place. So it was patently stupid to have backed out of the deal to start with.

As far as what to do next; nothing in Iran is worth a drop of American blood. He’s doing the right thing as far as not intervening. Sort of like the kid who takes his old man’s car out for a joy ride and parks it in the lake but dives back in to salvage the little hula dancer that was affixed to the dashboard.

No one was inspecting the Iranian nuke facilities, dumbass! Their military facilities were off limits to inspectors.

Simply not true. You’re either woefully misinformed or lying.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia
Mass murdering millions of innocent Iranians is immoral and heinous.

Then maybe those citizens need to make sure their Government and it’s associates aren’t sticking their noses in America’s interests.

Realize that I’m not talking about US foreign interests, since I don’t believe there should be any. I’m saying that on September 12, 2001 we should have lit the capitals and Government centers of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan up like the 4th of July on steroids.
Mass murdering millions of innocent Iranians is immoral and heinous.

Then maybe those citizens need to make sure their Government and it’s associates aren’t sticking their noses in America’s interests.

Realize that I’m not talking about US foreign interests, since I don’t believe there should be any. I’m saying that on September 12, 2001 we should have lit the capitals and Government centers of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan up like the 4th of July on steroids.
What interests of average Americans is the Iranian government negatively affecting?

Again killing innocent people is Un-American. It is a war crime. Why are you so blood thirsty?
What interests of average Americans is the Iranian government negatively affecting?

Again killing innocent people is Un-American. It is a war crime. Why are you so blood thirsty?

Go back to my first post in this thread. The one where I say thst I don’t want Trump doing anything to Iran right now but IF/WHEN Iran (or anyone else) does involve themselves with American interests (which exist solely inside the US), their country needs to cease to exist.

I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.

If you have an agreement with country X regarding their _________, the terms of the agreement are actionable. Meaning that if the terms are for third country inspections of their nuke plants, you (at the very least) have someone going to the nuke plant to see what they are up to. When you back out of the agreement, you don’t have those inspections taking place. So it was patently stupid to have backed out of the deal to start with.

As far as what to do next; nothing in Iran is worth a drop of American blood. He’s doing the right thing as far as not intervening. Sort of like the kid who takes his old man’s car out for a joy ride and parks it in the lake but dives back in to salvage the little hula dancer that was affixed to the dashboard.

No one was inspecting the Iranian nuke facilities, dumbass! Their military facilities were off limits to inspectors.

Simply not true. You’re either woefully misinformed or lying.

Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Wikipedia

Wiki as a source? You probably wrote it!

I suspect you of running a meth lab out of your garage, but I have to give you 24 days notice that I am going to inspect your garage in advance. What is to prevent you from simply moving your facilities somewhere else?

"The Obama administration assures Americans that the Iran deal grants access within 24 days to undeclared but suspected Iranian nuclear sites. But that’s hardly how a recalcitrant Iran is likely to interpret the deal. A close examination of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action released by the Obama administration reveals that its terms permit Iran to hold inspectors at bay for months, likely three or more.The Obama administration assures Americans that the Iran deal grants access within 24 days to undeclared but suspected Iranian nuclear sites. But that’s hardly how a recalcitrant Iran is likely to interpret the deal. A close examination of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action released by the Obama administration reveals that its terms permit Iran to hold inspectors at bay for months, likely three or more."

Iran Inspections in 24 Days? Not Even Close

So, what is it that you were claiming? Tuck tail and run away little one! Nobody likes stale Halloween candy anyway!
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Wrong again, buffalo breath!

Nearly 1,000 U.S. troops still in Syria months after last ISIS-held territory was liberated
I work for the US Army.
Yeah, I already got that

Want me to thank you for your 'service'?
You are fucking clueless!

Why, because I'm not a warmongering nutjob wanting to liberate the oppressed Iranian oil fields?



Once again, that is areas liberated from ISIS. Syria hasn't "owned" this territory in years or they would be there now. The fact they are not there just shows they do not control hat you call "Syria".
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Iran will never live by any agreement under any living moo lala. I am calling for Trump do do what Ronnie Ray Gun did, only don't stop that soon. Start bombing and don't stop till they beg for mercy.
Once again, that is areas liberated from ISIS. Syria hasn't "owned" this territory in years or they would be there now. The fact they are not there just shows they do not control hat you call "Syria".

Once again, if the area is liberated from ISIS wtf are murican crusaders still doing there?

Oh, and the reason the Syrian army can't take that area back is because the 'liberators' threaten to bomb them if they do so

Send AOC and her squat over there to negotiate. After 2 days the Ayatollah will probably kill himself, just to get out of there. With the religious radical out of the way, I'm sure we could come to an agreement with the good people of Iran. We could schedule a big wrestling match to celebrate our new partnership. Iran loves wrestling even more than Chairman Kim loves basketball. Viva Trump.
Once again, that is areas liberated from ISIS. Syria hasn't "owned" this territory in years or they would be there now. The fact they are not there just shows they do not control hat you call "Syria".

Once again, if the area is liberated from ISIS wtf are murican crusaders still doing there?

Oh, and the reason the Syrian army can't take that area back is because the 'liberators' threaten to bomb them if they do so


No, the Syrians want to take back that area and kill off the Kurds while they are at it. Why can't you be honest for once in your miserable existence?
What interests of average Americans is the Iranian government negatively affecting?

Again killing innocent people is Un-American. It is a war crime. Why are you so blood thirsty?

Go back to my first post in this thread. The one where I say thst I don’t want Trump doing anything to Iran right now but IF/WHEN Iran (or anyone else) does involve themselves with American interests (which exist solely inside the US), their country needs to cease to exist.

I’m an Isolationist. I want all American foreign entanglements cut off immediately and permanently. I’m a strong believer in the concept of Fortress America. However, I also believe every US military unit needs to fly a solid red banner with their colors. For those unaware, the meaning of that emblem is “No Quarter”.. you attack us and we will wipe you off the face of the planet.
So, if Iran involves itself in American interests, you want our government to mass murder murder millions of innocent Iranian women and children.

You haven’t defined American interests. I guess you will leave that up to our criminal government to determine.

Are you crazy?
No, the Syrians want to take back that area and kill off the Kurds while they are at it.

Ah, so it isn't about ISIS, it's 'protecting' the Kurds now

And who exactly authorized the invasion of Syria to protect the Kurds?

(Not that the Kurds need protection from Assad, the only one who threatens them is the nutty sultan)
Why can't you be honest for once in your miserable existence?

Funny, I was about to ask you the same question

No, the Syrians want to take back that area and kill off the Kurds while they are at it.

Ah, so it isn't about ISIS, it's 'protecting' the Kurds now

And who exactly authorized the invasion of Syria to protect the Kurds?

(Not that the Kurds need protection from Assad, the only one who threatens them is the nutty sultan)
Why can't you be honest for once in your miserable existence?

Funny, I was about to ask you the same question


All you have done in every post is lie, lie, lie, and then deflect to some other lie!
All you have done in every post is lie, lie, lie, and then deflect to some other lie!

Really, so the murican invasion of Syria is a lie while you can't even come up with a credible excuse for the murican crusaders occupying the oil fields?

You're a bit pathetic comrade, it's ok to be a warmongering neocon but don't be so hypocritical about it...


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