What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

The point is, I don't want my wife, daughter, mother, etc. to be faced with a swinging dick when they're taking a shower at the gym.

That’s your point? Well I have good news for you.

Considering that this has never happened to your family or the family of anyone you know, or anyone on this message board, you probably don’t have to worry about this. What a relief, right? I’m sure you will be very happy with this news.

Or maybe you just want to obsess over a minor issue to very few people because you‘re looking for an excuse to whine about trans people.
So no.

Your daughters, sisters, wives and mothers have never had to deal with men swinging their dicks around in the locker room.

Additionally, nobody that you personally know has had their daughters, sisters, wives and mothers have to deal with men swinging their dicks around in the locker room.

You’re just obsessing over what is ultimately an extremely rare problem. Thanks for proving my point.
And again I did nothing to prove your point. You're still obsessed with the idea that only those directly impacted by something can have a valid opinion about it and express it, Using your criteria, unless you have a smoker in your house and someone dying of lung cancer, you're don't have a valid opinion that you're allowed to express about tobacco use. Totally ludicrous. You asked for evidence that it's starting to happen and I gave it to you. Now you're just trying to move the goal posts. Not surprising.
Actually, you did.

You’ve proven that you’re obsessing over an issue that has never impacted you, your family, or anyone you personally know.
I've simply stated my opinion. You, OTOH, stated that you don't even care about the issue, yet here you are, still spouting an opinion about it. How obsessed do you have to be to do that?
I've simply stated my opinion. You, OTOH, stated that you don't even care about the issue, yet here you are, still spouting an opinion about it. How obsessed do you have to be to do that?
I see lots of trans posts from people around here. Usually I don’t say anything because I know the rabbit hole that it will eventually go down.

But I was bored and decided to state MY opinion about your obvious obsession.

You just said people shouldn’t be allowed to do anything that confuses children.

How do we do that if trans people confuse children?

You just said people shouldn’t be allowed to do anything that confuses children.

How do we do that if trans people confuse children?
Mentally ill people shouldn’t have any responsibility over children.
That’s your point? Well I have good news for you.

Considering that this has never happened to your family or the family of anyone you know, or anyone on this message board, you probably don’t have to worry about this. What a relief, right? I’m sure you will be very happy with this news.

Or maybe you just want to obsess over a minor issue to very few people because you‘re looking for an excuse to whine about trans people.
Again, why make inevitable abuse easier? We already see it happening and we're just making it easier for it to happen. Your chances of dying in a plane crash are very remote, but you care that they do extensive inspections of planes before they fly, right?
Why won't you let people live their lives and butt out? Your little wars on groups of people have literally made this country the most imprisoned country on earth. It is idiocy.

Accept that a small portion of our population is going to be trans. For fucks sake.
I see lots of trans posts from people around here. Usually I don’t say anything because I know the rabbit hole that it will eventually go down.

But I was bored and decided to state MY opinion about your obvious obsession.

I have no problem at all. I'm simply noting your obsession about the issue and your continued attempts to ignore anyone else's opinions if they don't align with yours. Here's a clue, most people don't bother to announce that they don't care about an issue, they ignore it. You, however, do care, enough that you thought it important to say you didn't.
Again, why make inevitable abuse easier? We already see it happening and we're just making it easier for it to happen. Your chances of dying in a plane crash are very remote, but you care that they do extensive inspections of planes before they fly, right?
I’ve already asked you to prove that rape is more common with trans people. No response.
Why won't you let people live their lives and butt out? Your little wars on groups of people have literally made this country the most imprisoned country on earth. It is idiocy.

Accept that a small portion of our population is going to be trans. For fucks sake.
No one's saying they can't be. Where do you get this stuff, anyway?
Why won't you let people live their lives and butt out? Your little wars on groups of people have literally made this country the most imprisoned country on earth. It is idiocy.

Accept that a small portion of our population is going to be trans. For fucks sake.
No one really cares how you loons live your life, just stay away from our kids. That goes for your boyfriend also.

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