Whatever happened to "Republicans"???

Better than Tom Delay, Boehner, Newt, Dennis Hastert.

You guys will bash them, but look how many seats they picked up this year. Are you jealous? Hater!!
Saying that you can do the triple-jump better than some dudes on crutches doesn't speak to any particular athletic prowess on your part, bozo.

Not even a nice try at a 2nd grade deflection.
The problem then is the LMSM? I don't know about that.

The wingnuts tend to get their own crazy muggs on any camera they can find. It's the radical policies of the past 10 years or so. News media do shove the mics in the faces of the weirdest people there but that isn't what completely killed the Republicans dead.

The Dems were almost dead there for awhile but they found leadership and policies they could believe in and more they were policies America could get behind.
The same thing happens with libertarians.

Rather than pay attention to the sensible and reasonable, like John Stossel or Ed Thompson (the brother of former WI governor Tommy), media types focus on the moonbats, like troofers.

Claiming that the policies of the last 10 years or so are "radical", when they've more resembled the policies of far left radicals like LBJ, is an interesting claim....Especially when we're talking about republicans here.

Claiming that the dems have found "leadership" in the likes of Harry Reid and Nancy Paxiolsi is laughable, at best.

I like Pelosi, she never was good in interviews. Maybe she needs a teleprompter.
So true, notice coverage of issues that affect everywoman: poor wages, poverty, lack of jobs, poor or no healthcare, corporate outsourcing, the corporate owned media never covers tough issues.At least at one time, they covered tough issues but corporate ownership forced them all to play the game. If you don't play the game you are marginalized.
You mean like corporate ownership of several cable and satellite outlets (GE/NBC/Universal) pimps for the anthropogenic global warming hoax, socialized medical services, and overtly shilled for Barry Obolshevik during and after the election??

I can't imagine the shit attack socialist bedwetters would have, if Northrup-Grumman owned a score of teevee networks and had "pro war" week.

You've met the enemy, pal, and he is you.

Of course they aren't going to be completely obvious about their right wing slant.

Just notice how the media treated Monicagate compared to all of Bush's treasonist actions. Huge difference.

You need the media's help in order to get an impeachment.

PS. How many people still believe Saddam had something to do with 9-11?
She isn't going to resign, Dude.
.....or get off the meds.....Which would make her every appearance very much like that shrieking incoherent hissy fit she threw, when the very first bailout bill crashed and burned last fall.

But we can all have our dreams, can't we??

Sure, you can continue your fantasy. :lol:
I tend to disagree.

The media merely sticks its mics and points its cameras at the evangelical loons, in order to create a boogerman for people to fear and deride.

Remember that dumb twirp from CNN covering the tea parties, who was only seeking out the kookiest people she could find for her interviews??....You think that was the only place that kind of thing goes on??

Until the repubs dissuade themselves of that type of self-delusion, your party is going to be in huge trouble.

I don't think anyone cares whether or not the evangelicals are loons... I think most people just don't want them making government policy.
No one's buying this. What happened is that they finally got full control of government and they did exactly what they always wanted.

Socialize the losses and privatize the profits.
Break government so they could end social programs for the poor
Launch a war in the middle east, disaster capitalism.

And the Robber Baron's gobbled up all the $. Did they go too far? Hell no. Heck, you don't even realize they did it. You're stilll blaming the government.

In business, there are always winners and losers. So, who won? When your 401K took a dump and Walllstreet collapsed, where did all that money go? Who won?

The bankers won. And you still side with the GOP who helped the bankers fuck us.

Are the Dems angels? No, but they are way better than the GOP.

You don't make enough money to be a Republican. Do you understand that?
Don't mistake your imbecilic opinions for those of "everyone".

Name just one program for the sainted poooooooooooor, in eight years, that republicans moved to shut down.

Just one.

Social security.
Until the repubs dissuade themselves of that type of self-delusion, your party is going to be in huge trouble.

I don't think anyone cares whether or not the evangelicals are loons... I think most people just don't want them making government policy.
I'm not a republican....Which puts me in a pretty good spot to make a dispassionate 3rd-person observation. The only person who is deluded is the one who believes that ANY of the "news" outlets (including Fakes News) call things down-the-middle.

A lot of people don't want socialist moonbats like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich in on making laws either, but that's not going to stop the democratics from doing so anyways.
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Until the repubs dissuade themselves of that type of self-delusion, your party is going to be in huge trouble.

I don't think anyone cares whether or not the evangelicals are loons... I think most people just don't want them making government policy.
I'm not a republican....Which puts me in a pretty good spot to make a dispassionate 3rd-person observation. The only person who is deluded is the one who believes that ANY of the "news" outlets (including Fakes News) call things down-the-middle.

A lot of people don't want socialist moonbats like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich in on making laws either, but that's not going to stop the democratics from doing so anyways.

They aren't loons. Stop attacking these good men who make a lot of sense. Their only problem is having to deal with people like you in Congress.

PS. You don't have to tell us you vote GOP. We know based on your arguments.
Better than Tom Delay, Boehner, Newt, Dennis Hastert.

You guys will bash them, but look how many seats they picked up this year. Are you jealous? Hater!!
Saying that you can do the triple-jump better than some dudes on crutches doesn't speak to any particular athletic prowess on your part, bozo.

Not even a nice try at a 2nd grade deflection.

I can give you specifics on how Tom Delay fucked over the American people. And he was corrupt. GUILTY!!! ABRAMOFF!!!!

Oh yea, he gave a few Dems some $ too so they could "share" responsibility if he ever got caught. You guys never take the blame for anything.

Its either

a. All the Dems fault
b. Everyones fault
c. Never the GOP's fault

What don't you like about the current leadership?

What did you like about the GOP leadership? Did you like them selling America cheap to foreign interest? Did you like how they doubled the debt? Did you like their lying us into the war? How about when Mark Foley was preying on young Washington Pages and trying to rape underage boys and Hastert was covering it up before the 06 election?

And the same thing they are doing to Pelosi with torture, they tried to do to her with the Mark Foley story. They tried to make the story about, "when did Pelosi know about Foley".

Republicans never take the blame for anything. No wonder you think they are great.
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Better than Tom Delay, Boehner, Newt, Dennis Hastert.

You guys will bash them, but look how many seats they picked up this year. Are you jealous? Hater!!
Saying that you can do the triple-jump better than some dudes on crutches doesn't speak to any particular athletic prowess on your part, bozo.

Not even a nice try at a 2nd grade deflection.

I can give you specifics on how Tom Delay fucked over the American people. And he was corrupt. GUILTY!!! ABRAMOFF!!!!

Oh yea, he gave a few Dems some $ too so they could "share" responsibility if he ever got caught. You guys never take the blame for anything.

Its either

a. All the Dems fault
b. Everyones fault
c. Never the GOP's fault

Were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?
Saying that you can do the triple-jump better than some dudes on crutches doesn't speak to any particular athletic prowess on your part, bozo.

Not even a nice try at a 2nd grade deflection.

I can give you specifics on how Tom Delay fucked over the American people. And he was corrupt. GUILTY!!! ABRAMOFF!!!!

Oh yea, he gave a few Dems some $ too so they could "share" responsibility if he ever got caught. You guys never take the blame for anything.

Its either

a. All the Dems fault
b. Everyones fault
c. Never the GOP's fault

Were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

Oh Burn!!!

Fuck you if you don't get it. I just remembered another time when the GOP were caught up in scandal and they tried to shift the blame on to Pelosi.

Mark Foley (R) was a pedophile. Instead of apologizing, the GOP tried to blame Pelosi or suggest she knew months before and did nothing.

When it was Dennis Hasterts job to keep his pedophiles in line.

Dems have to share blame on Iraq and the economy, even though the GOP ruled all three houses for 6 years. What a joke.

What have the GOP ever accepted blame for?

If you can't answer, then you are stupid. And you don't have to work on it. In fact, your reply is the kind of reply I get from little bitches who are mad but have no come back.
I can give you specifics on how Tom Delay fucked over the American people. And he was corrupt. GUILTY!!! ABRAMOFF!!!!

Oh yea, he gave a few Dems some $ too so they could "share" responsibility if he ever got caught. You guys never take the blame for anything.

Its either

a. All the Dems fault
b. Everyones fault
c. Never the GOP's fault

Were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

Oh Burn!!!

Fuck you if you don't get it. I just remembered another time when the GOP were caught up in scandal and they tried to shift the blame on to Pelosi.

Mark Foley (R) was a pedophile. Instead of apologizing, the GOP tried to blame Pelosi or suggest she knew months before and did nothing.

When it was Dennis Hasterts job to keep his pedophiles in line.

Dems have to share blame on Iraq and the economy, even though the GOP ruled all three houses for 6 years. What a joke.

What have the GOP ever accepted blame for?

If you can't answer, then you are stupid. And you don't have to work on it. In fact, your reply is the kind of reply I get from little bitches who are mad but have no come back.

I'll take that to mean you were born stupid.
I'm not a republican....Which puts me in a pretty good spot to make a dispassionate 3rd-person observation. The only person who is deluded is the one who believes that ANY of the "news" outlets (including Fakes News) call things down-the-middle.

A lot of people don't want socialist moonbats like Bernie Sanders and Dennis Kucinich in on making laws either, but that's not going to stop the democratics from doing so anyways.

I think Bernie Sanders acknowledges he's a socialist, but why pick the furthest reaches of the left to represent democrats? That seems to be a tactic of the radical right, I'd say. As for socialism, I didn't hear an awful lot of complaints from the right when there was eight years of socialism for corporatists.... it must have been great... socialize the debt, privatize the profits. :clap2:
Were you born this stupid or did you have to work on it?

Oh Burn!!!

Fuck you if you don't get it. I just remembered another time when the GOP were caught up in scandal and they tried to shift the blame on to Pelosi.

Mark Foley (R) was a pedophile. Instead of apologizing, the GOP tried to blame Pelosi or suggest she knew months before and did nothing.

When it was Dennis Hasterts job to keep his pedophiles in line.

Dems have to share blame on Iraq and the economy, even though the GOP ruled all three houses for 6 years. What a joke.

What have the GOP ever accepted blame for?

If you can't answer, then you are stupid. And you don't have to work on it. In fact, your reply is the kind of reply I get from little bitches who are mad but have no come back.

I'll take that to mean you were born stupid.

If that's all you have to say in response, I fucking schooled you bitch!!! Eat my shorts!!! :lol:

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