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What’s Pelosi Going to Do Now?

why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
Yes, talking when there are differences is the LAST thing that should be done.

The Democratic leaders tried talking. tRump stormed out like a spoiled teenager.

Do you give your kids the opportunity to rant unopposed in public?
Good spin. You run with that.
That's not spin it's fact.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with the term that means what actually happened.
where exactly did trump storm out of? was it the WH, he lives there. too fking funny.
How can he negotiate is Pelosi refuses to even consider funding of a wall?

The only offers have come from his side.

Her only response is "my way or the highway"

You have spun this so much I am surprised you aren't vomiting.

What will Pelosi consider funding? What do the Democrats want? What will Pelosi give? We don't know because Dumb Donald didn't LISTEN to her.

Trump is the WORST negotiator I've ever seen. This isn't spin. I worked in big money real estate for 30 years. Donald Trump's world. I've sat in on the negotiations between these sides, and saying Trump is the worst I've ever seen isn't hyperbole. That's really not surprising considering that Trump negotiates from the "gut" and doesn't believe in preparation. A successful negotiation is all about the preparation - knowing what the other side wants being the primary piece of information you need.

Donald wants a wall. We all KNOW that. What is Pelosi prepared to offer instead? We don't know because Trump hasn't bothered to ask.

She doesn't need Trump to tell the American people what she wants.
Fact is she's refused to negotiate at all.

Gee if Nancy has refused to negotiate, why did she go to the meeting at the White House? Why did she pass legislation to re-open the government. Why has she said that she'd be willing to negotiate border security once the government is re-opened?

Trump shut down the government by refusing to sign the legislation he promised Mitch McConnell that he would sign before the Senate recessed for the Christmas break. And Trump did that because of criticism by Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. Now he's refusing to re-open the government until he gets $5 billion for the wall. That's not a negotiation. That's a demand.

So don't try to pretend that Pelosi is the problem here. It's not Pelosi who has said one thing and done another. Backed out of deals around funding the wall, more than once. And generally behaved like a petulant child. So Pelosi is doing what any good grown up does when dealing with a petulant child. NEVER EVER GIVE IN TO A TANTRUM.

Do it once and you will have to deal with this shit every time the kid doesn't get his way.
Trump is laughing his head off watching you guys scream for open borders.

2020 Gold.

There is already a total open border between Canada and the United States. Porous as hell. You can go jogging in the US and end up in Canada by mistake. Happens all of the time.

The rest of the world is looking at Trump screaming for a wall, and creating this phony crisis on the southern border and we're reminded that this is what despots and dictators the world over do. When caught they start a war or create a phony crisis that only they can solve.

In Trump's case, it's just not working. His total incompetence and inability to manage the government of the United States of America as an effective and well functioning support system for the world's largest economy, has been exposed for all the world to see.

Business cannot function or thrive in chaos. Business requires planning, not a "seat of the pants" agenda. How can you plan your expansion if the President decides to start a trade war with your biggest suppliers? Just ask the farmers who have spent a generation developing markets in China, only to lose them to Argentina and Mexico after the Chinese retalliated with tariff's on US soybeans. Those markets won't be coming back. Those farmers are ruined.

You dont even live here WTF would you know about it?
I used to live on the South Llano river way out in the boondocks less than 100 miles from the border. I'd see groups of illegals following the river several times a month. They were constantly breaking into peoples hunting cabins and stealing anything of value.
People resorted to placing can food and a can opener on the porch in hopes that they would take the food and not kick in the door.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers

Why are you always wrong? Are you just ignorant or is it intentional?

Nancy backed down on her promises again and again. She ever tried to skip town so she wouldn't have to negotiate, and still refuses to put up her deal for consideration. Her idea of compromise is do it my way or "F-you!"
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
Yes, talking when there are differences is the LAST thing that should be done.

The Democratic leaders tried talking. tRump stormed out like a spoiled teenager.

Do you give your kids the opportunity to rant unopposed in public?
Good spin. You run with that.
That's not spin it's fact.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with the term that means what actually happened.
where exactly did trump storm out of? was it the WH, he lives there. too fking funny.
This was just a week or so ago, did you forget already?

Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.

Like I told everybody after the election. Pelosi is going to bitch slap dotard up one side of Pennsylvania Ave. and back down the other.
Any day now....

If yesterday is any indication, you are in for a long two years! :21::21::21:

Trump caved, even Coulter admitted it. She is not happy. But she is less of a sheep than you.
Trump can convene both Houses any time he chooses.

But he’s not going to stop Nancy from continuing her public childish tantrum in front of the voters.

He can't convene what is already in session.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.

Excuse me, but what Hollyweird piece of fiction were you watching when you saw this? No one else with above a room temperature IQ believes any of that BS!
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

Like Pelosi or not, she won that round.

Trump tried to bully her and she stood her ground and he caved.
He caved? How? She denied him in like a child.

He's caved twice in this matter. First off, he should never have walked out of the first meeting, without first hearing what she was offering. That was his first mistake. You walk out as a LAST resort, not as an opening gambit. How does he know what she wants or will accept if he walks out before finding out what she is prepared to offer.

If you walk out, stay out. You MUST wait until the other side comes to you. Going on TV and making an offer to Demcrats was an admission that his walk out didn't work and was a mistake. Weak, very, very weak.

So at every step, Trump has gone after Pelosi, she's refused to play his game and just said "No".

Complete fiction! He walked out when she offered NOTHING! What was he going to do? Sit there and look at her prune face and wait until she croaked?
Yes, talking when there are differences is the LAST thing that should be done.

The Democratic leaders tried talking. tRump stormed out like a spoiled teenager.

Do you give your kids the opportunity to rant unopposed in public?
Good spin. You run with that.
That's not spin it's fact.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with the term that means what actually happened.
where exactly did trump storm out of? was it the WH, he lives there. too fking funny.
This was just a week or so ago, did you forget already?

but that isn't what happened, it's what your MSM party said happened, and it was a lie. just saying.
Making history by denying the President to give his SOTU is done. She can’t make herself look like a child on that for another year. And all she accomplished was to give Trump free advertising to give him a huge audience when he does give it.

She refuses to negotiate. Trump will simply continue to offer deals and act like the adult in the room to the American people. And Nancy will continue to stomp her feet saying no no no as we hear more negative news on how the shutdown is affecting government employees.

Trump has played Pelosi like a bongo. He’s got her in a corner with no way for her to come out of this without kissing Trump’s ass.

You have it backwards. Nancy just kicked Trump in the balls and he went down crying for his mama.

Pelosi has completed defeated Trump on this matter. Trump walked out of the negotiations. That means until HE comes back to the negotiations, he has NOTHING.

How can he negotiate is Pelosi refuses to even consider funding of a wall?

The only offers have come from his side.

Her only response is "my way or the highway"

You have spun this so much I am surprised you aren't vomiting.

What will Pelosi consider funding? What do the Democrats want? What will Pelosi give? We don't know because Dumb Donald didn't LISTEN to her.

Trump is the WORST negotiator I've ever seen. This isn't spin. I worked in big money real estate for 30 years. Donald Trump's world. I've sat in on the negotiations between these sides, and saying Trump is the worst I've ever seen isn't hyperbole. That's really not surprising considering that Trump negotiates from the "gut" and doesn't believe in preparation. A successful negotiation is all about the preparation - knowing what the other side wants being the primary piece of information you need.

Donald wants a wall. We all KNOW that. What is Pelosi prepared to offer instead? We don't know because Trump hasn't bothered to ask.

NEWSFLASH: Stop watching the libtard media. Nancy offered NOTHING!
Can any liberal on this board tell us what nancy wants?
I haven't heard a single idea come out of her mouth regarding the issue.

She passed legislation detailing what she wants. You could start by reading it.
Not legislation, a budget.

And her refusal to offer any negotiating means it’s all on her.

The budget is legislation, and nothing shows priorities better than where one is willing to spend money.
The Democratic leaders tried talking. tRump stormed out like a spoiled teenager.

Do you give your kids the opportunity to rant unopposed in public?
Good spin. You run with that.
That's not spin it's fact.

Just in case you're unfamiliar with the term that means what actually happened.
where exactly did trump storm out of? was it the WH, he lives there. too fking funny.
This was just a week or so ago, did you forget already?

but that isn't what happened, it's what your MSM party said happened, and it was a lie. just saying.


you are deep in denial aren't you.
Again, as usual, Weatherman shows his ignorance of what is going down today and tomorrow in Congress..

You know what is happening tomorrow? When did you become clairvoyant?
the vote on bills in the Senate to reopen the govt. Do you not get around anymore?

The Democrats will never go for it. Chuckie has them all lined up to stomp their feet and scream, "No!!!!!!!!!!!!" Do you think anything different will happen?

You are so stupid that you think the Dems are going to cave?
It is comedy gold to see Pelosi telling America that she is going to hold his speech hostage while she fights for illegal foreigners and open borders with easy access to American markets for crime organizations.

If I were Trump, I would pull a page out of History and write my State of the Union address and mail it to Congress. Next, I would read my State of the Union address from the White House to the American people.

Address delivered and message is that Pelosi’s domain of power is not as big as she believes it to be.

She’s got nothing and done nothing except show that Americans are second class citizens in their own country to the Democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.

It is NOT an annual report and it is not an address. Try reading the Constitution before using it as a reference and proving that you have never seen it except while using it to wipe your pathetically messy ass!
She passed legislation detailing what she wants. You could start by reading it.
it isn't your concern or your fight. The legislation is the US's not yours.
Typical American redneck response.
my country not hers, she has no skin in the game. no point in having a discussion. she should just go to other threads of global debate.
BS. It's an open forum and fortunately you don't make the rules.
for who I respond to sure it is my rules. she isn't a voter in this country, so I give two shits what she thinks about my tax money. and you, :gives:

Wow that hurt. The interesting thing, if not funny, is that Dragonlady isn't even a US citizen and knows more about what is going on in this country than you. Proof of that is her owning you ass up one side of this thread and down the other.
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Ms. Foreigner, Congress is our Representation. The SOTU is given to the citizens of the United States.

I was required to study American government in school. You should have taken a class or two before commenting on stuff you know nothing about. Over 40,000 posts in under 5 years. That makes you look like a professional poster. Even as a retired "foreigner", I don't have that kind of time. I have 1/3 of that number, and I spend way too much time here.

If that is true, why are you so stupid?
why should he address the congress when he has shut the government down? all he has to do is stop his little bitch fit and open the government and pay the workers
The SOTU isn't an address to the government. It's an address to the American people.
Since Pelosi wants to screw America she wants to keep us in the dark as much as possible.

The SOTU is NOT an address to the American people, it's an address delivered to Congress. It's a road map of where the government is and what the administration hopes to accomplish in the coming year. This is the President's annual Report to CONGRESS. The SOTU address is mandated in the Constitution and was original delivered as a letter to Congress, not an actual speech.

The SOTU existed before radio or TV and so there is no requirement so that shoots down the idea that the SOTU is a speech to the American people.
Ms. Foreigner, Congress is our Representation. The SOTU is given to the citizens of the United States.

Historically speaking that is simply not true.
Congress is not the representation of US citizens?

Originally the SOTU was a letter written to Congress. Pelosi invited Trump to provide them with a written SOTU, but he cannot give a speech to Congress. She will not allow the petulant child to come to her House, and give him a platform to defend this shutdown.

One never ever gives in to a child having a temper tantrum. Trump pitched a fit and walked out of the negotiations, and he hasn't spoke to Nancy since. It appears that Trump recognizes that he's been totally outmanouevered. It's a smart man who knows he's made a fool of himself. Usually Trump isn't that self-aware.

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