What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Conservatives are religious fundies that are the same deal as the taliban. Of course they hate trans people as trans people are a big fuck you to their belief system. lol
Trans is your new religion lol. Freaks.
And you know these people personally?
I don't have to. Once again you're slipping back into your default mode, wherein you pretend that only those personally impacted by an issue can have valid viewpoints on it. The point is, I don't want my wife, daughter, mother, etc. to be faced with a swinging dick when they're taking a shower at the gym. You apparently don't have a problem subjecting them to that when they are at their most vulnerable.
So, what, people shouldn’t be allowed to do anything that confuses children?
Not when parents are teaching them to avoid naked men they don't know. You know, because strange naked men around children is generally not a good thing.
I don't have to.
So no.

Your daughters, sisters, wives and mothers have never had to deal with men swinging their dicks around in the locker room.

Additionally, nobody that you personally know has had their daughters, sisters, wives and mothers have to deal with men swinging their dicks around in the locker room.

You’re just obsessing over what is ultimately an extremely rare problem. Thanks for proving my point.
Not when parents are teaching them to avoid naked men they don't know. You know, because strange naked men around children is generally not a good thing.
Why the hell would children be around naked men they don’t know???

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