Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

you know NOTHING about me

yea he does Dive....you dont agree with him....thats all he needs to know....in the world of the Bobos...called THE RECTUM,by the discoverer of this place.....your a RIGHT-WING NEO-FACIST ASSHOLE....:lol::lol::lol::lol:...so am i and Dude and Gunny, Meister,Sinatra,Elvis....and we cant forget Willow.....the BOBO has spoken....

And you call us, those who oppose your own viewpoints, what? MORONS, FUCKING IDIOTS, and worse. Oh we get it. It's okay for you people to do it, but nobody else. Makes me wonder what the average age is of your crowd.
no, thats what I call you
Harry doesnt
What exactly should Republicans stand for,anyway? What does Colin Powell stand for? What did Arlen Specter stand for?

I think it's more a question of what they did NOT stand for that became Republican policy and which helped cause its downfall. Here's another new effort undertaken to better define the party's goals, and there are a few new websites mentioned in the linked story that would be worth following to see if they can eventually pull something together by combining forces.


Bullshit. Everyone insists Colin Powell is a Republican. Why? What does he stand for?

See, what you fucking idiots don't get is that Powell is the good guy and you are defending the bad guys.

Yea sure. he's for lower taxes and less government waste. Did that happen?

He's for S&D and free markets. Did that happen?

The NEO CONS took over the GOP/Conservative party.

I know you aren't defending the neo cons on purpose. You're probably just too embarrassed to admit you were wrong.

Its like us defending the liberals in the 80's. I think Carter was a good man, but you can't be a good man and be a good president.

Bush proved that being a prick doesn't work either. :lol:

Anyways, you don't see us defending the democrats that the Newt/Barr/Dole GOP beat in the late 80's/early 90's do you? NEVER.

Well some day you won't dare look back and defend the GOP from 2000-2006. Nor should you, because they ruined this country more than Carter ever could have.
What exactly should Republicans stand for,anyway? What does Colin Powell stand for? What did Arlen Specter stand for?

I think it's more a question of what they did NOT stand for that became Republican policy and which helped cause its downfall. Here's another new effort undertaken to better define the party's goals, and there are a few new websites mentioned in the linked story that would be worth following to see if they can eventually pull something together by combining forces.


Bullshit. Everyone insists Colin Powell is a Republican. Why? What does he stand for?

Why is it "bullshit"?? Why is everything posted that you fringers disagree with "bullshit"????

I realize it's difficult to actually FIND a site discussing Colin Powell's political philosophies because there are page after page of the Limbaugh-esq blogsites lambasting him instead. But I did find this one. So do you think you can manage to read through at least this much and then do your own homework?
Thank you.

Colin Powell on the Issues
Nice try. Colin Powell just said Americans want higher taxes and more government.

Come on.

What does Colin Powell stand for that makes him a Republican?
Dive is a little boy who will make a lot of money when he graduates college someday. Or so he thinks.

Yes, he is funny. :lol:
you know NOTHING about me

yea he does Dive....you dont agree with him....thats all he needs to know....in the world of the Bobos...called THE RECTUM,by the discoverer of this place.....your a RIGHT-WING NEO-FACIST ASSHOLE....:lol::lol::lol::lol:...so am i and Dude and Gunny, Meister,Sinatra,Elvis....and we cant forget Willow.....the BOBO has spoken....

Don't forget Allieblabla.

Harry, I disagree with a lot of things you say, but you are right that I don't know you enough to lump you in with all these other people. I simply read what you said, considered what the title of the thread is, and assumed.

I'm usually right, even if you don't like the title I give you. Many of you hate me calling you a righty/republican/neo con/conservative because you are Libertarians. Well I don't think there is any hope that they/you will ever become liberals, so I don't really care if I offend you or get it wrong. You're all the same to me.

Bob Barr was the nominee of the Libertarians. And they think their party would be any better than the two we have now if they were in charge? :cuckoo:
I don't see anything in that document except for less-of-the-same Democrat policies.

Well the rest of us, including the struggling real Republicans, would prefer that you all get yourselves organized and form a brand new party. PLEASE!!!! We're sick of the whining.
I don't see anything in that document except for less-of-the-same Democrat policies.

Which is, with a precious couple of notable exceptions, pretty much what the Geriatric Old Party has been about since at least Eisenhower.

Well, with the exception that they don't even want to pretend that they're so much as token opposition anymore.
Oh, Christ, some of those links on that page are 10+ years old.

What resemblance do any of those have to the man Colin Powell voted for President?
What does Colin Powell stand for that makes him a Republican?

Lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, smaller government, less government interference in our lives, and the idea that we need to take over the middle east. Not just their oil, but have our bankers own them like they own us.
What does Colin Powell stand for that makes him a Republican?

Lower taxes, fiscal responsibility, smaller government, less government interference in our lives, and the idea that we need to take over the middle east. Not just their oil, but have our bankers own them like they own us.

Oh, yeah, now reconcile that with who he endorsed for President.
Oh, Christ, some of those links on that page are 10+ years old.

What resemblance do any of those have to the man Colin Powell voted for President?

Well there ya go. Whatever happened to established Republicanism? The $64,000 question still goes unanswered by any of you. I know the answer.

If you want to be reminded why he voted for Obama, the transcript of his MTP interview is easily found too, but I'll just let you do that if it's not too much trouble.
I don't see anything in that document except for less-of-the-same Democrat policies.

Which is, with a precious couple of notable exceptions, pretty much what the Geriatric Old Party has been about since at least Eisenhower.

Well, with the exception that they don't even want to pretend that they're so much as token opposition anymore.

Hey Dude -- you clean up real nice.
I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.
I don't see anything in that document except for less-of-the-same Democrat policies.

Which is, with a precious couple of notable exceptions, pretty much what the Geriatric Old Party has been about since at least Eisenhower.

Well, with the exception that they don't even want to pretend that they're so much as token opposition anymore.

Hey Dude -- you clean up real nice.
so, are you finally convinced Dude isnt a republican?
I know why Colin Powell voted for Obama. He's a public leader whose endorsements have consequences. Not your or me. On it's face that makes him not a Republican.

The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey, released Monday, suggests that 70 percent have a favorable opinion of Powell, who was Secretary of State during President George W. Bush's first term, and who served as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Persian Gulf War.

Only 30 percent of those polled have a favorable view of Limbaugh, the popular conservative radio talk show host, with 53 percent saying they hold an unfavorable opinion.

In poll numbers released Thursday, 37 percent say they have a favorable opinion of Dick Cheney, with 55 percent indicating they hold an unfavorable view of the former vice president.

It's the Limbaugh worshippers and Cheney supporters who have left the Republican party, not Colin Powell.

Good luck with it.
Which is, with a precious couple of notable exceptions, pretty much what the Geriatric Old Party has been about since at least Eisenhower.

Well, with the exception that they don't even want to pretend that they're so much as token opposition anymore.

Hey Dude -- you clean up real nice.
so, are you finally convinced Dude isnt a republican?

I was referring to his new avatar. He must be out of rehab. I don't know what he is.
you know NOTHING about me

yea he does Dive....you dont agree with him....thats all he needs to know....in the world of the Bobos...called THE RECTUM,by the discoverer of this place.....your a RIGHT-WING NEO-FACIST ASSHOLE....:lol::lol::lol::lol:...so am i and Dude and Gunny, Meister,Sinatra,Elvis....and we cant forget Willow.....the BOBO has spoken....

And you call us, those who oppose your own viewpoints, what? MORONS, FUCKING IDIOTS, and worse. Oh we get it. It's okay for you people to do it, but nobody else. Makes me wonder what the average age is of your crowd.

show me where outside of Bobo or Chris i called you a moron Maggie for disagreeing with me....the only people i call that are those like the 2 mentioned, who do that to just about everyone here who disagrees with them...me and you have disagreed before and just disagreed....AND i might add unlike our friend Bobo,because i disagreed with you,you did not call me a right-winger because of that (at least i dont think you have)....something Bobo has a hard time sorting out....
yea he does Dive....you dont agree with him....thats all he needs to know....in the world of the Bobos...called THE RECTUM,by the discoverer of this place.....your a RIGHT-WING NEO-FACIST ASSHOLE....:lol::lol::lol::lol:...so am i and Dude and Gunny, Meister,Sinatra,Elvis....and we cant forget Willow.....the BOBO has spoken....

And you call us, those who oppose your own viewpoints, what? MORONS, FUCKING IDIOTS, and worse. Oh we get it. It's okay for you people to do it, but nobody else. Makes me wonder what the average age is of your crowd.

show me where outside of Bobo or Chris i called you a moron Maggie for disagreeing with me....the only people i call that are those like the 2 mentioned, who do that to just about everyone here who disagrees with them...me and you have disagreed before and just disagreed....AND i might add unlike our friend Bobo,because i disagreed with you,you did not call me a right-winger because of that (at least i dont think you have)....something Bobo has a hard time sorting out....

I often mean "you" collectively, not anyone in particular.
But you defend the GOP special interest.

We complain when our Democrats do it. And you sure as hell complain when you catch a Dem doing this.

So why don't you complain about the GOP bending over for corporations? Hell, you defend it.

What makes your special interest any better that you vote for it and defend it for 8 years as it ruined America.

Dipshit I am a registered independent. You are exactly what fuels corruption by both parties, brainless followers...:cuckoo:

I'm a registered independent too, but that means squat except during a national election in my state. You must choose either choose a Democrat or Republican ballot. On the registrar, everyone is listed as a D or R. Not right, but that's just the way it is, until changed. And I hope it does.

You can vote for an independent or a constitutional party politician or countless other parties would that still be D or R?

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