Whats Going On With Our Health System?

What? You think medicine is at the level portrayed in Star Trek?
Personally I'd wait for the coroner's report to see what the cause was......... The girl may not have been "perfectly healthy".
Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Happens all the time, seemingly healthy people just drop dead for various reasons.
True but it shouldnt happen to someone having surgery. It should be mandatory that they are tested first.
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
There is that possibility also. Of course you, lacking any medical expertise is going to jump on it........ :rolleyes:
Thats where you would be wrong. My uncle is a surgeon and my wife and mother law are RNs.
So, my brother is a Nurse Practitioner. I was a DT/CA in the Navy and worked as a specialized tech, ICUs, CCU, OR and ER for ten years in a major metropolitan, Level I Trauma Center I actually have a couple of years of pre-med. You're just related to some...... :lol:
If thats true why dont you know she should have been tested? :rolleyes:
I don't know, That's why I said it was a possibility. Do you know or are you just guessing?
My uncle tests all his patients first before doing any surgeries.
What? You think medicine is at the level portrayed in Star Trek?
Personally I'd wait for the coroner's report to see what the cause was......... The girl may not have been "perfectly healthy".
Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Was it during a procedure? Did she have an EKG before it happened?
No. She was a teacher and just went to bed like any other night./ Just never woke up.
Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Happens all the time, seemingly healthy people just drop dead for various reasons.
True but it shouldnt happen to someone having surgery. It should be mandatory that they are tested first.
And you know for a fact those tests weren't done......... Omnipresent?
There is that possibility also. Of course you, lacking any medical expertise is going to jump on it........ :rolleyes:
Thats where you would be wrong. My uncle is a surgeon and my wife and mother law are RNs.
So, my brother is a Nurse Practitioner. I was a DT/CA in the Navy and worked as a specialized tech, ICUs, CCU, OR and ER for ten years in a major metropolitan, Level I Trauma Center I actually have a couple of years of pre-med. You're just related to some...... :lol:
If thats true why dont you know she should have been tested? :rolleyes:
I don't know, That's why I said it was a possibility. Do you know or are you just guessing?
My uncle tests all his patients first before doing any surgeries.
Well good for him.
Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Was it during a procedure? Did she have an EKG before it happened?
No. She was a teacher and just went to bed like any other night./ Just never woke up.
I remember seeing a guy just drop dead in front of me during a basketball tournament after making a shot. Scared the shit out of me.
Mistakes by medical professionals kill more people than guns here in the US.
Thats where you would be wrong. My uncle is a surgeon and my wife and mother law are RNs.
So, my brother is a Nurse Practitioner. I was a DT/CA in the Navy and worked as a specialized tech, ICUs, CCU, OR and ER for ten years in a major metropolitan, Level I Trauma Center I actually have a couple of years of pre-med. You're just related to some...... :lol:
If thats true why dont you know she should have been tested? :rolleyes:
I don't know, That's why I said it was a possibility. Do you know or are you just guessing?
My uncle tests all his patients first before doing any surgeries.
Well good for him.
Oh and one other thing, those test don't always show every potential health risk, in most cases surgeons have those tests done as a CYA for insurance reasons.
Sometimes when its the hardest ti accept a death of someone you love dearly, you can only time the time to decide she or he was called. No other explanation can suffice.
Little girl goes to the hospital to have a routine procedure and dies.

7-year-old girl dies during tonsillectomy - CNN

"A 7-year-old South Carolina girl died one minute into surgery to remove her tonsils, her parents told CNN affiliate WHNS.

Paisley Cogsdill snored in her sleep but was perfectly healthy, relatives said, according to WHNS. But her heart suddenly stopped during the operation in Greenwood on Friday."

There is always a risk when using anesthesia.

Don’t see what this story has to do with our “health system”.
What? You think medicine is at the level portrayed in Star Trek?
Personally I'd wait for the coroner's report to see what the cause was......... The girl may not have been "perfectly healthy".
Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Happens all the time, seemingly healthy people just drop dead for various reasons.
That's why we shouldn't just accept these things. Asslips is right for once
There is that possibility also. Of course you, lacking any medical expertise is going to jump on it........ :rolleyes:
Thats where you would be wrong. My uncle is a surgeon and my wife and mother law are RNs.
So, my brother is a Nurse Practitioner. I was a DT/CA in the Navy and worked as a specialized tech, ICUs, CCU, OR and ER for ten years in a major metropolitan, Level I Trauma Center I actually have a couple of years of pre-med. You're just related to some...... :lol:
If thats true why dont you know she should have been tested? :rolleyes:
I don't know, That's why I said it was a possibility. Do you know or are you just guessing?
My uncle tests all his patients first before doing any surgeries.
Then I'd want to be operated on by him, but I'm white. Might not be a good idea if he shares you views
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Yeah. Theyre supposed to test that before putting her under.
Mistakes happen...adults are suppose to learn that and except it as part of life....but many comfy cozy spoiled rotten humans today think if perfection in medicine isn't performed all the time and every time someone is at fault legally..I can guarantee you one thing....we won't get a better system by giving it to Bernie to run....
Thats not a mistake. Its a lack of professionalism. The little girl should have been tested first. Some doctors do it. Others are lazy and dont.
The daughter of a girlfriend was 21 and in great health and died in her sleep. The coroner said it was arrhythmia. So sad.
Happens all the time, seemingly healthy people just drop dead for various reasons.
That's why we shouldn't just accept these things. Asslips is right for once
Who said anything about accepting these things?
7-year-old girl dies during tonsillectomy - CNN

"A 7-year-old South Carolina girl died one minute into surgery to remove her tonsils, her parents told CNN affiliate WHNS.

Paisley Cogsdill snored in her sleep but was perfectly healthy, relatives said, according to WHNS. But her heart suddenly stopped during the operation in Greenwood on Friday."
How is this the fault of the "health care system"?
They didnt set standards in place.

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