What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
I said in another thread he needs to bomb every electricity plant, every dam, every bridge, every Road, every Port of Entry, every shipping port, and if you destroy all of those things 100% the country will cease to operate. It will grind to a halt.

Exactly how would you do that since that would take a larger percentage of our air capabilities in order to pull that off? Oh, and you don't think Iran's proxies wouldn't fight back with terrorist attacks all over the world?
Who said it's going to work all of a sudden?

Individual 1 and his deplorable admirers of course
The mullahs' best hope is for useful idiots like you to get back in power and play nice in the expectation that they will too. How did that work with NK?

Eh, idiots like me have never been in power in the empire comrade

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.

If you have an agreement with country X regarding their _________, the terms of the agreement are actionable. Meaning that if the terms are for third country inspections of their nuke plants, you (at the very least) have someone going to the nuke plant to see what they are up to. When you back out of the agreement, you don’t have those inspections taking place. So it was patently stupid to have backed out of the deal to start with.

As far as what to do next; nothing in Iran is worth a drop of American blood. He’s doing the right thing as far as not intervening. Sort of like the kid who takes his old man’s car out for a joy ride and parks it in the lake but dives back in to salvage the little hula dancer that was affixed to the dashboard.

No one was inspecting the Iranian nuke facilities, dumbass! Their military facilities were off limits to inspectors.
Do you believe in trade with other nations? What if another country interferes with that trade? Should we have a Navy, or just wait until we are physically invaded?

I don’t believe in international communications or diplomacy never mind trade.

We should secure our territorial waters and airspace but nothing beyond that.
What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

Move there! Then attack.
Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem first, or die.
What the hell is in it for them to do that?
If we nuke them or use our overwhelming might to destroy them, they do the same to us. It's the same mutually assured destruction that is referenced between the USA and Russia just on a different scale.

PS. North Korea already has nukes, the missile that they show on the fake news all the time means nothing
They haven't the capability.

You neocon bedwetters really need to cool your jets.
Wrong as millions of tons of contraband enter the USA yearly..... Along with millions of illegal people.

PS so does Russia have this capability?
How come this is never mentioned?
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
What Trump is doing is far better than what Girly Man Obama did when he got on his Knees and Sucked Ayatollah Cock.,..and then paid them Billions for the pleasure of sucking them off.
No one was inspecting the Iranian nuke facilities, dumbass! Their military facilities were off limits to inspectors.

In case you're wondering why you got a funny

Iran doesn't have any military nuke facilities..


So that is why the agreement specifically prevents inspection of military facilities? You are dumber than a box of rocks!
Here is what I would do with Iran:

"Iran. You are free to do whatever the fuck you want. We are lifting all sanctions and letting you live as you see fit. But a word of dead-fucking-serious caution: Don't fuck with us in any way, or we will bomb you FORWARD into the stone ages. Deal?"

And if they do ONE GODDAMN THING to fuck with the U.S., murder those motherfuckers indiscriminately. Take over that country and sell it to the surrounding countries for a profit.


Socialist actually, a real one, not the fake Bernie version...

democrats are a Stalinist party - you are just run of the mill.

You're not familiar with BoJo, are you?


He stands up to the Muzzie Beasts.

Nah, Obama is palling around with his $billionaire buddies and Kerry is... well, nobody cares...

But why would they need saving, you think something is going to happen to them?


The Mullahs are collapsing under the pressure of Trump's sanctions. Both Obama and Kerry have been "advising" the Iranian Dictatorship, in fact Obamugabe told them that he was still the ruler of America. Must mean the Potentate is still pulling the strings of the deep state traitors in our government.
Like all other foreign entanglements, I want the US out of the Iran situation completely. Simply remind them that interference in US matters will make Tehran glow in the dark for the next 50 years and move on.
Mass murdering millions of innocent Iranians is immoral and heinous.
..Does your stupid ass know what an invasion is?

Yes, troops entering a foreign country without an invitation
Throwing in a couple of troops for a brief amount of time is not an invasion you stupid ignorant piece of shit

Eh, murican crusaders have been there for years now and they show no signs of leaving

But just for fun, how long do you have to occupy (part of) another country before it becomes an invasion?


Do you realize that the only troops we had in Syria were in areas controlled by ISIS, so they really were not even "IN" Syria?

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