What's it called when people make fun of Pres. Elect Trump's appearance?

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2nd mod message in 2 pages.
I feel bad for all the orange people in America
you want to feel bad for someone, you should consider all the dark brown people with brillo pads on their head, after obama it is going to be many years before another one of them get the chance to be president again.

Wait a minute...

Are you talking a bout "negroes"?
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.
Drumpf is an asshole that invites those attacks by his demeanor. His looks are the least of my issues with him but they do provide a great opening for people to mock him.
At least he's not black. Oh wait, Orange is the new Black!

Why is he spray painting his face orange?

What's he hiding?

For all we know, his tax returns are under that idiotic yellow hair.

What's actually very funny about this is the RWNJ traitors laugh at people at walmart for doing exactly the same thing.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.
Drumpf is an asshole that invites those attacks by his demeanor. His looks are the least of my issues with him but they do provide a great opening for people to mock him.
At least he's not black. Oh wait, Orange is the new Black!

Why is he spray painting his face orange?

What's he hiding?

For all we know, his tax returns are under that idiotic yellow hair.

What's actually very funny about this is the RWNJ traitors laugh at people at walmart for doing exactly the same thing.

I hope you didn't put any work into that post, because, wow, ...
Making fun of our elected officials is a form of patriotism. If one is offended by someone ridiculing our nation I have two words.....tough sh$t. I can ridicule this nation whenever I choose. And its elected officials. Indeed to show zero respect with no recourse. If it makes me a traitor then I am proud to be one...
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.
It's OK when he does it.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
Did you have a problem when the Kenyan obama mocked the disabled children by referring to his bowling skills looking like he was in the special Olympics? No? the STFU.
'What's it called when people make fun of a president's appearance?'

Freedom of speech.

Don't like it?

Move to N Korea.


Quite the turnaround from claiming it was hate speech when anything was said about Michelle. Of course, Palin was picked on before that. Barbara Bush was picked on a lot because she didn't age well. Nancy Reagan was picked on for years after they left the WH.

Pelosi, as Dennis Miller put it, always looks as if she's watching the Hindenburg explode. Don't know if she has had too much coffee or too much plastic surgery but she is scary.

Trump does have ugly hair and I've heard him admit it. So, have fun. I don't think he cares.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
Did you have a problem when the Kenyan obama mocked the disabled children by referring to his bowling skills looking like he was in the special Olympics? No? the STFU.

What the hell are you babbling about? Stop drooling all over your keyboard, you mouthbreather.
When Trump first began campaigning my kids would howl with glee when Trump put on his pouty-face. After a time his handlers got to him and the pouty-face became rarer. I wonder if it will come back with all the other expressions after he takes office?
When Trump first began campaigning my kids would howl with glee when Trump put on his pouty-face. After a time his handlers got to him and the pouty-face became rarer. I wonder if it will come back with all the other expressions after he takes office?

What? His face is in perpetual pouty face position.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
Did you have a problem when the Kenyan obama mocked the disabled children by referring to his bowling skills looking like he was in the special Olympics? No? the STFU.

What the hell are you babbling about? Stop drooling all over your keyboard, you mouthbreather.
Before you know it, the Kenyans will be escorted out of the white house, the white house will be fumigated to get rid of the stench that has plagued it over the last 8 years, and we will have an American that will put this country first.
I understand how this might cause someone like yourself a bit of concern, your new President, President Trump, will make it harder for you and those like you to continue your free ride, you will have to start depending more on yourself and less on the charity of others, I know nothing about you but its possible that President Trump will reunite your family as you all get shipped back to your own country. And, its possible that you actually do have a right to be here. ( My suspicion comes from what looks like a fear of getting rid of illegals)
But, one thing you are not thinking of right now that you will get from President Trump is a greater degree of self respect.
There is no better feeling than to lay down in bed at night with the knowledge that you actually provided a service of some sort and by doing so earned all that you have.
Others might be upset by you calling them names like Mouth Breeder, but I cant find it in myself to fall victim of negative feelings because of it. Instead I look at it as a comment from an uninformed and scared individual that is trying hard to cling to those things that have kept him/her from becoming an asset to their community. Looking at it like this, my anticipation of seeing you transform is well worth any name calling or negative response from you.
The day will come that you realize that without the caring guidance provided by a true American, you would have continued your current path for the rest of your life, and when that day comes, you will fall to your knees and praise President Trump, you will thank him for doing what was best for you even though you fought it.
I think I can speak for many here when I say, Your self awareness and new respect for your own destiny is something that we all look forward to and will try to help you with. Even if it means you will have to suffer a bit of discomfort along the way.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
Did you have a problem when the Kenyan obama mocked the disabled children by referring to his bowling skills looking like he was in the special Olympics? No? the STFU.

What the hell are you babbling about? Stop drooling all over your keyboard, you mouthbreather.
Before you know it, the Kenyans will be escorted out of the white house, the white house will be fumigated to get rid of the stench that has plagued it over the last 8 years, and we will have an American that will put this country first.
I understand how this might cause someone like yourself a bit of concern, your new President, President Trump, will make it harder for you and those like you to continue your free ride, you will have to start depending more on yourself and less on the charity of others, I know nothing about you but its possible that President Trump will reunite your family as you all get shipped back to your own country. And, its possible that you actually do have a right to be here. ( My suspicion comes from what looks like a fear of getting rid of illegals)
But, one thing you are not thinking of right now that you will get from President Trump is a greater degree of self respect.
There is no better feeling than to lay down in bed at night with the knowledge that you actually provided a service of some sort and by doing so earned all that you have.
Others might be upset by you calling them names like Mouth Breeder, but I cant find it in myself to fall victim of negative feelings because of it. Instead I look at it as a comment from an uninformed and scared individual that is trying hard to cling to those things that have kept him/her from becoming an asset to their community. Looking at it like this, my anticipation of seeing you transform is well worth any name calling or negative response from you.
The day will come that you realize that without the caring guidance provided by a true American, you would have continued your current path for the rest of your life, and when that day comes, you will fall to your knees and praise President Trump, you will thank him for doing what was best for you even though you fought it.
I think I can speak for many here when I say, Your self awareness and new respect for your own destiny is something that we all look forward to and will try to help you with. Even if it means you will have to suffer a bit of discomfort along the way.

lol, what a nujob you are. :cuckoo:
'What's it called when people make fun of a president's appearance?'

Freedom of speech.

Don't like it?

Move to N Korea.

you are correct, it is freedom of speech, its the same freedom of speech that allows me to point out that Michelle obama looks like a silver back ape transvestite. In both cases, those that fail to appreciate truth have the option of moving to N Korea where they will not have to worry about things like freedom of speech.
Liberals have no class, especially after getting the crap beat out of them by Trump. What's scary is their meltdown has only just begun. Wait until Trump is sworn in and begins signing bills into law and abolishing Obama's executive orders they are going to freak.
I hear lots of people calling Mr. Trump names and making fun of his hair and his skin color and his physical appearance. I think the same people making fun of him would freak out if other people made fun of President Obama's physical appearance and hair etc.
I've never understood it no matter what party it comes from. Pretty sad really as I see kids everyday with self esteem issues about their appearance... just sayin.

Did you have a problem with Trump mocking a disabled man? No? Then GTFO.
Did you have a problem when the Kenyan obama mocked the disabled children by referring to his bowling skills looking like he was in the special Olympics? No? the STFU.

What the hell are you babbling about? Stop drooling all over your keyboard, you mouthbreather.
Before you know it, the Kenyans will be escorted out of the white house, the white house will be fumigated to get rid of the stench that has plagued it over the last 8 years, and we will have an American that will put this country first.
I understand how this might cause someone like yourself a bit of concern, your new President, President Trump, will make it harder for you and those like you to continue your free ride, you will have to start depending more on yourself and less on the charity of others, I know nothing about you but its possible that President Trump will reunite your family as you all get shipped back to your own country. And, its possible that you actually do have a right to be here. ( My suspicion comes from what looks like a fear of getting rid of illegals)
But, one thing you are not thinking of right now that you will get from President Trump is a greater degree of self respect.
There is no better feeling than to lay down in bed at night with the knowledge that you actually provided a service of some sort and by doing so earned all that you have.
Others might be upset by you calling them names like Mouth Breeder, but I cant find it in myself to fall victim of negative feelings because of it. Instead I look at it as a comment from an uninformed and scared individual that is trying hard to cling to those things that have kept him/her from becoming an asset to their community. Looking at it like this, my anticipation of seeing you transform is well worth any name calling or negative response from you.
The day will come that you realize that without the caring guidance provided by a true American, you would have continued your current path for the rest of your life, and when that day comes, you will fall to your knees and praise President Trump, you will thank him for doing what was best for you even though you fought it.
I think I can speak for many here when I say, Your self awareness and new respect for your own destiny is something that we all look forward to and will try to help you with. Even if it means you will have to suffer a bit of discomfort along the way.

lol, what a nujob you are. :cuckoo:
Just say it. "President Trump" and realize that you too will be under his leadership.
Not sure what a nujob is however. I couldn't find a definition of it online.
Liberals have no class, especially after getting the crap beat out of them by Trump. What's scary is their meltdown has only just begun. Wait until Trump is sworn in and begins signing bills into law and abolishing Obama's executive orders they are going to freak.
They might freak at first, but it wont take long for them to realize the things President Trump does is going to benefit them greatly.

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