What’s consistent about every election, is that democrats have policy ideas and republicans don’t

I know what's consistent about every recent election ...

Uh no actually because since Trump’s inauguration, Democrats have won almost all of the elections. Sorry. You got nothing but a failed president.
Raise taxes, Restrict guns and import more illegals.
Good luck with that horseshit.
All Democrat "ideas" are the same- STEAL $$$ FROM THE SUCCESSFUL and "redistribute" that money to voting blocs that will reelect them. They pretend it's to "Help" the "poor" but it isn't- if it were, we'd have no more poor!! Instead we have more!

Here is a simple lesson for your Billy - if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less, tax it.
Lol this is so dumb. For one thing, Democrats actually propose raising the minimum wage. They don’t propose anything that has to work subsidizing the poor. What’s also stupid about your post, is that democrats are also SUCCESSFUL yet they propose that they pay more in taxes.

For one thing, Democrats actually propose raising the minimum wage.

So after you price unskilled, first time workers out of the job market, what do you do for an encore?
Ok genius, no minimum wage, no welfare. Those are both republican goals. Now what? What happens to the people?
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

View attachment 190200
I only interpret this as you being unable to explain how I am wrong.


How long you gonna keep posting these stupid butthurt threads ?

I mean, there is so much fucking whining you can do.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.
The Do-Nothing, Dog Shit GOP lives to be the party in opposition begging for votes to win elections and demand more support so they can make changes they never really intend to make.

We have no options.
All Democrat "ideas" are the same- STEAL $$$ FROM THE SUCCESSFUL and "redistribute" that money to voting blocs that will reelect them. They pretend it's to "Help" the "poor" but it isn't- if it were, we'd have no more poor!! Instead we have more!

Here is a simple lesson for your Billy - if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less, tax it.
Lol this is so dumb. For one thing, Democrats actually propose raising the minimum wage. They don’t propose anything that has to work subsidizing the poor. What’s also stupid about your post, is that democrats are also SUCCESSFUL yet they propose that they pay more in taxes.

You're obviously a kid with no real life experience. How old are you? 18? Seriously, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
You are such a dumbass lol. Nothing I said has anything to do with free shit.

It usually means more laws and regulations, more government interference and high taxes and fees. I would prefer government say let’s review laws and regulations and make sure we don’t burden our constituents. Let’s work to make government run simpler and we help instead hurting the people who pay ur salaries.

This is a Democrat and Republican problem.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.
The Do-Nothing, Dog Shit GOP lives to be the party in opposition begging for votes to win elections and demand more support so they can make changes they never really intend to make.

We have no options.
I appreciate that you reject the GOP but what I don’t understand is why you support Trump.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.
Lol, right now you have Bernie, a pornstar, and a seventeen year old boy representing your party. Good luck!
When did Stormy say she was a democrat? When did any of the Parkland students say it?
Lol, they are and your party is relying on them. Your party is a joke.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.
Republicans have ideas. You just don't like their ideas. What Democrats have is schemes for gigantic social programs that cost trillions of dollars.

Because subsidies to farmers, corporation etc are totes free
The Republican "agenda" can be stated very concisely. "Follow the Constitution." That's it.

Obey the law. Immigration law, for example, and don't call someone a bigot when they propose that we take our immigration laws seriously.

Confine the Federal Government (and Congressional spending) to the 17 powers granted to the Congress in Article I, Section 8. If "we" would do that, we could cut taxes by 25% across the board, and balance the budget in the process.

Take the Tenth Amendment seriously.

Appoint judges and justices who will take the Constitution seriously.

It's not very flamboyant or exciting, but it is worth fighting for.

And notice, if you will, that virtually every Democrat political promise is either illegal, unconstitutional, or based on the fatuous dream of a socialist nanny state.
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

View attachment 190200
I only interpret this as you being unable to explain how I am wrong.
During BONOBO's two terms the DEMs lost about 1000 legislative seats.
Guess their "ideas" were not what the average voter wanted.
Oh I forgot. The DEMs still believe the average voter is too fucking stupid to understand how great the DEM's "ideas" are.
Now the only DEM's "idea" is to impeach Trump the moment they take over the House.
Ya right!
In my state, the democrats running for governor have actual ideas. They come up with solutions to problems. You may not like these ideas, but they at least exist. They talk strategy.

The republicans running, as usual, offer NOTHING new or no specific ideas at all. It’s just the same shit over and over about lower taxes, deregulation, and whining about DACA. At worst, instead of giving specific proposals, they just give flowery, generalized speeches about protecting the constitution and family values as if they actually give a shit about poor or middle class families. Their base is stupid enough to fall for it every time.

At what point do republicans realize most deregulation policy does more harm than good and the EFFECTIVE tax rate on the 1% is already too low? Corporations are already wealthier than ever before. Saving them more does not accomplish jack shit besides running up deficits.

Horrible ideas are much worse than none at all. And you call that a win? I dunno Man.
Crooked Hillary's policies in the 2016 election:

1. Have open borders

2. Bring in a million Muslim refugees

3. Raise taxes

4. Curtail the right to keep and bear arms

Then the Moon Bats wonder why she lost.
All Democrat "ideas" are the same- STEAL $$$ FROM THE SUCCESSFUL and "redistribute" that money to voting blocs that will reelect them. They pretend it's to "Help" the "poor" but it isn't- if it were, we'd have no more poor!! Instead we have more!

Here is a simple lesson for your Billy - if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less, tax it.
Trumptards have no ideas that they didn’t have during the civil war when their ilk was fighting to own other human beings
Crooked Hillary's policies in the 2016 election:

1. Have open borders

2. Bring in a million Muslim refugees

3. Raise taxes

4. Curtail the right to keep and bear arms

Then the Moon Bats wonder why she lost.

All lies

But thanks for your insane blather

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