What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

I don't know where people like macartl get their concepts of Jesus from, I guess just from reading snippets here and there on liberal websites. If he has truly read the Bible, he would understand that Jesus was not all sweetness and light, he was deadly serious about what he taught and preached and thought many he dealth with fools, and did not hesitate to tell them so.

Fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law that protects society as a whole from religious arrogance and extremism.

The genius of the Framers’ insistence that church and state remain separate was to allow you and other theists to argue the doctrine and dogma of your faith in your churches and homes, and not in the legislatures and courts.
I don't know where people like macartl get their concepts of Jesus from, I guess just from reading snippets here and there on liberal websites. If he has truly read the Bible, he would understand that Jesus was not all sweetness and light, he was deadly serious about what he taught and preached and thought many he dealth with fools, and did not hesitate to tell them so.

Fortunately we have a Constitution and its case law that protects society as a whole from religious arrogance and extremism.

The genius of the Framers’ insistence that church and state remain separate was to allow you and other theists to argue the doctrine and dogma of your faith in your churches and homes, and not in the legislatures and courts.
That's the vital part that the far RW radicals like Newby et. al. can't seem to get through their thick skulls.
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

The government is secular. Even a Christian has the same rights as everyone else. They cannot be forced to do something that violates their beliefs. Obviously you don't like those beliefs. Well, that's just tough.
That's EXACTLY what I've BEEN saying all along.

Thread done. :clap2:
I actually read my Bible every morning. I just finished reading the book of Job and have moved on to the last book of poetry this morning. I also read a chunk of excerpts from Acts...this morning.

Can you point out those 5 Scriptures you're referring to please?


If you know anything about Christ's teachings, and I suspect you have but a cursory understanding, if any, you will understand that he taught to love and treat others as yourselves. He taught to turn the other cheek, he taught to minister with love, to heal, to lift up, not to bring down. I note the parable of the Good Samaritan at this time.

I also note that the ONLY time Jesus was recorded getting angry was to a certain sect of people...and these aren't the people you are angry at, in fact, I suspect that the type of people Jesus got angry at are the types of people you revere today.

So yes, nothing, whatsoever is Christlike about that bigoted Bill.

Even if I can't, I can actually prove you are wrong. Paul actually talked about this issue when he talked about food offered to idols, which was sold in the local markets. He pointed out that he, as a Christian, was perfectly free to eat that meat because he knew for a fact that the gods they were sacrificed to were not real. Yet, despite that knowledge, he was quite willing to go hungry himself to ensure that other Christians would not fall into sin.

Yet,. you, being a self righteous jerk wad, aka Pharisee, want to force weaker Christians to follow your rules simply because you know better than they do. If JEsus was actually around right now he would probably sit down to dinner with the LGBT community, but he would call you out for your hypocrisy.

Not that I expect you to acknowledge it, but this is something that you really need to think about.

1 Corinthians 8
That is how I interpret it, Quantum. It is a matter of conscience. ( no one should be forced to act against their own conscience) Very good example of scripture - in my opinion.

What has been said is that Jesus forgave sins, he was a peacemaker.
Even if I can't, I can actually prove you are wrong. Paul actually talked about this issue when he talked about food offered to idols, which was sold in the local markets. He pointed out that he, as a Christian, was perfectly free to eat that meat because he knew for a fact that the gods they were sacrificed to were not real. Yet, despite that knowledge, he was quite willing to go hungry himself to ensure that other Christians would not fall into sin.

Yet,. you, being a self righteous jerk wad, aka Pharisee, want to force weaker Christians to follow your rules simply because you know better than they do. If JEsus was actually around right now he would probably sit down to dinner with the LGBT community, but he would call you out for your hypocrisy.

Not that I expect you to acknowledge it, but this is something that you really need to think about.

1 Corinthians 8
That is how I interpret it, Quantum. It is a matter of conscience. ( no one should be forced to act against their own conscience) Very good example of scripture - in my opinion.

What has been said is that Jesus forgave sins, he was a peacemaker.
this religious soundbite was brought to you by..............
Step in my workplace drunk, I can refuse to serve you and also ask you to leave the premises

Become an obnoxious ass I can ask you to leave and sometime ban you from ever coming back to the place of business...

so that makes me Unchristian like?

how pathetic

Why would people want to FORCE themselves on a business that doesn't want to do business with them? It's so pathetic
Step in my workplace drunk, I can refuse to serve you and also ask you to leave the premises

Become an obnoxious ass I can ask you to leave and sometime ban you from ever coming back to the place of business...

so that makes me Unchristian like?

how pathetic

Why would people want to FORCE themselves on a business that doesn't want to do business with them? It's so pathetic
so making a profit is secondary?
gee sometimes Christians get drunk and are obnoxious asses and force themselves on a business..(planned parenthood gay clubs and non christian places of worship come to mind)
people who live in glass churches shouldn't throw bibles..
Step in my workplace drunk, I can refuse to serve you and also ask you to leave the premises

Become an obnoxious ass I can ask you to leave and sometime ban you from ever coming back to the place of business...

so that makes me Unchristian like?

how pathetic

Why would people want to FORCE themselves on a business that doesn't want to do business with them? It's so pathetic
so making a profit is secondary?
gee sometimes Christians get drunk and are obnoxious asses and force themselves on a business..(planned parenthood gay clubs and non christian places of worship come to mind)
people who live in glass churches shouldn't throw bibles..

that's right, making a profit is second to keeping my other customers safe and not feel threatened..
let me no where you live I'll unleash that drunk on you
It's from Matthew 5:39

"But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also."

oh, wait, that's not it....
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

What basis, does one build this argument in the first place?

What the radical RW have done in Arizona is prove exactly how UNCHRISTLIKE they really are by trying to pass this law.

Anyone care to show me how that radical bill they were pushing is Christian?

I'd like to know.

The government is secular. Even a Christian has the same rights as everyone else. They cannot be forced to do something that violates their beliefs. Obviously you don't like those beliefs. Well, that's just tough.
That's EXACTLY what I've BEEN saying all along.

Thread done. :clap2:

You were under no obligation to prove me right. You could have come in here, read my post, been convicted by the Spirit, and admitted you were wrong. That would have been refreshing.

Instead, you are now arguing that, even though you claimed the issue was not about the government forcing people to do things when I pointed to it, that the government actually has the power to force people to do things.

How typical.
What has been said is that Jesus forgave sins, he was a peacemaker.

It has been said that Obama is the second coming of Christ, doesn't make it true.

So you do not believe Jesus was a peacemaker ?

Do I believe you think he was?

Tell me something, if he brought peace between the Romans and the Jews, why did they kill him? And then fight a war that destroyed Jerusalem less than 40 years later?
Step in my workplace drunk, I can refuse to serve you and also ask you to leave the premises

Become an obnoxious ass I can ask you to leave and sometime ban you from ever coming back to the place of business...

so that makes me Unchristian like?

how pathetic

Why would people want to FORCE themselves on a business that doesn't want to do business with them? It's so pathetic

Well, then, you are obviously not a Capitalist and therefore patently Unamerican.

Were I a Christian business owner, I would want to sell to every non-christian, every gay I could find so that I could show her/him through my words and deeds the love and graciousness of G-d. I would not be holding them to a litmus test.

When you talk about drunk people, Stephanie, you are talking about a state of being that they willfully imposed upon themselves, one that could possibly present a physical danger to you as a businesswoman in your shop. In that case, it is entirely reasonable to throw out someone who poses physical danger to your business.

But a gay person who walks into a bakery or a seamstress shop or a photography shop and wants a product to go with any kind of celebration that he/she plans to celebrate, that person poses absolutely no physical threat to you whatsover and his/her money spends just as well as everyone else's money.

You all stand on your soapboxes and scream "sin, sin, sin" and yet, Jeshuah actually walked among lepers, people who WERE physically a threat to others because of a sickness that can be air/water-born. Why are you not following his example?

It never ceases to amaze me how intolerant and downright hateful SOME Christians have become and I have been scratching my head for a number of years over this.

And then it dawned on me: with the advent of the super fundamentalistic movement in the USA, one thing that unites various factions of Fundamentalism, from Catholic Fundamentalism to Evangelical Fundamentalism, is the need for an image of an "enemy". Apparently, the movement is not strong enough to hold itself together without having a terribly evil enemy to rally it's "troops" against. With AMWAY and the Moral Majority of the late 70s, early 80s, Fundamentalistic Christianity then piggybacked itself onto a more than willing GOP, a party that really wanted to win in 1980 against a born-again Democratic President: Jimmy Carter. Since then, the piggybacking has quite obviously moved to more of a strangle-hold. As Communism faded, the Christian Right needed a new "enemy" and with the advent of more free-thinking, coupled with the explosion of the internet into everyday life, gays then presented themselves as a perfect target. Bingo. Problem solved. Now, instead of hating on evil Communists, most of whom are irrelevant today, Fundie Christians can hate on gays, gays, gays. And they can feel good about themselves for hating on gays, gays gays.

It is really quite sad. The people here who write such hateful screeds are in no way like the real Christians I know in the real world. Yes, they disapprove of Homosexuality, but they show it with their words and kind actions, not with their pockebooks and balance sheets. They are just simply not stupid. They know that they "are in the world, but not of the world".

I am told that there is a phone app called "Grindr". It is often used by gay men to find pick-ups while underway. I don't approve of such a thing, but technology is technology and there are similar dating programs for straight people as well. I prefer the old fashioned way of meeting up with a lovely woman at a bar or meeting up for a blind date through a referral of someone whom I trust. Apparently, grindr, which uses GPS, can even tell you how many feet/meters a potential pick-up is from your current location.

Just to make a point, some Liberals walked around the site of the 2013 CPAC with their Smartphones on and with Grindr installed and were just amazed at the number of young Conservatives online looking for hot gay sex. They repeated this experiment at Liberty University (Fallwell's University) with very similar results. I would bet top-dollar that if you go to any mega-church on any given Sunday morning, one of those super Fundie "speaking in tongues" places and install grindr on your phone and give yourself some phony gay "handle", that you will find just tons of people online DURING the church service, looking for hot gay pickups WHILE the sermon is going on. I bet bottom dollar that this is the case every single Sunday of the year. Hypocrisy pure. They can grind and tweet and FB their gay desires during a service, but don't you dare sell them something!!!

Oh, and btw, when Tea Party avowed racists like Judson Philips are howling about Arizona, then you know the good guys won:

Tea Party Nation: Brewer's Veto Imposed 'Slavery,' Mandatory Penis Cakes For 'Homosexual Weddings' | Right Wing Watch

This thread is just totally amusing, to say the least. May get my vote for one of the best threads of 2014.

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Oh, and just a little gay "grindr" autocorrect humor to lighten our day. I just found this on pinterest:


The appropriate question is what is Christian about using violence to force your viewpoint onto others?

Not everyone interprets their religious beliefs the same. You have no right to impose anything on others contrary to their individually held beliefs. It's completely unchristian, and quite frankly the actions of an repulsive man.
"But a gay person who walks into a bakery or a seamstress shop or a photography shop and wants a product to go with any kind of celebration that he/she plans to celebrate, that person poses absolutely no physical threat to you whatsover and his/her money spends just as well as everyone else's money."

Once a dervish young woman walked into my shop and demanded that I design and sew some satanic symbols to wear on her jacket. I refused to do it and would do so again.

Threatening to close down a community hospital because it will not perform abortions is abhorrent. And using politics to promote anti-Christian practices is a bad idea in some states who feel entitled under the First Amendment to have the right to refuse service to anybody.

You cannot sanitize the gay practice in the eyes of some who may have been forced to have gay sex at an early age by one who was also a pedophile who preyed on young, inexperienced children in particular.

It's an in-your-face sham to force people to work against their consciences. It just is.
The appropriate question is what is Christian about using violence to force your viewpoint onto others?

Not everyone interprets their religious beliefs the same. You have no right to impose anything on others contrary to their individually held beliefs. It's completely unchristian, and quite frankly the actions of an repulsive man.

I concur with you entirely. Everytime a Christian businessman decides to not sell to someone he finds undesirable, he is forcing his viewpoint onto others, but unfortunately for him, at the cost of his own profits. Pretty stupid, don't you think?
"But a gay person who walks into a bakery or a seamstress shop or a photography shop and wants a product to go with any kind of celebration that he/she plans to celebrate, that person poses absolutely no physical threat to you whatsover and his/her money spends just as well as everyone else's money."

Once a dervish young woman walked into my shop and demanded that I design and sew some satanic symbols to wear on her jacket. I refused to do it and would do so again.

Threatening to close down a community hospital because it will not perform abortions is abhorrent. And using politics to promote anti-Christian practices is a bad idea in some states who feel entitled under the First Amendment to have the right to refuse service to anybody.

You cannot sanitize the gay practice in the eyes of some who may have been forced to have gay sex at an early age by one who was also a pedophile who preyed on young, inexperienced children in particular.

It's an in-your-face sham to force people to work against their consciences. It just is.

Becki - with all respect to you, no, it is not. It is just plain old silly. And an unwise business practice to boot. But I respect your opinion on this.

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