What you should know about Islam

"People of the Book"....

The entire Arab world publishes less books in a decade,
than the tiny Greece in a year.

I take it you have ever been to a library in Arabia.. or a book store. Saudi women own several publishing houses.
Nope.. There were Nestorian Christians in Najran and Tarout even after the burnings by the King of Yemen. Muhammed protected them and waived Jizya.
"protected" in islamic law is the status of DHIMMIA. Dhimmis are SPECIAL PROTECTED
people. My husband's mother was born a DHIMMI----which actually refers to a contract
of surrender and submission to which her FATHER was a subject. He died when she was about 12--rendering her NO LONGER "protected" THUS she was subject to be CLAIMED as a possession by the local muslim chieftain----read that "sex slave" The only way out was ESCAPE----to make the
situation legal she was married to a 16 year old boy whose mother had been raped and murdered.
(not exactly a crime in islamic law---more like a traffic violation cured by a small fine) The little group-----hubby's mom and dad and his paternal grandfather made their way over several years--
hubby was born in transit. They finally escaped---BAKSHEESHED their way out in the early 1940s
thus missing the pogrom of 1947 in which ----had they stayed----baby hubby would have had his
throat slit. I grew up in New Jersey-----some people also paid PROTECTION to the Mafia---
grocers and pizza makers. Islamic and Mafia "protection" is so much fun
some arab families still own homes in what was once called "palestine"-----no jewish families own
homes in the land in which my hubby was born------to a community that had been in that land for
more than 2500 years------ISLAM HAPPENED
The Jews of Kaybar were a small group from Jericho who tried to take over an oasis. They broke treaties and asked to be judged by their own laws.

So you admit Rigby5
intentionally lied.

The expulsion of Jews and Christians
is the origin of Islam.

So fundamental, the death chant
is screamed in every Muslim demonstration.

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When someone who does not speak English, but chants "Death to America" for media purposes, they believe they are saying "Defeat to America" really.
It is very dangerous to assume what others actually mean.
Never have Moslems or Arabs tried to murder Americans.
And actions speak louder than words.
I know LOTS of non american muslims----when they chant DEATH TO...... they mean it-----your post is disgusting
First of all, I am a US Jew, not Arab, Moslem, or Mideastern.
Secondly is that there can be lots of different rationales for national sovereignty, but Israel satisfies none of them.
You can't use religion because Judaism says we should disperse and atone for the sins of arrogance and pride, waiting for the coming of the Messiah as a sign of the Aliyah.
You can't use history since Hebrew are not from the Land of Canaan, and were evil invaders who could not hold on.
You can't use possession because Israel took Palestine by lying to the US in order to get their weapons to use.

The Arabs had no choice but to attack in 1948 due to the massacre of innocent Arab villages like Dier Yassin, by Zionists.
And even without much in the way of weapons, they won.
The Zionists in 1948 were intent on attacking Jerusalem, and lost.
They were forced back to the UN partition line.
Zionists totally lost the 1948 war.
Wasn't Rigby the name of the soldier beheaded in the UK?
No, while Judaism has in it an earnist attempt to create a social system, the invasion of the Land of Canaan, such as the massacre of the Canaanite women and children at Jericho, shows a massive lack of ethics.
It shows greed.
The whole "Chosen People" and "Promised Land" thing is just about arrogance and pride, that is evil.

But you falsely pertain to hold those as Islamic ethnics,
and both reject Torah of Mosheh Rabbenu A"H as 'massive lack of ethics',
while engaged in a 1400 year old slavery and genocide and on several continents?

See, before you even start understanding ethics - look at the results.
Judaism produces intelligence, individuality and progress,
does Islam produce but massive blind degradation?
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The more of your desperate lies
the more it reveals the filth of Islamism.

Now tell us, "not expelled anyone"
where are the Jews of Khaybar today
that Muslims scream about in every demonstration?

"Like the Jewish tribes in Medina, the Khaybari Jews derived much of their wealth from commerce and agriculture. They also manufactured textiles and metal implements, and stockpiled these in their fortresses. When the Banū ’l-Naḍīr were expelled from Medina in 624, many found a refuge in Khaybar. Three years after the expulsion, the Muslims turned their sights on Khayb…"

In fact Islam has not only murdered, expelled and enslaved hundreds of millions,
but doing so wiped out native cultures and civilizations on several continents.

While there were resettling done that I do not agree with, it was not done as punishment and they were compensated.

Expulsion of the Jews from Khaybar​

During the reign of Caliph Umar (634–644), the Jewish community of Khaybar were transported alongside the Christian community of Najran to the newly conquered regions of Syria and Iraq. As a settlement, Umar issued orders that these Christians and Jews should be treated well and allotted them land in their new settlements equivalent to the land they initially owned.
Since then, the Jews of Khaybar traveled around many areas throughout the Caliphate as artisans and merchants and maintained a distinctive identity until the 12th century.
The Arabs and British defeated the Ottomans.. Ibn Saud chased the Turkish garrisons off the Arabian peninsula before WW1.
ROFLMAO the allied forces defeated the TURKISH OTTOMANs sorta partnership in
world war I The arabs danced around and slit some turkish throats (alllahuakbar)
by 1948 the Jewish refugees had purchased almost 7% of the land.

And the Arabs owned what, 1% or 2%?
The Arabs owned almost all the land.
Even if Ottoman landlords had owned land before 1920, after 1920 they surrendered it all to the Arab natives.
And we know the Jews did not own much land because they were not native, and had not recorded many purchases.

"People of the book"... is how Islam calls Jews and Christians.

The entire Arab world publishes less books in a decade,
than tiny Greece in a year.

No, by "the book" they are referring to the Old Testament, which is shared by Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike.
Moslems are required to be literate by command of the Quran.
The goals of Islam around here in America is to sell a lot of bean pies, incense and Final Call newspapers.

Here in America, Islam isn't really a problem except in a few locales like Dearbornistan- a city in Michigan that adopted Sharia Law. A group of Christians were stoned a few years ago for sharing the good news to a group of heathen in the town park.

Sharia law in Michigan? Bullshit.
No, it is a question of which people know or are truthful about God's word.
It is not the Israel of Joshua or the Israel of Netanyahu.

See that why Islam is not truly atheist,

you really reject eternity,
reject Mosheh Rabbenu A"H,
the God of Israel and the eternity of God's word.

Islam, essentially as Christianity puts humans above God,
because it argues God's eternal word can be changed by man.

Islam is yet truly atheism,
still much idolatry to sort out.


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