What's the best that can be said about Jeb Bush?


Dec 8, 2015
Jeb Bush is polling at approx. 6%, however the question is: what has he done or what qualifications does he have to deserve this result?

Stronger, more passionate candidates with great qualifications are polling below 6%.

Are we saying that simply being a family member of two former presidents is in itself a qualification?

Would you please help me understand why he's polling at approx 6%...and please contribute suggestions for the best that can be said about him?

Thank you.
He is part of the establishment crowd that Americans are tired of electing. Our Gov't is no longer trusted to do the right things. Poll after poll show that Americans disapprove of the job performance of the entire Gov't.

So Americans are going outside the box in regards to the GOP candidates.

To expect the Career politicians that helped get us in this mess to fix it is like asking an Arsonist to put out a fire.
Although wrong on most of the issues, at least Bush is not insane.

And he could still be the nominee – after Trump, Carson, and Cruz are gone, it will come down to Jeb! and Marco.
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Although wrong on most of the issues, at least Bush is not insane.

And he could still be the nominee – after Trump, Carson, and Cruz are gone, it will come down to Jeb! and Marco.
aka You want a status quo GOP nominee that you can get to fold like a cheap suit.
To me it says something positive about the republicrat party that he's polling so low.

Hopefully Ted Cruz comes out on top.


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