What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

AS usual, idiot liberals don't even understand the argument.

An American has the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. It's HIS business, it's HIS time, HIS effort, it all belongs to him. It's his right and his rights should supersede the demands of someone else. No one has a right to a portion of the life or effort of another.

Cartoonish mischaracterization.

No American is a sovereign entity unto himself and beyond the Constitution and law of We the People.

Feel free to try and impose your will on me.
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business...

How do you know the bill was only supported by fundamentalist Christians? Or just Christians? Or just people of faith at all? Or on the basis of faith? How do you know these things with such certainty that you take them as given?

He is a self declared genius who has run from the thread because I won't let him get away with hypocrisy.
I concur with you entirely. Everytime a Christian businessman decides to not sell to someone he finds undesirable, he is forcing his viewpoint onto others, but unfortunately for him, at the cost of his own profits. Pretty stupid, don't you think?

I guess if profit is your god, then one might think so. It's not that your viewpoint is not understood, it is simply rejected. Or are you okay with forcing others to conform to your opinion on profit as well?

"For profit" is not my G-d. There is only one G-d, thank you very much. But there is also a difference between the secular world and the spiritual world. You do understand that simple idea, right?

"We ought to obey God rather than men."

If you don't like the New Testament.

“ It is better to take refuge in ADONAI than to trust in human beings.”
This thread is about religion. If you don't like that, feel free to not post in the religion section.
that's true...but there is no need to testify and blurt out jesus's name in every thread.

Let me reiterate the point for the idiots, this thread is specifically about Christianity, and specifically questions how one can be CHRIST-like and do something sinful. If you don't like that...
I agree it's about being Christ like ...I'm fairly sure Jesus did go around shouting his own name every second and then testify to make sure everyone knew who and what he was...
it's a giving that this section is religious/ Christian threads,needing to proclaim it
incessantly is unnecessary..
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

I can make a case for this, Marc. I wrote it months and months ago but this topic and debate is phrased differently so I would have to see if I had to tweek it a little.

I am not interested in posting it in the forum cause I can't see how it is in our interests to fight this in public.

If you know me by now, you know I can do it and already posted it and it survived scrutiny on another message board.

I already did, which explains why Marc is hiding from his own thread.
didn't I just say that? are you agreeing with me?

I have to confess, it looked like you were saying the baker should be required to bake gaycake........
last time I checked cake had no religious, sexual or political bias of any kind .
besides is there some difference in the process of baking gay cake?

The last time I checked you weren't addressing the point raised in the OP.

Just checked again, you still aren't.
that's true...but there is no need to testify and blurt out jesus's name in every thread.

Let me reiterate the point for the idiots, this thread is specifically about Christianity, and specifically questions how one can be CHRIST-like and do something sinful. If you don't like that...
I agree it's about being Christ like ...I'm fairly sure Jesus did go around shouting his own name every second and then testify to make sure everyone knew who and what he was...
it's a giving that this section is religious/ Christian threads,needing to proclaim it
incessantly is unnecessary..

Jesus is Lord.

Does that bother you?

Jesus is Lord.
I have to confess, it looked like you were saying the baker should be required to bake gaycake........
last time I checked cake had no religious, sexual or political bias of any kind .
besides is there some difference in the process of baking gay cake?

The last time I checked you weren't addressing the point raised in the OP.

Just checked again, you still aren't.
ANSWERED long ago....
Let me reiterate the point for the idiots, this thread is specifically about Christianity, and specifically questions how one can be CHRIST-like and do something sinful. If you don't like that...
I agree it's about being Christ like ...I'm fairly sure Jesus did go around shouting his own name every second and then testify to make sure everyone knew who and what he was...
it's a giving that this section is religious/ Christian threads,needing to proclaim it
incessantly is unnecessary..

Jesus is Lord.

Does that bother you?

Jesus is Lord.
no. on the other hand me bringing up the fact that it's unnecessary is pissing you off to no end..making it highly entertaining!
I agree it's about being Christ like ...I'm fairly sure Jesus did go around shouting his own name every second and then testify to make sure everyone knew who and what he was...
it's a giving that this section is religious/ Christian threads,needing to proclaim it
incessantly is unnecessary..

Jesus is Lord.

Does that bother you?

Jesus is Lord.
no. on the other hand me bringing up the fact that it's unnecessary is pissing you off to no end..making it highly entertaining!

The fact that you are easily offended is not evidence I am pissed off.
Why do cons suck so bad at understanding the basics of how Public Accommodation Laws work?

Why do idiots insist on bringing government into a discussion about religion?

Read the OP, asshole, then come back if you have something to say that doesn't involve ignoring the separation of church and state.

Let me heap you with that since you obviously missed it the first time.

The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

I agree.

Why do religions insist on bringing their god into discussions about government?

If they're going to demand that we all kow-tow to their hate and stupidity, they should expect the rest of us to fight for our Constitution. Not to mention the opinions of the majority of Americans.
no. on the other hand me bringing up the fact that it's unnecessary is pissing you off to no end..making it highly entertaining!

The fact that you are easily offended is not evidence I am pissed off.
never said I was offended and as always you don't have the facts.
your last series of posts just screams I'm offended...

Let me get this straight, you came into a thread about Jesus and complain about people mentioning Jesus, but you aren't offended?
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The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

You are claiming that it is Christian based. Can you provide facts to support that?
I ask because I am unsure.
Sir, the bill has religion in it.

The bill allows anti-gay discrimination BASED ON RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

You think the Arizona atheists sponsored this bill?

C'mon man...

I haven't read the bill.
I thought it was about a business owner being allowed to refuse to do business with other people, one of those reasons being about religious beliefs. Kind of like the the signs I used to see at restaurants that said, "No shirt, No shoes, No service" , certainly not religious, but certainly a business owner refusing to do business with certain individuals based upon principles that the said business owner had.
Why do cons suck so bad at understanding the basics of how Public Accommodation Laws work?

Why do idiots insist on bringing government into a discussion about religion?

Read the OP, asshole, then come back if you have something to say that doesn't involve ignoring the separation of church and state.

Let me heap you with that since you obviously missed it the first time.

The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

I agree.

Why do religions insist on bringing their god into discussions about government?

If they're going to demand that we all kow-tow to their hate and stupidity, they should expect the rest of us to fight for our Constitution. Not to mention the opinions of the majority of Americans.

This is a thread about religion, oh he who is easily confused.

That said, according to you, the government exists solely for the purpose of protecting my freedom of religion. If that is the truth, shouldn't religion be part of any discussion about government?
never said I was offended and as always you don't have the facts.
your last series of posts just screams I'm offended...

Let me get this straight, you came into a thread about Jesus and complain about people mentioning Jesus, but you aren't offended?
now you're growing some brains.

Mocking you is a sign of intelligence?

Since you missed it, I should point out I mock you almost every time I reply to you.
There is nothing un-Christian-like in defending ones religion or morals.

Assumption by the OP is that it is not Christian to defend and advocate for ones beliefs.

But there is nothing in the Bible, either in the Old or New Testament, that prohibits Christians from associating with people they find undesirable. In fact, Jesus went out and preached to whores. In fact, he touched one and told her to go sin no more. But he didn't refuse to sell her a wedding cake.

In Judaism, it is forbidden for us to eat pork. But actually, it is not forbidden for us to sell pork to someone else. It is also not forbidden for us to sell kosher food to a Muslim, should he want to buy it.

By refusing to sell to someone who is not of your ideology, you are not defending your beliefs at all. You are just making them look ridiculous. I bet that Jesus is doing a facepalm right now.
Opposite scenario
Let's suppose I took my Ford Explorer to an auto shop that specializes in BMW repair. They refused to work on my car. Should I sue them for being prejudiced against my Ford? After all, it's still auto mechanics and they are great mechanics.
Like what you said, it's merely an analogy, but last I looked, we are allowed freedom of association here in the US, and that includes freedom to not associate.

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