What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

Your opinion is duly noted, however, it doesn't address the OP. How is what you stated addressing Christianity or being Christlike in any way, shape or form?

you ask the wrong question.......it assumes that in order to be "Christlike" one must bake cakes for gay marriage.......a better question is whether it is Christlike to compel people to do things they do not feel is right.......
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

Should Adolf Hitler get his mommy and daddy back then?


Should Katy Perry be removing an Allah pendant from her video?

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you ask the wrong question.......it assumes that in order to be "Christlike" one must bake cakes for gay marriage.......a better question is whether it is Christlike to compel people to do things they do not feel is right.......
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

Should Adolf Hitler get his mommy and daddy back then?


Should Katy Perry be removing an Allah pendant from her video?

Katy Perry removes Allah pendant from 'Dark Horse' video after*petition accuses her of blasphemy - NY Daily News
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

Should Adolf Hitler get his mommy and daddy back then?


Should Katy Perry be removing an Allah pendant from her video?

Katy Perry removes Allah pendant from 'Dark Horse' video after*petition accuses her of blasphemy - NY Daily News

The users here have expectations for you to answer kindly.
Didn't Jesus deny gays, blacks and the ugly to be baptized?

You set yourself up for this one.

Matthew 3:7 But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?

Matthew 3:8 Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance:

The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and told them to first do the works worthy of repentance before they came.

He knew they weren't sincere.

Luke 19:8 And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.

There was a requirement to follow Jesus directly.

Luke 18:22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.

Luke 18:23 And when he heard this, he was very sorrowful: for he was very rich.

Matthew 6:15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
AS usual, idiot liberals don't even understand the argument.

An American has the right to deny service to anyone for any reason. It's HIS business, it's HIS time, HIS effort, it all belongs to him. It's his right and his rights should supersede the demands of someone else. No one has a right to a portion of the life or effort of another.

Cartoonish mischaracterization.

No American is a sovereign entity unto himself and beyond the Constitution and law of We the People.
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business...

How do you know the bill was only supported by fundamentalist Christians? Or just Christians? Or just people of faith at all? Or on the basis of faith? How do you know these things with such certainty that you take them as given?
The appropriate question is what is Christian about using violence to force your viewpoint onto others?

Not everyone interprets their religious beliefs the same. You have no right to impose anything on others contrary to their individually held beliefs. It's completely unchristian, and quite frankly the actions of an repulsive man.

I concur with you entirely. Everytime a Christian businessman decides to not sell to someone he finds undesirable, he is forcing his viewpoint onto others, but unfortunately for him, at the cost of his own profits. Pretty stupid, don't you think?

I guess if profit is your god, then one might think so. It's not that your viewpoint is not understood, it is simply rejected. Or are you okay with forcing others to conform to your opinion on profit as well?

"For profit" is not my G-d. There is only one G-d, thank you very much. But there is also a difference between the secular world and the spiritual world. You do understand that simple idea, right?
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

I can make a case for this, Marc. I wrote it months and months ago but this topic and debate is phrased differently so I would have to see if I had to tweek it a little.

I am not interested in posting it in the forum cause I can't see how it is in our interests to fight this in public.

If you know me by now, you know I can do it and already posted it and it survived scrutiny on another message board.
Your opinion is duly noted, however, it doesn't address the OP. How is what you stated addressing Christianity or being Christlike in any way, shape or form?

you ask the wrong question.......it assumes that in order to be "Christlike" one must bake cakes for gay marriage.......a better question is whether it is Christlike to compel people to do things they do not feel is right.......
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

can I be in business to bake cakes for only a couple of hundred thousand people?.....do I have to bake cakes for all six billion?.....
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

The only person hurt by this is the people who choose not to take the other person's money. If someone doesn't want my money, I am not going to force them to take it and give me service. Doesn't make sense.
didn't I just say that? are you agreeing with me?

I have to confess, it looked like you were saying the baker should be required to bake gaycake........
you ask the wrong question.......it assumes that in order to be "Christlike" one must bake cakes for gay marriage.......a better question is whether it is Christlike to compel people to do things they do not feel is right.......
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

can I be in business to bake cakes for only a couple of hundred thousand people?.....do I have to bake cakes for all six billion?.....
MC Donald's has already done that....so has krispy kreme....
The only person hurt by this is the people who choose not to take the other person's money. If someone doesn't want my money, I am not going to force them to take it and give me service. Doesn't make sense.
didn't I just say that? are you agreeing with me?

I have to confess, it looked like you were saying the baker should be required to bake gaycake........
last time I checked cake had no religious, sexual or political bias of any kind .
besides is there some difference in the process of baking gay cake?
The appropriate question is what is Christian about using violence to force your viewpoint onto others?

Not everyone interprets their religious beliefs the same. You have no right to impose anything on others contrary to their individually held beliefs. It's completely unchristian, and quite frankly the actions of an repulsive man.

I concur with you entirely. Everytime a Christian businessman decides to not sell to someone he finds undesirable, he is forcing his viewpoint onto others, but unfortunately for him, at the cost of his own profits. Pretty stupid, don't you think?

In the scheme of things, they would be geniuses in comparison to you.
Why do cons suck so bad at understanding the basics of how Public Accommodation Laws work?

Why do idiots insist on bringing government into a discussion about religion?

Read the OP, asshole, then come back if you have something to say that doesn't involve ignoring the separation of church and state.

Let me heap you with that since you obviously missed it the first time.

The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.
The government is secular. Even a Christian has the same rights as everyone else. They cannot be forced to do something that violates their beliefs. Obviously you don't like those beliefs. Well, that's just tough.
That's EXACTLY what I've BEEN saying all along.

Thread done. :clap2:

You apparently need to go back and read your own damn op... :cuckoo:
Not to mention his response to my first post in this thread when he argued that I was wrong for pointing out that this is the real issue.
And every time a Christian sells a wedding cake to a hetero couple where one of the two partners was already unfaithful before the marriage, then they are also supporting that sin as well, right?

if a baker knew one of them was cheating on the other and refused to bake the cake for that reason, would there be a lawsuit trying to compel him to bake it anyway?......would there be a public outcry demanding the baker be forced to close his business?.......would there be a clamor for a governor to veto a bill making it okay to refuse to bake a cake for an adulterer?......

What if the baker refused to sell them a cake because they were engaged in premarital sex?

Come to think of it, you could use that argument not to bake a cake for a same sex wedding.

this religious soundbite was brought to you by..............

This thread is about religion. If you don't like that, feel free to not post in the religion section.
that's true...but there is no need to testify and blurt out jesus's name in every thread.

Let me reiterate the point for the idiots, this thread is specifically about Christianity, and specifically questions how one can be CHRIST-like and do something sinful. If you don't like that...
Your opinion is duly noted, however, it doesn't address the OP. How is what you stated addressing Christianity or being Christlike in any way, shape or form?

you ask the wrong question.......it assumes that in order to be "Christlike" one must bake cakes for gay marriage.......a better question is whether it is Christlike to compel people to do things they do not feel is right.......
a baker job is to bake....and make a living at it..they're personal ideology is irrelevant. the cake doesn't care who eats it..
gay money is just as spendable as strait money..
then again, with all the changes in the look of our currency Abe, George and the other guys look kinda light in the loafers,,,

Again, this thread is about Christianity. That, like it or not, makes any secular argument irrelevant.

Who the fuck has expectations like that?

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