What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

Honor the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear agreement and leave Iran and the ME alone.
Do nothing,
killing up to millions in a standard invasion, and maybe 100's of millions if it caused WW3, just isn't worth a few lousy oil tankers which aren't even ours in the first place.
There will be no WWIII over Iran.

If Russia & China back Iran, which has been a theorized issue for decades,
we'd probably get Russia & China backing up & pushing up their proxies in & around Iran,
Just like in the Vietnam war.
the more likely & better case scenario
worst case scenario of course is that Russia & China bring troops into Iran, sure it's not as likely, but still a possibility.
Not gonna happen.

Russia does not want a piece of the US.

China is not ready for an extended long-range conflict.

Neither of them think Iran is worth risking their own hides, and they lack the logistics and long-range projection to pull it off.

There will be no WWIII over Iran.

Hmm, Russia has already directly invaded Syria close by to Iran, so I don't know where you get this idea that Russia isn't a threat?

Actually, it's possible WW3 already started, and we didn't know it.

They might tell us one day WW3 started in Syria when the USA & Russia both invaded.
Do nothing,
killing up to millions in a standard invasion, and maybe 100's of millions if it caused WW3, just isn't worth a few lousy oil tankers which aren't even ours in the first place.
There will be no WWIII over Iran.

If Russia & China back Iran, which has been a theorized issue for decades,
we'd probably get Russia & China backing up & pushing up their proxies in & around Iran,
Just like in the Vietnam war.
the more likely & better case scenario
worst case scenario of course is that Russia & China bring troops into Iran, sure it's not as likely, but still a possibility.
Not gonna happen.

Russia does not want a piece of the US.

China is not ready for an extended long-range conflict.

Neither of them think Iran is worth risking their own hides, and they lack the logistics and long-range projection to pull it off.

There will be no WWIII over Iran.

Hmm, Russia has already directly invaded Syria close by to Iran, so I don't know where you get this idea that Russia isn't a threat?

Actually, it's possible WW3 already started, and we didn't know it.

They might tell us one day WW3 started in Syria when the USA & Russia both invaded.
I agree. Iran is probably Russia's puppet, at least. That is our generation's Vietnam waiting to happen.

And the duopoly establishment is salivating at the prospects.

...Really? Hmm, Russia has already directly invaded Syria close by to Iran, so I don't know where you get this idea that Russia isn't a threat?...
Russia does not want a conflict with the US. They are not ready for it, beyond their borders.

Their presence in Syria has stretched what little projection-capability they have to its very limits.

Syria is nowhere near Iran, but it is a quick hop-skip-and-a-jump from the Black Sea past Istanbul and out into the nearby eastern Med.

...Actually, it's possible WW3 already started, and we didn't know it...
Rhetorical irrelevancy.

...They might tell us one day WW3 started in Syria when the USA & Russia both invaded.
It's a flea... not to worry.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
All sanctions will do is energize the terrorist and increase their resolve to obtain nukes with the help of our enemies. Iran needs to have their reactor or reactors nuked so all radioactive material is atomized and can not be reused, this includes bunkers used for storing refined nuke fuel. Then every military target needs to be pulverized. This would take 3 hours tops on day 1 and another hour on days 2 and 3. Or, we let NY become a dead zone
...Really? Hmm, Russia has already directly invaded Syria close by to Iran, so I don't know where you get this idea that Russia isn't a threat?...
Russia does not want a conflict with the US. They are not ready for it, beyond their borders.

Their presence in Syria has stretched what little projection-capability they have to its very limits.

Syria is nowhere near Iran, but it is a quick hop-skip-and-a-jump from the Black Sea past Istanbul and out into the nearby eastern Med.

...Actually, it's possible WW3 already started, and we didn't know it...
Rhetorical irrelevancy.

...They might tell us one day WW3 started in Syria when the USA & Russia both invaded.
It's a flea... not to worry.
Yeah. It's just Poland. Who cares, right?

-said everybody in 1939
Like all other foreign entanglements, I want the US out of the Iran situation completely. Simply remind them that interference in US matters will make Tehran glow in the dark for the next 50 years and move on.
...Really? Hmm, Russia has already directly invaded Syria close by to Iran, so I don't know where you get this idea that Russia isn't a threat?...
Russia does not want a conflict with the US. They are not ready for it, beyond their borders.

Their presence in Syria has stretched what little projection-capability they have to its very limits.

Syria is nowhere near Iran, but it is a quick hop-skip-and-a-jump from the Black Sea past Istanbul and out into the nearby eastern Med.

...Actually, it's possible WW3 already started, and we didn't know it...
Rhetorical irrelevancy.

...They might tell us one day WW3 started in Syria when the USA & Russia both invaded.
It's a flea... not to worry.
Yeah. It's just Poland. Who cares, right?

-said everybody in 1939
Silly analogy.
Like all other foreign entanglements, I want the US out of the Iran situation completely. Simply remind them that interference in US matters will make Tehran glow in the dark for the next 50 years and move on.
Seizure of US or Allied shipping IS interference in US matters.

Ditto for the potential threat against US regional bases and US allies once they develop nukes to mount atop their new ICBMs.
Seizure of US or Allied shipping IS interference in US matters.

Ditto for the potential threat against US regional bases and US allies once they develop nukes to mount atop their new ICBMs.

There shouldn’t be any US shopping, there are no US allies, and there should not be any US presence outside our borders. As an Isolationist I believe we bring these problems on ourselves by involving our nation with the worthless wastes of flesh and oxygen that inhabit the rest of the world.
...You must be joking. How many nations has Iran attacked these last fifty years? How many has the US attacked?
How many has Iran attacked? One. Iraq. Sending human suicide waves "over the top" in World War I style. Promising Paradise to their Warriors.

Do you really want that medieval theocracy to have nuclear weapons atop intercontinental ballistic missiles? You've got a screw loose, buddy.

How many has the US attacked? Several. It comes with being World Policeman. Most were righteous shoots. Iraq was not. One, of several.

The difference being, we do not routinely attack for advantage; rather, we routinely wait until attacked. Not so an insane theocracy like Iran.

And just how much more aggressive do you think these jidhadis will be once they have a fleet of regional and intercontinental delivery systems capped with city-buster nuclear weapons? Controlling the Straits of Hormuz and threatening neighbors and our own regional allies, no less.

Nuclear weapons will make them un-touch-able except in extremis, and that cannot be allowed to materialize. Period.

Your conflating of the Iranian theocracy and the preemptive polices of the United States is dangerous to the US in a very dangerous age.

Then again, perhaps that's your intent, eh?... to strip the United States of its will to execute a foreign policy in line with its global interests?

When faced with a viper like Iran, you step on the head of the snake while it is small, before it grows the fangs needed to kill you.

What are you doing... channeling the ghost of Neville Chamberlain? No thank you.

Fortunately, those who think like you in this matter are not in charge, nor are they likely to be in the foreseeable future.


I didn’t bother to read the rest of your post, since it is all suspect.

Stop believing your lying government. A government of the .1% by the .1% and for the .1%.
We did not "invade" Syria you stupid faggot, so shut your dickhole.

If we invade somewhere, you'll know it.

If you didn't invade Syria how did all the murican crusaders get there.... Assad invited them in?
We invaded Italy during World War II. We invaded Normandy Beach in France during World War II. We invaded Incheon in Korea during the Korean War. We invaded Iraq. Does your stupid ass know what an invasion is? Throwing in a couple of troops for a brief amount of time is not an invasion you stupid ignorant piece of shit

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