What's Putin Waiting For?

Lol wrong buddy. Trump was desperate for a political distraction and you gobbled it up.

Hmmmm...apparently you don't know what an after-action report is and what was done to that air field. So in your fevered imagination, it's "plausible" that Donald and Vlad pulled off a 60 Tomahawk (nativist racist term) airstrike to quiet Adam Schiff and Alec Baldwin? :lol:
Lol wrong buddy. Trump was desperate for a political distraction and you gobbled it up.

Hmmmm...apparently you don't know what an after-action report is and what was done to that air field. So in your fevered imagination, it's "plausible" that Donald and Vlad pulled off a 60 Tomahawk (nativist racist term) airstrike to quiet Adam Schiff and Alec Baldwin? :lol:

Far more plausible than the odds 10 years ago that one day this country would fall so low that they'd elect Donald Trump to the Presidency.
If he's got the goods on Trump, now would be the time to lob some "dossier" to the NYTimes with pics of Trump having sex with a llama wouldn't it?

Your assumption is that Assad confrontation is something more then a front to get Trump to negotiate away the sanctions.

Putin's odds of getting sanctions lifted goes straight to ZERO if his buddy Trump actually bails.

Watch Rex's meeting in Moscow on April 12th.

Far more plausible than the odds 10 years ago that one day this country would fall so low that they'd elect Donald Trump to the Presidency.

Wait a minute....you're admitting that Trump got elected and not installed by Vladimir?
If he's got the goods on Trump, now would be the time to lob some "dossier" to the NYTimes with pics of Trump having sex with a llama wouldn't it? "Nip it, nip it, nip it in the bud", like Barney Fife used to say before Trump becomes the new Reagan and crushes the fledgling soviet empire.2 in it's infancy. The "resistance" has suddenly become quiet as a mouse....Adam Schiff must have swallowed his tongue or something. Never before thought possible, Chucky Schumer has even stopped mouthing off...what's going on here? Hello? VLAD....CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?

I believe if he waits long enough Trump will bury himself
Tucker Carlson had on some Rat congressman who says "it's plausible" that Trump and Putin dreamed up the missile strike on Syria as a ruse to throw off the multiple investigations into Trump being Vlad's puppet. :lol: So c'mon all you snowflakes....are you going to let this change in the narrative go unchallenged? Trump is still EVIL ain't he?
Evil? Probably. Dumb as a box of rocks? Absolutely.

Trump should have hit the runway or the chemical weapons stores if he really wanted to sell us on this ruse.

The runways are hardened and can only be cratered by carpet bombing....and yeah, hit the sarin tanks and suffocate everybody within a mile of the base....that would look just great to the world, eh? dumbass?

Instead Trump spent $100 million doing nothing. Chemical weapons intact, runway intact, bombing runs uninterrupted.

You REALLY are ignorant when it comes to diplomacy, if you don't understand Trump's attack on Syria it really is hopeless. Maybe you can take up a new hobby, an herb garden or finger painting.
I believe if he waits long enough Trump will bury himself

So is 8 years long enough to wait? :lol:
yes tom if you want a bat shit crazy guy in our WH that long

That's exactly who I want in the White House but it shouldn't take more than 4 years for President Trump to straighten out the mess the last 4 presidents got us into.
tom the mess you refer to is nothing compared to the messes trump has and will get us into
I believe if he waits long enough Trump will bury himself

So is 8 years long enough to wait? :lol:
yes tom if you want a bat shit crazy guy in our WH that long

That's exactly who I want in the White House but it shouldn't take more than 4 years for President Trump to straighten out the mess the last 4 presidents got us into.
tom the mess you refer to is nothing compared to the messes trump has and will get us into

Before Trump can make his own mess, first he has to clean up 8 years of Obama's stupid fucking messes all over the damn world.
I believe if he waits long enough Trump will bury himself

So is 8 years long enough to wait? :lol:
yes tom if you want a bat shit crazy guy in our WH that long

That's exactly who I want in the White House but it shouldn't take more than 4 years for President Trump to straighten out the mess the last 4 presidents got us into.
tom the mess you refer to is nothing compared to the messes trump has and will get us into

Before Trump can make his own mess, first he has to clean up 8 years of Obama's stupid fucking messes all over the damn world.
yeah those 75 straight months of job gains was a real mess as was the records set in our stock markets and oh yes no 9/11 on his watch damn obama
Before Trump can make his own mess, first he has to clean up 8 years of Obama's stupid fucking messes all over the damn world.

It goes all the way back to Bush41 faking Saddam into invading Kuwait using the Glaspie memo. That sent bin-Laden into orbit for putting American boots on Saudi soil and got us 9/11 because Clinton refused to take bin-Laden from Sudan... which got us the Iraq invasion, Obama running from that victory, which gave us ISIS and now Syria.
So is 8 years long enough to wait? :lol:
yes tom if you want a bat shit crazy guy in our WH that long

That's exactly who I want in the White House but it shouldn't take more than 4 years for President Trump to straighten out the mess the last 4 presidents got us into.
tom the mess you refer to is nothing compared to the messes trump has and will get us into

Before Trump can make his own mess, first he has to clean up 8 years of Obama's stupid fucking messes all over the damn world.
yeah those 75 straight months of job gains was a real mess as was the records set in our stock markets and oh yes no 9/11 on his watch damn obama

President Trump inherited one giant mess from Obama, I'm surprised he even wanted the job.
yeah those 75 straight months of job gains was a real mess as was the records set in our stock markets and oh yes no 9/11 on his watch damn obama

92,000,000 Americans unemployed and not counted because they gave up looking....that's the economy Barry the Fairy gave us. Bullshit doesn't work in my threads and now you know that.
Before Trump can make his own mess, first he has to clean up 8 years of Obama's stupid fucking messes all over the damn world.

It goes all the way back to Bush41 faking Saddam into invading Kuwait using the Glaspie memo. That sent bin-Laden into orbit for putting American boots on Saudi soil and got us 9/11 because Clinton refused to take bin-Laden from Sudan... which got us the Iraq invasion, Obama running from that victory, which gave us ISIS and now Syria.

Politicians micro managing war has never ended well. Either go in there and annihilate the fuckers once and for all or don't start shit in the first place that's my doctrine.
Tucker Carlson had on some Rat congressman who says "it's plausible" that Trump and Putin dreamed up the missile strike on Syria as a ruse to throw off the multiple investigations into Trump being Vlad's puppet. :lol: So c'mon all you snowflakes....are you going to let this change in the narrative go unchallenged? Trump is still EVIL ain't he?
Evil? Probably. Dumb as a box of rocks? Absolutely.

Trump should have hit the runway or the chemical weapons stores if he really wanted to sell us on this ruse.
Tomahawk missiles are not used for that. Ineffective to damage a runway.

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