What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

What "spies" have been executed? None, propaganda from Iran (probably incited by Obama)

Iran says it arrested 17 CIA spies, sentenced some to death

Of course, you can believe individual 1 instead if you want but his credibility rating is... a bit low...
The Brits can take care of themselves.

No, they cant... have you seen their new pm?
The Iranian economy has collapsed, the masses are on the verge of revolution. That is working.

Right, the masses have been on the verge of revolution for decades... just like Cuba... any day now...

Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem first, or die.
What the hell is in it for them to do that?
Iran says it arrested 17 CIA spies, sentenced some to death

Of course, you can believe individual 1 instead if you want but his credibility rating is... a bit low...

So then, no one has been executed, you just lied.

Well, you're a democrat.

No, they cant... have you seen their new pm?

Best one they've had since Thatcher.

Right, the masses have been on the verge of revolution for decades... just like Cuba... any day now...


Do you think Obama and Kerry will be able to save the Mullahs?
So then, no one has been executed, you just lied.

Well, you're a democrat.

Socialist actually, a real one, not the fake Bernie version...
Best one they've had since Thatcher.

You're not familiar with BoJo, are you?
Do you think Obama and Kerry will be able to save the Mullahs?

Nah, Obama is palling around with his $billionaire buddies and Kerry is... well, nobody cares...

But why would they need saving, you think something is going to happen to them?

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
All sanctions will do is energize the terrorist and increase their resolve to obtain nukes with the help of our enemies. Iran needs to have their reactor or reactors nuked so all radioactive material is atomized and can not be reused, this includes bunkers used for storing refined nuke fuel. Then every military target needs to be pulverized. This would take 3 hours tops on day 1 and another hour on days 2 and 3. Or, we let NY become a dead zone

If only we had stayed out of MidEastern affairs...
Yea then Iran would have nuked your street long ago...…………..

Great plan u got there
Well, there's no way of knowing that now, is there?

I suspect they would have nuked Iraq and Israel, if anyone. That's assuming they would use a nuke on another nation.

So far, only THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA has been so cruel as to use a nuke on another nation.

Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem first, or die.

You know who else thought one nation after another had to be invaded for the common good?

Adolf Hitler.
I think our President is playing this perfectly. They are slowly being strangled by the economic sanctions. Let their economy collapse. Then the people will rise up and throw the mullahs out.

But if they cause harm to one single American, the phrase "smoldering pile of rubble" comes to mind.
Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem firs
Couldn't we make the same argument for any foreign power and preemptively nuke all of them too?

Do all foreign powers do this

Or this

Iran will make Bin Ladin look like a kitten
I think our President is playing this perfectly. They are slowly being strangled by the economic sanctions. Let their economy collapse. Then the people will rise up and throw the mullahs out.

And yet another one with that weird conviction....

The empire has been sanctioning Iran since 1979... what makes you think it's going to work all of a sudden?

Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem first, or die.
What the hell is in it for them to do that?
If we nuke them or use our overwhelming might to destroy them, they do the same to us. It's the same mutually assured destruction that is referenced between the USA and Russia just on a different scale.

PS. North Korea already has nukes, the missile that they show on the fake news all the time means nothing
I think our President is playing this perfectly. They are slowly being strangled by the economic sanctions. Let their economy collapse. Then the people will rise up and throw the mullahs out.

But if they cause harm to one single American, the phrase "smoldering pile of rubble" comes to mind.
And keep the Plutonium created.

Yea kiddy great plan
Q: What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?
A: Emigrate there.
Actually it's a bit more complicated than that. Iran would have smuggled at least two nuke bombs into the USA, no missile needed, hid both well and told the FBI where to find one. Now once we attack Iran even if we level them NY City or San Fran becomes a nuclear wasteland and the destruction of America becomes the fault of America.

Solution, nukem first, or die.
What the hell is in it for them to do that?
If we nuke them or use our overwhelming might to destroy them, they do the same to us. It's the same mutually assured destruction that is referenced between the USA and Russia just on a different scale.

PS. North Korea already has nukes, the missile that they show on the fake news all the time means nothing
They haven't the capability.

You neocon bedwetters really need to cool your jets.
There shouldn’t be any US shopping, there are no US allies, and there should not be any US presence outside our borders. As an Isolationist I believe we bring these problems on ourselves by involving our nation with the worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen that inhabit the rest of the world.

Do you believe in trade with other nations? What if another country interferes with that trade? Should we have a Navy, or just wait until we are physically invaded?
All this "invasion" talk seems to be deflection rather than projection. We have more than enough capability to control the airspace over Iran and monitor/destroy anything that appears suspicious without putting troops on the ground.
The empire has been sanctioning Iran since 1979... what makes you think it's going to work all of a sudden?

Who said it's going to work all of a sudden? The mullahs' best hope is for useful idiots like you to get back in power and play nice in the expectation that they will too. How did that work with NK?
Who said anything about invasion? Who said anything about using nukes?

If Iran attacks a single American troop, then sink their entire navy, wipe out their military bases, and destroy their nuclear sites.

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