What's Next for the Left After Bathrooms?

Not to worry, they'll find something. they need to keep their rabid base of low info mush brains foaming at the mouth and filled with hate in order to get their votes. it's all they have. Nobody wants what they are pushing for us.
Not to worry, they'll find something. they need to keep their rabid base of low info mush brains foaming at the mouth and filled with hate in order to get their votes. it's all they have. Nobody wants what they are pushing for us.
i probably should know better, but i'm choosing to believe you posted this ironically.
perverts always say they weren't in the bathroom with priests?

honest question - can you describe the last stranger that was in a public restroom with you?
Perverts always say pedophilia isn't a big problem.

They have clubs devoted to normalizing and mainstreaming it.
can you describe the last stranger that used the stall next to you in a public restroom?

Again, I'm going to beat your argument about the head with your own post.

If a woman can't accurately describe the tranny who used the stall next to her , then why would a man be able to ? Meaning that tranny would NOT be "outed" in public as no one would have even notice.

You should quit while you're merely behind.
jesus h. christ - how can you not grasp that the doors to public restrooms are in public places and anyone can watch anyone entering or leaving those bathrooms?

So fucking what? Unless they walk in with their pants undone, in most cases who could tell? Plenty of girly men out there who are males nonetheless, you don't see them wanting to use the girls restroom lest some guy call them a tranny do you? duh

Your ENTIRE argument is stupid and premised on a problem that does not exist.

It exists for those of us who aren't ok with perverts victimizing our children.
This whole issue is outrageous!!!!! It is almost as bad as when Starbucks decided to leave snowflakes off of their Christmas cups!!!!!!!
You and your sick liberal progressives created both issues. Since anyone trying to explain it to you or them does not get anywhere I will not attempt it.

Except to say why do many major box stores caution their employees not to say merry christmas to any customers? Because the left freaks out.

Except to say why did colleges and some other institutions first decide that men should be allowed in women's restrooms? We did not start this creepy idea. You forced North Carolina legislature to get involved and say 'no way.'
Perverts always say pedophilia isn't a big problem.

They have clubs devoted to normalizing and mainstreaming it.
can you describe the last stranger that used the stall next to you in a public restroom?

Again, I'm going to beat your argument about the head with your own post.

If a woman can't accurately describe the tranny who used the stall next to her , then why would a man be able to ? Meaning that tranny would NOT be "outed" in public as no one would have even notice.

You should quit while you're merely behind.
jesus h. christ - how can you not grasp that the doors to public restrooms are in public places and anyone can watch anyone entering or leaving those bathrooms?

So fucking what? Unless they walk in with their pants undone, in most cases who could tell? Plenty of girly men out there who are males nonetheless, you don't see them wanting to use the girls restroom lest some guy call them a tranny do you? duh

Your ENTIRE argument is stupid and premised on a problem that does not exist.

It exists for those of us who aren't ok with perverts victimizing our children.
perverts don't prey in public restrooms. they prey on your children in your home.
To figure out what's next in the liberal kooky world of gender elimination, all we have to do is look at Europe. Some of it is already here. Raising gender neutral children, so kids can 'decide for themselves'. Gender neuttral pronoun use (no use of 'he' or she').

The nonsense just never fucking ends from these people.

I'm fine with gay marriage, full gay rights, gay adoption- all of it. I've got no problem with transgender whatever. Wanna be a horse? Fine by me. I simply do not care. People can do whatever the hell they want with themselves and screw whoever they want as far as I'm concerned, whether I agree with it, like it, understand it or anything else. We've got bigger fish to fry, far as I'm concerned.

But it's just never enough for some segments of these movements. now we've got to eliminate gender and let kids 'decide for themselves'. When you start fucking with kids in ways that will confuse the hell out of all of them on the miniscule chance that they may have gender identity issues in a continuation of those tangents after full rights have already been acquired, that's where I'm going to start having issues.

This is also why I laugh my ass off when libs say they only want small steps on guns. Creeping gradualism is the strategy on all of this stuff, including that. No doubt about it. Get what you can today and come back tomorrow for more.
To figure out what's next in the liberal kooky world of gender elimination, all we have to do is look at Europe. Some of it is already here. Raising gender neutral children, so kids can 'decide for themselves'. Gender neuttral pronoun use (no use of 'he' or she').

The nonsense just never fucking ends from these people.

I'm fine with gay marriage, full gay rights, gay adoption- all of it. I've got no problem with transgender whatever. Wanna be a horse? Fine by me. I simply do not care. People can do whatever the hell they want with themselves and screw whoever they want as far as I'm concerned, whether I agree with it, like it, understand it or anything else. We've got bigger fish to fry, far as I'm concerned.

But it's just never enough for some segments of these movements. now we've got to eliminate gender and let kids 'decide for themselves'. When you start fucking with kids in ways that will confuse the hell out of all of them on the miniscule chance that they may have gender identity issues in a continuation of those tangents after full rights have already been acquired, that's where I'm going to start having issues.

This is also why I laugh my ass off when libs say they only want small steps on guns. Creeping gradualism is the strategy on all of this stuff, including that. No doubt about it. Get what you can today and come back tomorrow for more.

A slippery slope, indeed! First, they want to pee in a public restroom. Hell, the next thing you know, they will be demanding the right to take a dump!
To figure out what's next in the liberal kooky world of gender elimination, all we have to do is look at Europe. Some of it is already here. Raising gender neutral children, so kids can 'decide for themselves'. Gender neuttral pronoun use (no use of 'he' or she').

The nonsense just never fucking ends from these people.

I'm fine with gay marriage, full gay rights, gay adoption- all of it. I've got no problem with transgender whatever. Wanna be a horse? Fine by me. I simply do not care. People can do whatever the hell they want with themselves and screw whoever they want as far as I'm concerned, whether I agree with it, like it, understand it or anything else. We've got bigger fish to fry, far as I'm concerned.

But it's just never enough for some segments of these movements. now we've got to eliminate gender and let kids 'decide for themselves'. When you start fucking with kids in ways that will confuse the hell out of all of them on the miniscule chance that they may have gender identity issues in a continuation of those tangents after full rights have already been acquired, that's where I'm going to start having issues.

This is also why I laugh my ass off when libs say they only want small steps on guns. Creeping gradualism is the strategy on all of this stuff, including that. No doubt about it. Get what you can today and come back tomorrow for more.

A slippery slope, indeed! First, they want to pee in a public restroom. Hell, the next thing you know, they will be demanding the right to take a dump!

where did I mention the bathroom issue?

oh, that's right, exactly nowhere....
No one on the left has been able to articulate why laws are required to let men into women's bathrooms.

The same will be for when you legalize incest and polygamy.
No one on the right has been able to articulate if your potty officers are going to pull pants down to check or just shove a hand down there.
Thanks for validating my point that no on the left knows why they want a law to let men into women's bathrooms.
They don't want your potty patrols raping the citizenry. Not a bad cause if you ask me.
Still can't explain why you want to hang out with little girls in the bathroom?
We know.
Wow look at you being a weirdo :cuckoo:
Whatever. I'd bet that you still can't play a blues pentatonic scale, Stratosaurus.
To figure out what's next in the liberal kooky world of gender elimination, all we have to do is look at Europe. Some of it is already here. Raising gender neutral children, so kids can 'decide for themselves'. Gender neuttral pronoun use (no use of 'he' or she').

The nonsense just never fucking ends from these people.

I'm fine with gay marriage, full gay rights, gay adoption- all of it. I've got no problem with transgender whatever. Wanna be a horse? Fine by me. I simply do not care. People can do whatever the hell they want with themselves and screw whoever they want as far as I'm concerned, whether I agree with it, like it, understand it or anything else. We've got bigger fish to fry, far as I'm concerned.

But it's just never enough for some segments of these movements. now we've got to eliminate gender and let kids 'decide for themselves'. When you start fucking with kids in ways that will confuse the hell out of all of them on the miniscule chance that they may have gender identity issues in a continuation of those tangents after full rights have already been acquired, that's where I'm going to start having issues.

This is also why I laugh my ass off when libs say they only want small steps on guns. Creeping gradualism is the strategy on all of this stuff, including that. No doubt about it. Get what you can today and come back tomorrow for more.

A slippery slope, indeed! First, they want to pee in a public restroom. Hell, the next thing you know, they will be demanding the right to take a dump!

where did I mention the bathroom issue?

oh, that's right, exactly nowhere....

Pardon me! I just assumed that since the entire thread was about bathrooms, that you were posting something on topic! My bad. Frankly, I only read a couple of sentences, anyway.
The left wants to legitimize drug use. There was a time that drug users and sellers were viewed as low lifes and were mostly shunned from society.
Today more and more we're seeing that attitude changing. Soon users and sellers of heroin will become commonplace, and acceptable.
To figure out what's next in the liberal kooky world of gender elimination, all we have to do is look at Europe. Some of it is already here. Raising gender neutral children, so kids can 'decide for themselves'. Gender neuttral pronoun use (no use of 'he' or she').

The nonsense just never fucking ends from these people.

I'm fine with gay marriage, full gay rights, gay adoption- all of it. I've got no problem with transgender whatever. Wanna be a horse? Fine by me. I simply do not care. People can do whatever the hell they want with themselves and screw whoever they want as far as I'm concerned, whether I agree with it, like it, understand it or anything else. We've got bigger fish to fry, far as I'm concerned.

But it's just never enough for some segments of these movements. now we've got to eliminate gender and let kids 'decide for themselves'. When you start fucking with kids in ways that will confuse the hell out of all of them on the miniscule chance that they may have gender identity issues in a continuation of those tangents after full rights have already been acquired, that's where I'm going to start having issues.

This is also why I laugh my ass off when libs say they only want small steps on guns. Creeping gradualism is the strategy on all of this stuff, including that. No doubt about it. Get what you can today and come back tomorrow for more.

A slippery slope, indeed! First, they want to pee in a public restroom. Hell, the next thing you know, they will be demanding the right to take a dump!

where did I mention the bathroom issue?

oh, that's right, exactly nowhere....

Pardon me! I just assumed that since the entire thread was about bathrooms, that you were posting something on topic! My bad. Frankly, I only read a couple of sentences, anyway.

Actually the thread is about what comes after this stuff about bathrooms (see the title) so I was posting on topic. Whether or not anyone else is or not is not something I can do much about....
"What's Next for the Left After Bathrooms?"

This is a moronic contrivance of the reprehensible right, the product of their fear, hate, and bigotry.

Yes, it's all in the right's imagination that the left is on a mission to scrub all morality from society. LOL Shut the fuck up
lol. you don't see the laws like the one in nc as a solution in search of a problem?

Those laws are just as bad. Leave the gov't the hell out of it and let the businesses handle it.

Like they should have done with smoking.
Guys how are you going to control the bathrooms? Who will be in charge?

How will you stop a male sex offender from entering a women's room, when all he has to do is put on a dress claim he "identifies" as female?

What's the plan, Stan?
Why would they put on a dress first to commit a sex crime? Where's the advantage there?

Another one dodges.
Not a dodge. You could easily re-write your question as "how will you stop a male sex offender from entering a women's room, when all he has to do is walk in?"

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