What would YOU like to see President Trump DO regarding Iran?

I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How do you know they were abiding by the agreement? This is the same nonsense about WMDs we KNEW that Iraq had WMDS then we DIDN'T and ultimately oh look they DID! We don't know and can't know what Iran was or was not doing with nuclear technology. That's the point when you enter an agreement with a state that has zero credibility, why would you assume they would be honorable?
Leave them alone.
And when that nihilistic, anachronistic jihadi -driven theocracy has nuclear weapons atop ICBMs aimed at your home town?
You must be joking. How many nations has Iran attacked these last fifty years?

Via the terrorist orgs they support and fund? Many.

The last time they openly attacked someone they got their ass kicked.
If you are referring to the Iran Iraq War, Iraq attacked Iran.
Leave them alone.
And when that nihilistic, anachronistic jihadi -driven theocracy has nuclear weapons atop ICBMs aimed at your home town?
You must be joking. How many nations has Iran attacked these last fifty years?

Via the terrorist orgs they support and fund? Many.

The last time they openly attacked someone they got their ass kicked.
If you are referring to the Iran Iraq War, Iraq attacked Iran.

Oh well, I'm half right. :auiqs.jpg:
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How do you know they were abiding by the agreement? This is the same nonsense about WMDs we KNEW that Iraq had WMDS then we DIDN'T and ultimately oh look they DID! We don't know and can't know what Iran was or was not doing with nuclear technology. That's the point when you enter an agreement with a state that has zero credibility, why would you assume they would be honorable?
Inspections. We did know they were abiding by the agreement. Stop making excuses for tRump's mistakes.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How do you know they were abiding by the agreement? This is the same nonsense about WMDs we KNEW that Iraq had WMDS then we DIDN'T and ultimately oh look they DID! We don't know and can't know what Iran was or was not doing with nuclear technology. That's the point when you enter an agreement with a state that has zero credibility, why would you assume they would be honorable?
Inspections. We did know they were abiding by the agreement. Stop making excuses for tRump's mistakes.

As I mentioned earlier, military bases were off limits to inspectors.
Re-enter the agreement as was previously agreed upon.
Why? How was that benefiting US? In my opinion, that was an agreement out of appeasement. They were still a threat
If you think Iran is a threat to the American people, you need to think again. They are a threat to the Ruling Class. Why would you support them? You have nothing in common with them.
...You must be joking. How many nations has Iran attacked these last fifty years? How many has the US attacked?
How many has Iran attacked? One. Iraq. Sending human suicide waves "over the top" in World War I style. Promising Paradise to their Warriors.

Do you really want that medieval theocracy to have nuclear weapons atop intercontinental ballistic missiles? You've got a screw loose, buddy.

How many has the US attacked? Several. It comes with being World Policeman. Most were righteous shoots. Iraq was not. One, of several.

The difference being, we do not routinely attack for advantage; rather, we routinely wait until attacked. Not so an insane theocracy like Iran.

And just how much more aggressive do you think these jidhadis will be once they have a fleet of regional and intercontinental delivery systems capped with city-buster nuclear weapons? Controlling the Straits of Hormuz and threatening neighbors and our own regional allies, no less.

Nuclear weapons will make them un-touch-able except in extremis, and that cannot be allowed to materialize. Period.

Your conflating of the Iranian theocracy and the preemptive polices of the United States is dangerous to the US in a very dangerous age.

Then again, perhaps that's your intent, eh?... to strip the United States of its will to execute a foreign policy in line with its global interests?

When faced with a viper like Iran, you step on the head of the snake while it is small, before it grows the fangs needed to kill you.

What are you doing... channeling the ghost of Neville Chamberlain? No thank you.

Fortunately, those who think like you in this matter are not in charge, nor are they likely to be in the foreseeable future.
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Do nothing,
killing up to millions in a standard invasion, and maybe 100's of millions if it caused WW3, just isn't worth a few lousy oil tankers which aren't even ours in the first place.
I think he is doing EXACTLY the right thing by backing them into a corner wherein their only option is to negotiate on OUR terms or else face financial ruin and the threat of revolution at home.

P.S. I am not asking what you DON'T want him to do.
Go to them hat in hand, apologize humbly for pulling out of the agreement that Iran was abiding by, remove the new sanctions, and ask them nicely to put everything back the way it was.

Then he can apologize to the rest of the world for being a dumbass dickweed and trying to fuck everything up, resign and go back to tRump tOwer.
How do you know they were abiding by the agreement? This is the same nonsense about WMDs we KNEW that Iraq had WMDS then we DIDN'T and ultimately oh look they DID! We don't know and can't know what Iran was or was not doing with nuclear technology. That's the point when you enter an agreement with a state that has zero credibility, why would you assume they would be honorable?
Inspections. We did know they were abiding by the agreement. Stop making excuses for tRump's mistakes.
Temporary band-aid solutions that involve Pay-for-Restraint are not sustainable in the long run.

And, worse, when military bases cannot be inspected, such band-aids merely buy the Bad Guys time to develop weapons in secret.

Until, of course, the day that the Iranians themselves repudiate the treaty, and explode a test nuclear warhead the next day.

Then all will be moaning and wailing and a great gnashing of teeth, but, by then, it will be too late, and it would be "your" fault.

Fortunately, "you" are not in charge, and... instead... the issue is being forced now, before they attain such a status.

A bad agreement (like the former treaty with Iran) is worse than no agreement at all.

"i want Trump to be unpredictable. i want folks not being able to sleep at night because they're worried of a Trump strike" - John Bolton
Do nothing,
killing up to millions in a standard invasion, and maybe 100's of millions if it caused WW3, just isn't worth a few lousy oil tankers which aren't even ours in the first place.
There will be no WWIII over Iran.

If Russia & China back Iran, which has been a theorized issue for decades,
we'd probably get Russia & China backing up & pushing up their proxies in & around Iran,
Just like in the Vietnam war.
the more likely & better case scenario
worst case scenario of course is that Russia & China bring troops into Iran, sure it's not as likely, but still a possibility.
Do nothing,
killing up to millions in a standard invasion, and maybe 100's of millions if it caused WW3, just isn't worth a few lousy oil tankers which aren't even ours in the first place.
There will be no WWIII over Iran.

If Russia & China back Iran, which has been a theorized issue for decades,
we'd probably get Russia & China backing up & pushing up their proxies in & around Iran,
Just like in the Vietnam war.
the more likely & better case scenario
worst case scenario of course is that Russia & China bring troops into Iran, sure it's not as likely, but still a possibility.
Not gonna happen.

Russia does not want a piece of the US.

China is not ready for an extended long-range conflict.

Neither of them think Iran is worth risking their own hides, and they lack the logistics and long-range projection to pull it off.

There will be no WWIII over Iran.

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