Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

What generic congressional poll would that be? Rasmussen? The Republican pollster? Republicans trail badly in ALL polls--here:

Congress: Republicans

Institutions (2)
no, dumbass, Rasmussen is NOT a republican pollster

Ya think?

Scott Rasmussen received $95,500 from the Republican National Committee and $45,500 from the George W. Bush presidential campaign as a campaign consultant for the 2004 presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen is an Evangelical Christian and is president of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a not-for-profit corporation with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan tradition. The Camp Meeting founded the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 1869 and maintains a Christian seaside resort community providing opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal.

Excerpted from his Wikipedia entry.

Yes and he appears regularly on CNN, MSNBC.....other media agencies. I guess when he does they put Republican pollster next to his name.:cuckoo:
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I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

It's the Limbaugh worshippers and Cheney supporters who have left the Republican party, not Colin Powell.

Good luck with it.

Colin Powell did not vote for a Republican. What makes him a Republican except he's useful for Democrats who want to bash Republicans?

Those poll results aren't based on Republicans surveyed.

What I said.
Harry, I disagree with a lot of things you say, but you are right that I don't know you enough to lump you in with all these other people. I simply read what you said, considered what the title of the thread is, and assumed.

I'm usually right, even if you don't like the title I give you. Many of you hate me calling you a righty/republican/neo con/conservative because you are Libertarians. Well I don't think there is any hope that they/you will ever become liberals, so I don't really care if I offend you or get it wrong. You're all the same to me.

Bobo if me and you ever sat down and had a beer.....and discussed the same shit we do here,you would probobly think i am a consv.Dem.....or at least a Moderate one.....i get on you because you can only see one side and one side only.....and everything else is a lie or just not right,and that is not a good thing to do.....BUT that being said,i have more respect for you than ANY other leftist on this board,because you dont seem to waver on your beliefs,and i know where your coming from,AND unlike some of these guys,as far as i know anyhow,you dont Neg Rep anyone FOR disagreeing with ya....i know some folkes here like Dive or Del are thinking WTF happened to Harry...:eek:..... i think you are the real deal leftist on this board is all....all the others are Bobo wannabes....especially Chrissy....so ill give you some respect for that.....but your still a dipshit...:lol:
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I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

It's the Limbaugh worshippers and Cheney supporters who have left the Republican party, not Colin Powell.

Good luck with it.

what a riot
you are a typical leftwing moonbat
you dont have a fucking clue what the relationship is for most people with Rush
you just hear shit the liberal media twists and spins and think you know something
no, dumbass, Rasmussen is NOT a republican pollster

Ya think?

Scott Rasmussen received $95,500 from the Republican National Committee and $45,500 from the George W. Bush presidential campaign as a campaign consultant for the 2004 presidential election.

Scott Rasmussen is an Evangelical Christian and is president of the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association, a not-for-profit corporation with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Wesleyan tradition. The Camp Meeting founded the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey in 1869 and maintains a Christian seaside resort community providing opportunities for spiritual birth, growth, and renewal.

Excerpted from his Wikipedia entry.

Yes and he appears regularly on CNN, MSNBC.....other media agencies. I guess when he does they put Republican pollster next to his name.:cuckoo:
ya notice they dont say how many democrats paid him for polls
I tend to disagree.

The media merely sticks its mics and points its cameras at the evangelical loons, in order to create a boogerman for people to fear and deride.

Remember that dumb twirp from CNN covering the tea parties, who was only seeking out the kookiest people she could find for her interviews??....You think that was the only place that kind of thing goes on??
I didn't see anything but strange folks at those tea parties.
I didn't see anything but strange folks at those tea parties.
Of course you didn't.

There were no patchouli-oiled, maggot-infested, hairy armpitted, dredlocked, Che Guevera tee shirt wearing, hippy-dippy-trippy moocher types at the tea parties.....They were mostly people who took time off form their *gaaaaaasp* jobs to peacefully gather and protest.
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What does Colin Powell stand for that makes him a Republican?

Notice that all black republicans are rich? What does he stand for? Tax breaks for the rich.

Did you get a lot of tax breaks under Bush? Did those tax breaks make one difference in your life? Well then why do you vote GOP?

See, Powell benefits from GOPanomics. He has for years. Have you? No is the answer babe.

But the GOP even screwed over their base. All the people who make between $75K and $249K got fucked in the A by GOPanomics. Their homes, investments, everything got FUCKED! Powell probably falls into this category.

So Powell realized that the GOP is now only the party for the mega rich.

Consider all the CEO's and Executives in Automotive that are now out of work because the GOP sent all our jobs overseas. Imagine all the suppliers who are now out of work. MILLIONS OF PEOPLE just like Powell voted for Obama.

They said, "enough is enough"

I don't know your background enough to tell you what your problem is, but sure as hell you have a problem.

Maybe you are a broke ass and you can't get any broker so you don't know how bad things got for other people.

Maybe you are a multi millionaire. NOT!

Maybe you were born into right wingers and you are brainwashed?

Hell, a lot of you even got screwed by GOPanomics and you fell for blaming freddy/fanny. LOL. What a joke. You guys will swallow anything. No wonder Ann Coulter is so popular with the guys.
Harry, I disagree with a lot of things you say, but you are right that I don't know you enough to lump you in with all these other people. I simply read what you said, considered what the title of the thread is, and assumed.

I'm usually right, even if you don't like the title I give you. Many of you hate me calling you a righty/republican/neo con/conservative because you are Libertarians. Well I don't think there is any hope that they/you will ever become liberals, so I don't really care if I offend you or get it wrong. You're all the same to me.

Bobo if me and you ever sat down and had a beer.....and discussed the same shit we do here,you would probobly think i am a consv.Dem.....or at least a Moderate one.....i get on you because you can only see one side and one side only.....and everything else is a lie or just not right,and that is not a good thing to do.....BUT that being said,i have more respect for you than ANY other leftist on this board,because you dont seem to waver on your beliefs,and i know where your coming from,AND unlike some of these guys,as far as i know anyhow,you dont Neg Rep anyone FOR disagreeing with ya....i know some folkes here like Dive or Del are thinking WTF happened to Harry...:eek:..... i think you are the real deal leftist on this board is all....all the others are Bobo wannabes....especially Chrissy....so ill give you some respect for that.....but your still a dipshit...:lol:

After reading this, please tell me what I am only seeing one side of. I see both sides. I take in all the facts and then I make a decision. For example, sending jobs overseas will lower costs and maximize a companies profits. See, I see the other side!!!! That doesn't mean I agree with doing this. Or, I think we are doing this too much. Not think, I know we are doing this too much because it is increasing unemployment and lowering wages and I believe this is a good thing for corporations and a bad thing for American workers. So I see both sides, and I think we can meet in the middle on this. But you guys don't seem to care. You argue ONE SIDED on this issue. You argue that we should continue to let companies go overseas so we can continue to get cheap goods. You never once argued about a compromise. I have said many times that we should come up with a compromise. Maybe 50% of a car should be manufactured in the US, or 70%, or 20%. Whatever. Enough that not EVERYTHING is manufactured out of the US. And I suspect that this will be the ultimate solution. But we won't come to that solution until we first waste a couple years arguing with the GOP about isolationism, protectionism, socialism, capitalism and free markets. Meanwhile, the middle class is disappearing.

I see this on every issue. Global warming? Instead of getting companies to stop polluting so much, which is ultimately what will happen, we will waste years arguing with the GOP about whether or not GW even exists.

And you would realize that I'm not a flaming left liberal. I'm just pro labor. And that means I must be anti GOP because they are the anti labor party. Someone suggested that class warfare is not going on. It has been since the beginning of societies. To think it doesn't happen now is rediculous. Why else do unions exist? But instead of admitting it, you guys deny it. Even if I show you that in 2005 corporate profits went up as wages went down, you still deny that the middle class is under attack. Instead of admitting NAFTA is hurting the middle class, you guys only say "CLINTON SIGNED IT", when in fact Bush 1 was president when NAFTA was initiated. And who cares if Clinton did sign it? Was he wrong to sign it? Then why don't you mind that the GOP fight fixing it?

How about all the college kids that are graduating with $40K loans and now can only make $30K because jobs are scarce? What exactly is the GOP's plan for increasing jobs? More tax breaks? HA! Didn't work and doesn't work. We need to bring some of the manufacturing jobs back and we need to protect (protectionism) those jobs and they need to be good paying jobs. That is the only way the middle class will be saved. This is even affecting kids who are graduating college!!! They can't find work. If you have another solution besides bringing manufacturing back to the USA, please tell me.

Don't wonder why our populations is shrinking. Who the hell can afford a family? But you guys don't think that far ahead. And don't wonder why crime goes up with unemployment.

Do conservatives make a lot of sense? Hell yea! Cutting out the wasteful spending/beurocracy. Who's not for that? But I don't equate conservatives with the GOP. And even if I did, there are too many things I disagree with the GOP/Libertarians on to ever support them. I just don't like every man for himself, the same way you probably don't like lazy people spounging off the system. To me, your way is worse.

And I see that the GOP is not going to cut out any spending. They're just going to take from the have nots and give it to the haves. You guys can't deny that is what you do, because I have had many conversations with you guys about why this is right/wrong. You say giving it to the haves will trickle down. Giving it to the have nots is throwing it away. And I disagree, because the have nots will spend it. The haves will tuck it away in Switzerland/Caymens. You guys called me a conspiracy theorist but now we know I was right. Just google UBS 53,000 Americans found to be tucking their money away. Costing America billions of dollars in tax revenue. And you guys even defend that??? So nothing I show you will ever matter to you? And you think I'm one sided? That's pretty damning evidence that I am right. And you have the nerve to defend the Americans who are dodging taxes offshore? Wow! But we have to pay our taxes? Amazing.

So forgive me if I tend to toe the party line on almost everything, but I have a hard time finding things that I agree with the GOP on. And if I agree with them in theory, I understand that they are doing it for alterior reasons/motivations. For example, they don't cut social programs to end gov. waste. They cut them so they can waste the money on themselves.

And no doubt that the mega corporations gouged us for 8 years while the GOP provided cover. You guys denying that and when you can't deny it any longer, you defend it. I remember people saying the oil companies should be able to charge whatever they want. How insane is that?

So the dems are the lesser of two evils. And they are the pro labor party. If we sense they are not working for us enough, thats when they lose elections. Just like America finally figured out the GOP were not working for us but instead working for Wallstreet and Corporations that move abroad.

I don't want socialism, but I do prefer that over what the GOP is doing. They socialize the losses and privatize the profits. How is that better than socialism? And no doubt this crash was done on purpose. The mortgage companies and Wallstreet knew it. They made a fortune and in the end, robbed us of $750 billon and they stil aren't done. And if we don't give them the money, they'll just trash the economy again. That's why I want socialism!!!! I don't want your little mom and pop shop. But I do want America to be in control of our oil, phone lines, radio and tv airwaves, defense, military. For example, how is Blackwater in Iraq a good idea? The GOP says government can't run anything right and so we need to outsource to a private company who does not want the war to end because they are profitting from it. Do you guys understand what war for profit is and how it is wrong?

And all the industries that I bitch about are not really "free market" companies. Healthcare? Lehman brothers? Exxon? Banks? Insurance companies? Credit card companies? Federal Reserve. Come on! Its not like I bitch about small business'. I even defend the American auto companies. But that's because they employ so many people and pay so well. But I know that isn't because they are kinder. Its because of the unions. And again, those union workers buy multiple cars per household. Who's buying now? No one is even buying Toyota's and Honda's. How come their employees aren't buying? Because they only make $15 hr. Do away with unions and see wages go down. PERIOD.

It seems that you right wing Americans want to sacrafice employee wages so the corporations can make more profits. That's the first place they turn when they look to max profits. How about start with the CEO and work your way down?

I understand everything you guys are saying, but do YOU understand that the middle class will disappear without manufacturing? And auto's are the main thing we manufacture?

And you don't get out of a recession by laying millions of people off. So tell me your plan to employ all the unemployed and bring wages up. Tax breaks? :lol: See how lame your sides arguments are?

And I don't give a rats ass if these corporations hire people. Do they pay well? Of course I want the cheapest goods possible, but not if it means sacraficing all American jobs.

Do you not believe that we have hurt American jobs with all this outsourcing?

Or maybe you just don't care because you don't think it will affect you personally?

I think you guys take the American middle class for granted that it will always be there and I think corporations and the GOP that serve them count on that. We've been under assault for 30 years. At first I didn't care either because it was just unions. And they did a good job selling us on the idea that unions suck, when what they meant was American labor sucks.

And these mega corporations are killing small business'. Do you guys realize that? Or are you ok with it?

So I not voice my opinion on any issue until I understand both sides. I wish you guys would acknowledge our points more. For example again, yes sending jobs overseas will lower prices, but what about wages? Not everyone can go back to school to become engineers and doctors. So what about the masses who don't go to college and want to be middle class? Are you really ready to say that American dream is over? And from what I'm seeing, even us college grads are asking to take a step back, or else lose our jobs overseas too, or to southern states who's residents will work for less. And we aren't in unions.
Dipshit I am a registered independent. You are exactly what fuels corruption by both parties, brainless followers...:cuckoo:

I'm a registered independent too, but that means squat except during a national election in my state. You must choose either choose a Democrat or Republican ballot. On the registrar, everyone is listed as a D or R. Not right, but that's just the way it is, until changed. And I hope it does.

You can vote for an independent or a constitutional party politician or countless other parties would that still be D or R?

To clarify, the registry is alphabetical, so if you're a Republican voting in a Democratic primary, that's fine, but your name will be crossed off as having already voted if you attempted to vote (again) in a Republican primary. However, there are some states (I think) which have primary day, meaning both parties vote on the same day, and it's my understanding that you would need to choose either a Dem or Rep ballot. But I could be wrong. It's the same ballot for national elections, with plenty of spaces for write-ins.
I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

It's the Limbaugh worshippers and Cheney supporters who have left the Republican party, not Colin Powell.

Good luck with it.

Colin Powell did not vote for a Republican. What makes him a Republican except he's useful for Democrats who want to bash Republicans?

Those poll results aren't based on Republicans surveyed.

What I said.

Where does one find an "all-Republican" survey? I never can.
Anyone who disagrees with the leftist extremist are obviously staunch Republicans...:cuckoo:

It goes back to the original question. Just what ARE you, if not generic Republicans at least?

What are you talking about, maybe you could rephrase the question?

It means why are Republicans so undefinable these days? Just about everyone for the right side of issues here swears they never liked George W. Bush and take offense when anyone brings his name or his administration's policies into play (like we should just ignore the last 8 years). They also swear they aren't "neocons." And many now have latched onto the libertarian/constitutional movement. Is that the face of the "new" Republican party? Do you wish to remove any reference to "Republican" completely?

Who are you and what would you do to accomplish the immediate turnaround of this country that you seem to think is possible? Is that phrased better? I don't want to hear a bunch of ideological mumbo-jumbo that's all been said before, like we need to turn back the clock and abide strictly by the Constitution. Like that's possible. Hey, I'd like to be 25 again, too.
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I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

It's the Limbaugh worshippers and Cheney supporters who have left the Republican party, not Colin Powell.

Good luck with it.

what a riot
you are a typical leftwing moonbat
you dont have a fucking clue what the relationship is for most people with Rush
you just hear shit the liberal media twists and spins and think you know something

Well? I keep waiting and waiting for you to tell me something I don't know, genius. Knock yourself out. Shall I return later after you've had time to formulate a posting that actually says something?
It goes back to the original question. Just what ARE you, if not generic Republicans at least?

What are you talking about, maybe you could rephrase the question?

It means why are Republicans so undefinable these days? Just about everyone for the right side of issues here swears they never liked George W. Bush and take offense when anyone brings his name or his administration's policies into play (like we should just ignore the last 8 years). They also swear they aren't "neocons." And many now have latched onto the libertarian/constitutional movement. Is that the fact of the "new" Republican party? Do you wish to remove any reference to "Republican" completely?

Who are you and what would you do to accomplish the immediate turnaround of this country that you seem to think is possible? Is that phrased better? I don't want to hear a bunch of ideological mumbo-jumbo that's all been said before, like we need to turn back the clock and abide strictly by the Constitution. Like that's possible. Hey, I'd like to be 25 again, too.

Notice anytime you suggest that Obama actually cares about the middle class the righties laugh as if that is the craziest thing they ever heard? They try so very hard to point out that Bill Clinton signed NAFTA. And when it comes to politicians selling out to corporate interest, they try very hard to show that Dems do it too.

So then why are they ok that the GOP are doing this? Probably because they don't think this is hurting them (not yet or not that they know) and it is helping corporations. And because they have stock, they think this is good for them.

But they would never vote for a Democrat, so that is why I don't agree that Democrats are "just as bad". That's just what Republicans say to get people to vote for their party.

And I have asked many righties, if all politicians suck and Obama is a sellout, does that also mean Ronald Reagan sucked and was a sellout?

But NOOOOO!!! They can't get themselves to say that. He was the one exception. :eusa_liar:

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