Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

such elaborate theories

But I thought all politicians are corrupt.

Funny you guys don't think our government is behind anything bad but the other side of your mouth says they are all corrupt.

You want it both ways. You can't admit that Reagan was a bastard. His own kids admit he's a bastard, you admit all politicians are bastards, but you can't fathom why we would be selling guns to Iraq, less than a year after they held Americans hostage.

PS. Pricks like you said I was wrong when I said Bush was paying Al Queda in Iraq to stop attacking our troops. Mook Tada El Sadr is now rich with our tax dollars, just so Bush could lie and say the surge worked. And you bought it. You are a dummy!!! And now we aren't paying them anymore so the attacks are starting again. All to protect Ray Hunt Oil Company, a bush buddy.

I guess these things probably sound like conspiracy theories to anyone who doesn't know a fucking thing about anything. That woudl be you.

Or do you know it and just can't admit it because then it makes you the stupid fuck.
How old are you, nine? The hippie generation was 40 years ago. That said, I actually got stuck in traffic due to a "tea party" being held in town and *gaaaaaasp* it was because of a bunch of fat white people dragging their kids scarfing down hotdogs meandering all over the middle of the main drag. The following day, the paper said there had been 12 arrests for petty theft. So my conclusion is that "gatherings" like those also attract the slackers looking for freebies and the common thiefs who snatch handbags from little old ladies. It ain't just "hippie" types, my friend.
You've obviously not spent much time in the intermountain west...The town of Steamboat Springs was overrun with a hippie "Rainbow Festival" a few years ago....Wanna talk about arrests for petty theft, burglary, vagrancy, and public defacation???

Of course, large gatherings almost always draw pickpockets and purse snatchers, no matter who is doing the gathering.....Not even a subtle invocation of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.

you're projecting, again.
Carter was sabotaged by the corporations and rich because he didn't sellout to them. Look how the CIA set him up with that hostage situation. The CIA/GOP said, "hold those hostages until after the election" and then Ollie North sold them guns. Carter was going to win before that. No one took Reagan seriously at first. I saw the special on this on PBS. Carter did get crushed, but a year before the election, he wasn't losing.

He was too good/nice to be president.

Clinton did well because he did sell out. And now righties get to say, "HE SIGNED NAFTA, HE SIGNED NAFTA."

And Obama better not try to fight the powers that be too hard or he might end up like Kennedy. Or, they can tank the stock market and raise gas prices before the 2012 election and get the public to vote for Mitt Romney. Watch and see their upcoming October surprise in 2012.

But I've already seen Obama do more for us than Bush did in 8 years. One example, not allowing the Credit card companies to do whatever they want. Not enough, but at least something. It was under Bush the credit card companies started these shady practices. Or maybe it started under Clinton/Newts watch. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to see Obama address jobs in America. I didn't buy it when he said we would replace all the jobs that left with new green jobs. I won't go into why i'm not buying that, but it just isn't enough. We need to do something to bring manufacturing back to the US. Does that mean tariffs? If we have to, sure.

such elaborate theories

Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Chris Dodd approves of this post!


Thank you for your support dear Bobo.


Senator "AIG" Dodd
Carter was sabotaged by the corporations and rich because he didn't sellout to them. Look how the CIA set him up with that hostage situation. The CIA/GOP said, "hold those hostages until after the election" and then Ollie North sold them guns. Carter was going to win before that. No one took Reagan seriously at first. I saw the special on this on PBS. Carter did get crushed, but a year before the election, he wasn't losing.

He was too good/nice to be president.

Clinton did well because he did sell out. And now righties get to say, "HE SIGNED NAFTA, HE SIGNED NAFTA."

And Obama better not try to fight the powers that be too hard or he might end up like Kennedy. Or, they can tank the stock market and raise gas prices before the 2012 election and get the public to vote for Mitt Romney. Watch and see their upcoming October surprise in 2012.

But I've already seen Obama do more for us than Bush did in 8 years. One example, not allowing the Credit card companies to do whatever they want. Not enough, but at least something. It was under Bush the credit card companies started these shady practices. Or maybe it started under Clinton/Newts watch. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to see Obama address jobs in America. I didn't buy it when he said we would replace all the jobs that left with new green jobs. I won't go into why i'm not buying that, but it just isn't enough. We need to do something to bring manufacturing back to the US. Does that mean tariffs? If we have to, sure.

such elaborate theories

Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Whatever you say, dipshit. yeah they'll raise gas prices to get obama out of office or kill him if he doesn't do what they want. :cuckoo:
Clinton did sign nafta as well as repeal Glass Steagall. you know, the act passed in the 30's to keep lending institutions from investing in risky securities? derivatives? under clinton.
So stop playing the role of Lewinsky and educate yourself.
Last edited:

You may think you're clever posting the "hippie" holding a satellite dish, but if, since you claim to have lived in them thar western mountains, you should know that that is PRECISELY what a Dish Network or Direct TV installer needs to do in order to position, if possible, the dish for reception. And often some trees need to be cut down.
How old are you, nine? The hippie generation was 40 years ago. That said, I actually got stuck in traffic due to a "tea party" being held in town and *gaaaaaasp* it was because of a bunch of fat white people dragging their kids scarfing down hotdogs meandering all over the middle of the main drag. The following day, the paper said there had been 12 arrests for petty theft. So my conclusion is that "gatherings" like those also attract the slackers looking for freebies and the common thiefs who snatch handbags from little old ladies. It ain't just "hippie" types, my friend.
You've obviously not spent much time in the intermountain west...The town of Steamboat Springs was overrun with a hippie "Rainbow Festival" a few years ago....Wanna talk about arrests for petty theft, burglary, vagrancy, and public defacation???

Of course, large gatherings almost always draw pickpockets and purse snatchers, no matter who is doing the gathering.....Not even a subtle invocation of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.

They bash the word liberal to make it a dirty word. He is the product of brainwashing. His elders have probably been telling him that liberals suck for 30 years.

Notice that is all they do is make blanket assertions.

So back to the topic. Whatever happened to republicans? Do you mean politicians? If so, they all lost. If you mean the voters, the ones that are left are still brainwashed and arguing harder than ever that it is liberals/fannymae/freddymack/clinton/carters fault.

If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough. But these ones have distanced themselves from the GOP. I suspect most of them will come back before 2010 election.
such elaborate theories

Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Chris Dodd approves of this post!


Thank you for your support dear Bobo.


Senator "AIG" Dodd


You may think you're clever posting the "hippie" holding a satellite dish, but if, since you claim to have lived in them thar western mountains, you should know that that is PRECISELY what a Dish Network or Direct TV installer needs to do in order to position, if possible, the dish for reception. And often some trees need to be cut down.

i believe the tin foil is optional, and the antenna mounted before they start adjusting the azimuth. other than that, yeah, precisely. :rofl:
You've obviously not spent much time in the intermountain west...The town of Steamboat Springs was overrun with a hippie "Rainbow Festival" a few years ago....Wanna talk about arrests for petty theft, burglary, vagrancy, and public defacation???

Of course, large gatherings almost always draw pickpockets and purse snatchers, no matter who is doing the gathering.....Not even a subtle invocation of post hoc ergo propter hoc.

That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.

They bash the word liberal to make it a dirty word. He is the product of brainwashing. His elders have probably been telling him that liberals suck for 30 years.

Notice that is all they do is make blanket assertions.

So back to the topic. Whatever happened to republicans? Do you mean politicians? If so, they all lost. If you mean the voters, the ones that are left are still brainwashed and arguing harder than ever that it is liberals/fannymae/freddymack/clinton/carters fault.

If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough. But these ones have distanced themselves from the GOP. I suspect most of them will come back before 2010 election.

blanket assertions? pot meet the fucking kettle.
Carter was sabotaged by the corporations and rich because he didn't sellout to them. Look how the CIA set him up with that hostage situation. The CIA/GOP said, "hold those hostages until after the election" and then Ollie North sold them guns. Carter was going to win before that. No one took Reagan seriously at first. I saw the special on this on PBS. Carter did get crushed, but a year before the election, he wasn't losing.

He was too good/nice to be president.

Clinton did well because he did sell out. And now righties get to say, "HE SIGNED NAFTA, HE SIGNED NAFTA."

And Obama better not try to fight the powers that be too hard or he might end up like Kennedy. Or, they can tank the stock market and raise gas prices before the 2012 election and get the public to vote for Mitt Romney. Watch and see their upcoming October surprise in 2012.

But I've already seen Obama do more for us than Bush did in 8 years. One example, not allowing the Credit card companies to do whatever they want. Not enough, but at least something. It was under Bush the credit card companies started these shady practices. Or maybe it started under Clinton/Newts watch. Whatever.

Anyways, I'm still waiting to see Obama address jobs in America. I didn't buy it when he said we would replace all the jobs that left with new green jobs. I won't go into why i'm not buying that, but it just isn't enough. We need to do something to bring manufacturing back to the US. Does that mean tariffs? If we have to, sure.

such elaborate theories

Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

I went to school with Tommy Cullins, one of the hostages, who told one of our classes much later that "guards had informed them to hold on, that release was imminent." This is still an area of Reagan's administration that remains murky at best.
such elaborate theories

Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Whatever you say, dipshit. yeah they'll raise gas prices to get obama out of office or kill him if he doesn't do what they want.
Clinton did sign nafta as well as repeal Glass Steagall. you know, the act passed in the 30's to keep lending institutions from investing in risky securities? derivatives? under clinton.
So stop playing the role of Lewinsky and educate yourself.

We all know Clinton was a centrist and gave into the GOP on such things way too much. That's why we nominate Hillary.

So the Newt Gingrich Congress must have signed the Glass Steagall & Nafta stuff too. Tell me why you give them a pass and put NAFTA all on Clinton?

And really, aren't you pro NAFTA? Then why didn't you like Clinton?

And isn't it funny that when the economy started tanking under Bush, you guys tried to say that "the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy...."

You guys can't seem to keep your arguments straight. Or, each of your arguments seem to contradict previous arguments.

So now we agree that NAFTA is bad, correct? Stop saying Clinton signed NAFTA because that's all you have to say. Do you like NAFTA? Does NAFTA need fixing? You won't let me lead the conversation because I'll expose you for not thinking this thru.

PS. The congress is passing a tax break for people who buy more energy efficient cars. Turn in your clunker. Do you know what I hate about the bill? Because of NAFTA/WTO/Free trade bullshit, we have to offer a tax break, even if people buy a foreign car.

But the tax break will be bigger if you buy American. At least the Dems did that. The GOP would NEVER do that. No wonder I think they are anti American.

They basically set up global trade so Obama and the Dems hands are tied. Now they have to worry about being sued if they try to protect American jobs. Way to go GOP. :clap2:
Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Whatever you say, dipshit. yeah they'll raise gas prices to get obama out of office or kill him if he doesn't do what they want.
Clinton did sign nafta as well as repeal Glass Steagall. you know, the act passed in the 30's to keep lending institutions from investing in risky securities? derivatives? under clinton.
So stop playing the role of Lewinsky and educate yourself.

We all know Clinton was a centrist and gave into the GOP on such things way too much. That's why we nominate Hillary.

So the Newt Gingrich Congress must have signed the Glass Steagall & Nafta stuff too. Tell me why you give them a pass and put NAFTA all on Clinton?

And really, aren't you pro NAFTA? Then why didn't you like Clinton?

And isn't it funny that when the economy started tanking under Bush, you guys tried to say that "the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy...."

You guys can't seem to keep your arguments straight. Or, each of your arguments seem to contradict previous arguments.

So now we agree that NAFTA is bad, correct? Stop saying Clinton signed NAFTA because that's all you have to say. Do you like NAFTA? Does NAFTA need fixing? You won't let me lead the conversation because I'll expose you for not thinking this thru.

PS. The congress is passing a tax break for people who buy more energy efficient cars. Turn in your clunker. Do you know what I hate about the bill? Because of NAFTA/WTO/Free trade bullshit, we have to offer a tax break, even if people buy a foreign car.

But the tax break will be bigger if you buy American. At least the Dems did that. The GOP would NEVER do that. No wonder I think they are anti American.

They basically set up global trade so Obama and the Dems hands are tied. Now they have to worry about being sued if they try to protect American jobs. Way to go GOP. :clap2:

more blanket statements, you stupid fuck
Not really, unless you are a simpleton. Just look at how they let go of the hostages right after the election. Don't assume they were afraid of Reagan, because no one knew who he was at the time. He was just an actor at the time.

And Bush 1 was CIA director, and then got the VP spot, and then the Iran contra affair happened soon after?

And the last thing to shut you up is that this is where the term October Surprise came from.

You are dumber than I thought.

Chris Dodd approves of this post!


Thank you for your support dear Bobo.


Senator "AIG" Dodd


That was worth a bump? Not even funny. Grow up.

You may think you're clever posting the "hippie" holding a satellite dish, but if, since you claim to have lived in them thar western mountains, you should know that that is PRECISELY what a Dish Network or Direct TV installer needs to do in order to position, if possible, the dish for reception. And often some trees need to be cut down.

i believe the tin foil is optional, and the antenna mounted before they start adjusting the azimuth. other than that, yeah, precisely. :rofl:

Oops, didn't notice that. But now that you mention it, it could be "Dude" back in the day.
That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.
Wrong, yet again!!

I merely used patchouli-oiled, maggot-infested, hairy armpitted, dredlocked, Che Guevera tee shirt wearing, hippy-dippy-trippy moocher types as examples of the kinds of slackers you can generally find at the standard rent-a-mob protest, not the only ones.

And your invocation of universal qualifiers is a serious cognitive distortion.
That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.

They bash the word liberal to make it a dirty word. He is the product of brainwashing. His elders have probably been telling him that liberals suck for 30 years.

Notice that is all they do is make blanket assertions.

So back to the topic. Whatever happened to republicans? Do you mean politicians? If so, they all lost. If you mean the voters, the ones that are left are still brainwashed and arguing harder than ever that it is liberals/fannymae/freddymack/clinton/carters fault.

If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough. But these ones have distanced themselves from the GOP. I suspect most of them will come back before 2010 election.

blanket assertions? pot meet the fucking kettle.

That was my point too, so why did you infer that ONLY unwashed liberals are responsible for messing up protests? I just don't see why it's necessary to make blanket assertions, which you ALWAYS do, inferring that everyone who isn't on your "right" side of any issue is, collectively, not worth shit.

They bash the word liberal to make it a dirty word. He is the product of brainwashing. His elders have probably been telling him that liberals suck for 30 years.

Notice that is all they do is make blanket assertions.

So back to the topic. Whatever happened to republicans? Do you mean politicians? If so, they all lost. If you mean the voters, the ones that are left are still brainwashed and arguing harder than ever that it is liberals/fannymae/freddymack/clinton/carters fault.

If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough. But these ones have distanced themselves from the GOP. I suspect most of them will come back before 2010 election.

blanket assertions? pot meet the fucking kettle.

The question is, "what happened to republicans".

Do you want me to explain what happened to each of them?

Some knew they would lose and went to be lobbyists.
Some got re elected and their role now is to obstruct justice
Some are in jail for corruption
Some retired
Some are still around being mavericky
Reagan died
Bush 1 is retired
Mitt is still a mormon and hoping to run again
Rudy is wearing a dress and fucking his cousin
Larry craig is giving a bj in an airport
Mark Foley is trying to fuck a teenager somewhere
Many are at anti gay camps trying to cure themselves
Some are in their CEO chairs counting their money
They bash the word liberal to make it a dirty word. He is the product of brainwashing. His elders have probably been telling him that liberals suck for 30 years.

Notice that is all they do is make blanket assertions.

So back to the topic. Whatever happened to republicans? Do you mean politicians? If so, they all lost. If you mean the voters, the ones that are left are still brainwashed and arguing harder than ever that it is liberals/fannymae/freddymack/clinton/carters fault.

If you are talking about the ones that left for the libertarian party, they believe that we didn't regulate enough. But these ones have distanced themselves from the GOP. I suspect most of them will come back before 2010 election.

blanket assertions? pot meet the fucking kettle.


product of brainwashing, his parents have been telling him that for years

and that's just in that post.
Whatever you say, dipshit. yeah they'll raise gas prices to get obama out of office or kill him if he doesn't do what they want.
Clinton did sign nafta as well as repeal Glass Steagall. you know, the act passed in the 30's to keep lending institutions from investing in risky securities? derivatives? under clinton.
So stop playing the role of Lewinsky and educate yourself.

We all know Clinton was a centrist and gave into the GOP on such things way too much. That's why we nominate Hillary.

So the Newt Gingrich Congress must have signed the Glass Steagall & Nafta stuff too. Tell me why you give them a pass and put NAFTA all on Clinton?

And really, aren't you pro NAFTA? Then why didn't you like Clinton?

And isn't it funny that when the economy started tanking under Bush, you guys tried to say that "the president doesn't have that much to do with the economy...."

You guys can't seem to keep your arguments straight. Or, each of your arguments seem to contradict previous arguments.

So now we agree that NAFTA is bad, correct? Stop saying Clinton signed NAFTA because that's all you have to say. Do you like NAFTA? Does NAFTA need fixing? You won't let me lead the conversation because I'll expose you for not thinking this thru.

PS. The congress is passing a tax break for people who buy more energy efficient cars. Turn in your clunker. Do you know what I hate about the bill? Because of NAFTA/WTO/Free trade bullshit, we have to offer a tax break, even if people buy a foreign car.

But the tax break will be bigger if you buy American. At least the Dems did that. The GOP would NEVER do that. No wonder I think they are anti American.

They basically set up global trade so Obama and the Dems hands are tied. Now they have to worry about being sued if they try to protect American jobs. Way to go GOP. :clap2:

more blanket statements, you stupid fuck

Maggie and I tried but you are just not willing to participate so fuck off. Fuck you and everyone you know.

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