What's Christian About Denying Service To Any Individual?

The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

When I worked for my first job, we could deny service to any individual. It was always a right in our state.

If you are running a business like a restaurant or movie theater, would you want to have a customer bring in a baby and scream if the dinner plate was $100 a plate and you had paying customers? Or would you want to operate a movie theater if a customer brought in a baby that would cry during a movie and you had customers not be able to hear the movie? Would you kick that customer out or refund 1,000 other customers?

How long would you stay in business?
When was the last time you heard of a lady w/a screaming baby getting kicked out of an eating establishment b/c of the screaming baby?
The radical so-called fundamentalists Christians up in Arizona tried to get a law passed that would deny service to people gay or perceived as gay in public and private places of business.

I'd like to know...what's Christlike about that?

When I worked for my first job, we could deny service to any individual. It was always a right in our state.

If you are running a business like a restaurant or movie theater, would you want to have a customer bring in a baby and scream if the dinner plate was $100 a plate and you had paying customers? Or would you want to operate a movie theater if a customer brought in a baby that would cry during a movie and you had customers not be able to hear the movie? Would you kick that customer out or refund 1,000 other customers?

How long would you stay in business?
When was the last time you heard of a lady w/a screaming baby getting kicked out of an eating establishment b/c of the screaming baby?

Our staff had to kick someone out because of multiple complaints which may have been high as 11 or 12. Our boss didn't like that and wanted to smooth things over with the customer.

If you had 12 complaints, who do you side with? The one person or the twelve people?
When I worked for my first job, we could deny service to any individual. It was always a right in our state.

If you are running a business like a restaurant or movie theater, would you want to have a customer bring in a baby and scream if the dinner plate was $100 a plate and you had paying customers? Or would you want to operate a movie theater if a customer brought in a baby that would cry during a movie and you had customers not be able to hear the movie? Would you kick that customer out or refund 1,000 other customers?

How long would you stay in business?
When was the last time you heard of a lady w/a screaming baby getting kicked out of an eating establishment b/c of the screaming baby?

Our staff had to kick someone out because of multiple complaints which may have been high as 11 or 12. Our boss didn't like that and wanted to smooth things over with the customer.

If you had 12 complaints, who do you side with? The one person or the twelve people?

Which is exactly why the bill was vetoed.

Individual businesses don't want to turn away business. Nor does the state.

The worst of this is that it was not vetoed because its morally and ethically repugnant to discriminate against our fellow Americans.

Not to mention that pesky First Amendment that Brewer and other homophobes would love to see overturned.
When was the last time you heard of a lady w/a screaming baby getting kicked out of an eating establishment b/c of the screaming baby?

Our staff had to kick someone out because of multiple complaints which may have been high as 11 or 12. Our boss didn't like that and wanted to smooth things over with the customer.

If you had 12 complaints, who do you side with? The one person or the twelve people?

Which is exactly why the bill was vetoed.

Individual businesses don't want to turn away business. Nor does the state.

The worst of this is that it was not vetoed because its morally and ethically repugnant to discriminate against our fellow Americans.

Not to mention that pesky First Amendment that Brewer and other homophobes would love to see overturned.

So would you take your kids to Disney on Gay Day and be accosted with different values that you found offensive?

Businesses have signs on their door that says, "no solicitation". When you take your politics to an establishment, you are soliciting or promoting. Should I then sue businesses that have "no solicitation" on their door because they are discriminating?

Or is it private property and they can do what they want? Should the KKK be allowed to burn a cross on your lawn or is it private property?
When I worked for my first job, we could deny service to any individual. It was always a right in our state.

If you are running a business like a restaurant or movie theater, would you want to have a customer bring in a baby and scream if the dinner plate was $100 a plate and you had paying customers? Or would you want to operate a movie theater if a customer brought in a baby that would cry during a movie and you had customers not be able to hear the movie? Would you kick that customer out or refund 1,000 other customers?

How long would you stay in business?
When was the last time you heard of a lady w/a screaming baby getting kicked out of an eating establishment b/c of the screaming baby?

Our staff had to kick someone out because of multiple complaints which may have been high as 11 or 12. Our boss didn't like that and wanted to smooth things over with the customer.

If you had 12 complaints, who do you side with? The one person or the twelve people?
Your last question is very apropos.

Apply that to the bill that was just vetoed and you should have a better understanding.
Does it bother any of you "christians" or non-christians that this was an example of sharia law?

Do any of you believe in the separation of church and state?

Our staff had to kick someone out because of multiple complaints which may have been high as 11 or 12. Our boss didn't like that and wanted to smooth things over with the customer.

If you had 12 complaints, who do you side with? The one person or the twelve people?

Which is exactly why the bill was vetoed.

Individual businesses don't want to turn away business. Nor does the state.

The worst of this is that it was not vetoed because its morally and ethically repugnant to discriminate against our fellow Americans.

Not to mention that pesky First Amendment that Brewer and other homophobes would love to see overturned.

So would you take your kids to Disney on Gay Day and be accosted with different values that you found offensive?

Businesses have signs on their door that says, "no solicitation". When you take your politics to an establishment, you are soliciting or promoting. Should I then sue businesses that have "no solicitation" on their door because they are discriminating?

Or is it private property and they can do what they want? Should the KKK be allowed to burn a cross on your lawn or is it private property?

Are you serious?

Why would I care if gays were at a business where I was? Hell, they are a lot less likely to accost me than the damn bible thumpers. But, I also would not care if the very objectionable bible thumpers were at a business at the same time as me as long as they left me alone.

The rest of your post has no bearing on this question.
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Are you able to converse like a normal human being?

Or do you always just spout this garbled nonsense?

Which is exactly why the bill was vetoed.

Individual businesses don't want to turn away business. Nor does the state.

The worst of this is that it was not vetoed because its morally and ethically repugnant to discriminate against our fellow Americans.

Not to mention that pesky First Amendment that Brewer and other homophobes would love to see overturned.

So would you take your kids to Disney on Gay Day and be accosted with different values that you found offensive?

Businesses have signs on their door that says, "no solicitation". When you take your politics to an establishment, you are soliciting or promoting. Should I then sue businesses that have "no solicitation" on their door because they are discriminating?

Or is it private property and they can do what they want? Should the KKK be allowed to burn a cross on your lawn or is it private property?

Are you serious?

Why would I care if gays were at a business where I was? Hell, they are a lot less likely to accost me than the damn bible thumpers. But, I also would not care if the very objectionable bible thumpers were at a business at the same time as me as long as they left me alone.

The rest of your post has no bearing on this question.

I was a safety in elementary school and the kids would run from the bus to class and there was a rule against running in the halls so we would tell them to stop and they wouldn't so we would tell them to go back and walk and the principal called us to his office and said it was against their civil rights to tell them to go back and walk so we were like "uh oh, we're in trouble". We were told to stop.

If you are a baker and you are asked to write something obscene on a birthday cake, I feel it is a violating of the baker's civil rights to write something against his morals. You might call that discrimination. It is private property. What if I want to come and write on the walls of your house? Is that okay?
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Are you able to converse like a normal human being?

Or do you always just spout this garbled nonsense?


HOW TYPICAL of little man,you had rather hear the silly ideas of man and ignore the ETERNAL TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!
So would you take your kids to Disney on Gay Day and be accosted with different values that you found offensive?

Businesses have signs on their door that says, "no solicitation". When you take your politics to an establishment, you are soliciting or promoting. Should I then sue businesses that have "no solicitation" on their door because they are discriminating?

Or is it private property and they can do what they want? Should the KKK be allowed to burn a cross on your lawn or is it private property?

Are you serious?

Why would I care if gays were at a business where I was? Hell, they are a lot less likely to accost me than the damn bible thumpers. But, I also would not care if the very objectionable bible thumpers were at a business at the same time as me as long as they left me alone.

The rest of your post has no bearing on this question.

I was a safety in elementary school and the kids would run from the bus to class and there was a rule against running in the halls so we would tell them to stop and they wouldn't so we would tell them to go back and walk and the principal called us to his office and said it was against their civil rights to tell them to go back and walk so we were like "uh oh, we're in trouble". We were told to stop.

If you are a baker and you are asked to write something obscene on a birthday cake, I feel it is a violating of the baker's civil rights to write something against his morals. You might call that discrimination. It is private property. What if I want to come and write on the walls of your house? Is that okay?

The school issue has nothing to do with your religion or theirs.

Refusing to write something obscene on a birthday cake has nothing to do with your religion or theirs.

This law had nothing to do with anyone's religion.

You keep trying to drag in unrelated issues, burning crosses or writing on walls. Stick with the fact that our Constitution does not allow for laws based on religion. IOW, sharia law.
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Are you able to converse like a normal human being?

Or do you always just spout this garbled nonsense?


HOW TYPICAL of little man,you had rather hear the silly ideas of man and ignore the ETERNAL TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!


You certainly answered my question.

Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Burning people in Hell? Persecuting gays?
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Burning people in Hell? Persecuting gays?

God loves the sinner BUT HATES THEIR EVIL SIN!!! Is that truth hard for you to understand???? God says He is unwilling that any perish but He will not make you believe and accept his love and blessings!
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Burning people in Hell? Persecuting gays?

God loves the sinner BUT HATES THEIR EVIL SIN!!! Is that truth hard for you to understand???? God says He is unwilling that any perish but He will not make you believe and accept his love and blessings!


In fact, you're quite wrong.
Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; 12 for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 13 But all things become visible when they are exposed by the lightEphesians 5:10-13

Burning people in Hell? Persecuting gays?

God loves the sinner BUT HATES THEIR EVIL SIN!!! Is that truth hard for you to understand???? God says He is unwilling that any perish but He will not make you believe and accept his love and blessings!

But Jesus already died for my sins, didn't he?
Here is a concept that I suspect will be entirely beyond your ability to grasp. There is nothing in the Bible that allows you to tell Christians what they are allowed to believe. The reason I know that for a fact is that, unlike you, I have actually read the entire bible,. not just the parts that allow you to claim that the neither the Old nor the New Testament contain any instructions telling believers not to associate with people. I can name 5 off the top of my head that prove you are wrong.

They show their ignorance every time they start one of these ridiculous threads.

And yet, neither of you has provided even one single verse to back up your claims.

What you are promoting here is just patently un-christian. It goes against the very fabric of what Jeshuah taught. If he is really your Messiah, you sure don't show it very much.

Or do you think that Christians have never sold stuff to sinners in the past? Really? Can you possibly be that naive? Really?

BTW, you might want to look up the real meaning of ignorance. It is not necessarily an insult, but you are using it wrongly.

Proverbs 14:7
Proverbs 22:4-5
1 Corinthians 5:11
1 Corinthians 15:33
2 Corinthians 6:14

Like I said earlier, those are just off the top of my head. I am sure I can come up with some more if you insist, but you actually only asked for 1.

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