What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How many plane loads of cash should we send with the apology?
I said in another thread he needs to bomb every electricity plant, every dam, every bridge, every Road, every Port of Entry, every shipping port, and if you destroy all of those things 100% the country will cease to operate. It will grind to a halt.
I'd start more slowly, allowing them time to back down.

Id start by sinking their naval attack vessels.

Then I'd make a speech telling everyone that what you proposed is next.. I'd call it "Operation ShitHammer" just to make sure everyone gets the point.

That too would be in steps.

Air dominance followed by systematically destroying their military, then their WMD facilities, then onto infrastructure.
All you have done in every post is lie, lie, lie, and then deflect to some other lie!

Really, so the murican invasion of Syria is a lie while you can't even come up with a credible excuse for the murican crusaders occupying the oil fields?

You're a bit pathetic comrade, it's ok to be a warmongering neocon but don't be so hypocritical about it...


Tell that to the Syrians and Russians who were killed trying to attack US and SDF forces after they destroyed ISIS.

You really do not understand any of this, do you?
All you have done in every post is lie, lie, lie, and then deflect to some other lie!

Really, so the murican invasion of Syria is a lie while you can't even come up with a credible excuse for the murican crusaders occupying the oil fields?

You're a bit pathetic comrade, it's ok to be a warmongering neocon but don't be so hypocritical about it...


Tell that to the Syrians and Russians who were killed trying to attack US and SDF forces after they destroyed ISIS.

You really do not understand any of this, do you?

I am getting confused too, admiral
Tell that to the Syrians and Russians who were killed trying to attack US and SDF forces after they destroyed ISIS.

You really do not understand any of this, do you?

What you really don't seem to understand is that Syria is a souvereign country and Assad invited the Russians in to help him defeat ISIS... the empire didn't get an invitation so the murican crusaders are there illegally... and that's also known as an invasion...

It's really as simple as that

Now, as I said, if you want to illegally invade foreign countries that's ok, just don't be such a hypocrite about it..

So, if Iran involves itself in American interests, you want our government to mass murder murder millions of innocent Iranian women and children.

You haven’t defined American interests. I guess you will leave that up to our criminal government to determine.

Are you crazy?

Again, I’m an Isolationist. I believe in ZERO contact if any type between this nation and our citizens and any foreign individual, company, Government, etc... No trade. No diplomacy. No communications. Is that sufficiently clear?

Under that paradigm, any attempt by a foreign Government or any of its citizens to involve themselves in any way with this nation would be an Act of War.

Clear enough now?
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How many plane loads of cash should we send with the apology?
As far as I know we aren't holding any of their cash anymore.
So, if Iran involves itself in American interests, you want our government to mass murder murder millions of innocent Iranian women and children.

You haven’t defined American interests. I guess you will leave that up to our criminal government to determine.

Are you crazy?

Again, I’m an Isolationist. I believe in ZERO contact if any type between this nation and our citizens and any foreign individual, company, Government, etc... No trade. No diplomacy. No communications. Is that sufficiently clear?

Under that paradigm, any attempt by a foreign Government or any of its citizens to involve themselves in any way with this nation would be an Act of War.

Clear enough now?

Our government is constantly involving itself in the affairs of other nations. It has committed numerous heinous infractions against foreign nations. As such, according to you, these are Acts of War. Thus following your policy, those nations have every right to mass murder Americans.
I said in another thread he needs to bomb every electricity plant, every dam, every bridge, every Road, every Port of Entry, every shipping port, and if you destroy all of those things 100% the country will cease to operate. It will grind to a halt.
I'd start more slowly, allowing them time to back down.

Id start by sinking their naval attack vessels.

Then I'd make a speech telling everyone that what you proposed is next.. I'd call it "Operation ShitHammer" just to make sure everyone gets the point.

That too would be in steps.

Air dominance followed by systematically destroying their military, then their WMD facilities, then onto infrastructure.

Normally I might agree, but we have been waiting for them to straighten up since 1979. The wait is over. Destroy them, totally and utterly..
I said in another thread he needs to bomb every electricity plant, every dam, every bridge, every Road, every Port of Entry, every shipping port, and if you destroy all of those things 100% the country will cease to operate. It will grind to a halt.
I'd start more slowly, allowing them time to back down.

Id start by sinking their naval attack vessels.

Then I'd make a speech telling everyone that what you proposed is next.. I'd call it "Operation ShitHammer" just to make sure everyone gets the point.

That too would be in steps.

Air dominance followed by systematically destroying their military, then their WMD facilities, then onto infrastructure.

Normally I might agree, but we have been waiting for them to straighten up since 1979. The wait is over. Destroy them, totally and utterly..
You do it. You go mass murder Iranian women and children.

Have you lost your fukking mind? Rhetorical.
Who said anything about invasion? Who said anything about using nukes?

If Iran attacks a single American troop, then sink their entire navy, wipe out their military bases, and destroy their nuclear sites.

With what?
Seriously? I think the U.S. Navy can take care of it.

You have no clue as to how large Iran is, do you?

One load of Trident missiles would be enough.
Mass murdering millions of innocent Iranians is immoral and heinous.

Then maybe those citizens need to make sure their Government and it’s associates aren’t sticking their noses in America’s interests.

Realize that I’m not talking about US foreign interests, since I don’t believe there should be any. I’m saying that on September 12, 2001 we should have lit the capitals and Government centers of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan up like the 4th of July on steroids.
What interests of average Americans is the Iranian government negatively affecting?

Again killing innocent people is Un-American. It is a war crime. Why are you so blood thirsty?
There is-exactly-one war crime: losing.
There is-exactly-one war crime: losing.
Only when it has been determined that war is justified.

With the exception of the initial action against the Taliban, there has not been a justified war waged by the United States since WW2, and even that war is full of huge question marks and scandal.

Mass murdering millions of innocent Iranians is immoral and heinous.

Then maybe those citizens need to make sure their Government and it’s associates aren’t sticking their noses in America’s interests.

Realize that I’m not talking about US foreign interests, since I don’t believe there should be any. I’m saying that on September 12, 2001 we should have lit the capitals and Government centers of Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan up like the 4th of July on steroids.
What interests of average Americans is the Iranian government negatively affecting?

Again killing innocent people is Un-American. It is a war crime. Why are you so blood thirsty?
There is-exactly-one war crime: losing.
That’s insane.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.

How about we leave them alone . For once can we stop fucking with the Mid East !
Tell that to the Syrians and Russians who were killed trying to attack US and SDF forces after they destroyed ISIS.

You really do not understand any of this, do you?

What you really don't seem to understand is that Syria is a souvereign country and Assad invited the Russians in to help him defeat ISIS... the empire didn't get an invitation so the murican crusaders are there illegally... and that's also known as an invasion...

It's really as simple as that

Now, as I said, if you want to illegally invade foreign countries that's ok, just don't be such a hypocrite about it..


Why should we listen to anything you post? Your posts are written on about a third grade level, and that is being generous.

You apparently do not know the definitions of common words, and your spelling sucks!

There is no such thing as an illegal invasion because there is no such thing as a legal invasion. You need to go back to playing in traffic and leave the discussion to the adults.
Who said anything about invasion? Who said anything about using nukes?

If Iran attacks a single American troop, then sink their entire navy, wipe out their military bases, and destroy their nuclear sites.

With what?
Seriously? I think the U.S. Navy can take care of it.

You have no clue as to how large Iran is, do you?

One load of Trident missiles would be enough.

Why do you want to end all life on Earth? Dumbass!

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