What’s the deal with far left Democrats? Will they use transgender’s, feminine type men as bodyguards and in the front lines of war?

Far left nuts are so brave to stick up for allowing men to walk around naked and peer at young, naked girls in changing rooms. Then threatening to arrest for hate speach anyone that thinks that may not be a great idea.

telling a a man "don't show your dick to my 9 year old daughter and stare at her naked body" has been declared "anti trans talking points."

Um, what context is a nine year old getting naked with anyone in a public place?

It seems you guys are inventing things to be hysterical over.
Um, what context is a nine year old getting naked with anyone in a public place?

It seems you guys are inventing things to be hysterical ovover.
The post you responded to included a story about a transwoman peeking at girls undressing... then I Provided other examples earlier in this thread, such as the transwoman that was exposing his dick to the young girls swimming team as they were trying to change, wi spa, etc. So.. I dunno...
Um, what context is a nine year old getting naked with anyone in a public place?
It seems you guys are inventing things to be hysterical over.

Locker rooms, for things like public swimming pools.

I've never been in the girls'/women's counterpart, and it has been very, very many years since I was last in a men's/boys' locker room, but yes, people get completely naked therein as they change between swimsuits and street clothes. People of all ages, in front of people of all ages.

It is absolutely unjustifiable to demand that women and girls should be compelled to tolerate the presence of men in their locker rooms while they are changing or showering.
Locker rooms, for things like public swimming pools.
Where the nine-year old will be under adult supervision. Got it.
I've never been in the girls'/women's counterpart, and it has been very, very many years since I was last in a men's/boys' locker room, but yes, people get completely naked therein as they change between swimsuits and street clothes. People of all ages, in front of people of all ages.

Funny, usually when I went to a public swimming pool (other than my health club) I usually wore my swimsuit there, with maybe a shirt and shoes. In any event, these places have staff and adult supervision in case anyone gets out of line.

It is absolutely unjustifiable to demand that women and girls should be compelled to tolerate the presence of men in their locker rooms while they are changing or showering.
So essentially, you are a prude. Got it.

You know what, in Japan, men and women use public baths and even children participate. It's just not a big deal.
Where the nine-year old will be under adult supervision. Got it.
Parents will let their kids go alone while they wait outide all the time. The story even talks of a parent that was doing it.

On February 3, Wright was visiting the pool with her daughter and niece. She told Reduxx that she would typically wait for her daughter outside of the changing room, but decided to accompany her that day

Funny, usually when I went to a public swimming pool (other than my health club) I usually wore my swimsuit there, with maybe a shirt and shoes. In any event, these places have staff and adult supervision in case anyone gets out of line.
The staff was saying they couldn't do anything. Probably worried about laws protecting men and being attacked as transphobes.

She escorted the man out of the changing room and reported the incident to the Nanaimo Aquatic Centre staff, who told her that she was not allowed to kick him out. They warned her that she could be arrested and charged for her actions. Incredulous, Wright phoned the police and reported what had happened. The situation is currently under investigation.

Anyway, it seems you've now strayed from your original claim that "it doesn't happen" To "it's good it happens. Look at japan!" Good.
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No, not at all, buddy, I just can't get worked up over a non-issue.

"Eek, I saw a penis" seems like a hangup.
So, from "it doesn't happen" to "who cares if men are staring at naked, young girls in changing rooms or showing the girls their (sometimes erect) dicks". Even better, I guess.
Hey, if you don't want to see naked people, don't go where naked people are... what a crazy idea.


btw, have a link to japan allowing men and young girls to be naked together in public spaces?

I did a search (recommendation: be very careful of the terms you use), and the closes i could find was some elementary schools allow mixed sex locker rooms for elementary kids. Though, that is being changed (with recommendations from the government) as no longer appropriate in modern times.
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btw, have a link to japan allowing men and young girls to be naked together in public spaces?

I did a search (recommendation: be very careful of the terms you use), and the closes i could find was some elementary schools allow mixed sex locker rooms for elementary kids. Though, that is being changed (with recommendations from the government) as no longer appropriate in modern times.

Um, yeah, I guess. But the point was, mixed sex locker rooms and baths were considered the norm in Japan for a long time, and surprise, no one freaked out about it.

Oh, because you are new here, I only do links when I feel like doing them, not when someone asks for them.
Um, yeah, I guess. But the point was, mixed sex locker rooms and baths were considered the norm in Japan for a long time, and surprise, no one freaked out about it.

Assuming that is accurate, it's apparently changed and is no longer "the norm". So, you are almost certainly wrong and there were many complaints about it.

In some theoretical past, they used to put female and male prisoners in the same cell. So, this woman should definately not 'freak out' about being sexually assaulted by a male. In fact, she deserved it for being put in the woman's jail in the first place. You dont want to be raped, dont be in womans prison with males.

The prison attacks happened between September and October 2017 while she was on remand at the women's jail where she began gender realignment, wearing a wig, make-up and false breasts.

The court heard White used her 'transgender persona' to put herself in contact with vulnerable women.

Passing sentence, Judge Christopher Batty said: 'You are a predator and highly manipulative and in my view you are a danger.

'You represent a significant risk of serious harm to children, to women and to the general public.'

Assuming that is accurate, it's apparently changed and is no longer "the norm". So, you are almost certainly wrong and there were many complaints about it.

In some theoretical past, they used to put female and male prisoners in the same cell. So, this woman should definately not 'freak out' about being sexually assaulted by a male. In fact, she deserved it for being put in the woman's jail in the first place. You dont want to be raped, dont be in womans prison with males.

Again, different culture from ours, and a lot of things they are changing is because of western influence.

For instance, they frequently show women's naked breasts on TV, but even in their porn films, the genitals are pixilated.

And it's kind of amusing that a wingnut is suddenly concerned about the well-being of prisoners... after inflicting the Prison-Industrial Complex on us.
That was the discussion here.

They Want Big, Strapping Men!” - Women Don’t Call Betas When Trouble Strikes​

Completely serious thing. We see all the Democrats here keep talking about things like transgender‘s, LGBT rights. OK it is right to talk about equal rights for all in our country to strive for a better country.

But We see them(The far left, anarchists antifa) get mad when Americans have questions about how our society has changed and how we will deal with this.

The question that can be asked of these folks is what kind of country do you want? OK democrats say what you’ll say. Are you democrats seeing women being used as bodyguards for the vice president? Are you seeing feminine type men being used as bodyguards for the vice president or for the president? . Are you seeing feminine type men being use in the front lines of our military?

Notice how often from the far left, there’s never an answer for this. They simply look at the headline and just lose it. They’ll say things like “why do you care about peoples private lives” or something similar . we’re not talking about private lives here. We’re talking about our country. So to all the Democrats answer the questions. Respond to the points being made in the video above.

This simply comes down to one thing it is as follows , when it comes to applying to be a secret Service agent or a bodyguard for the president or Vice President . And when it comes to fighting on the front lines in our military,

Should males and females have to pass the same test or should a different test be given to a female or a transgender man or transgender woman?

And it's kind of amusing that a wingnut is suddenly concerned about the well-being of prisoners... after inflicting the Prison-Industrial Complex on us.
Oh, i see. So, thinking criminals should definitely be in prison, means we should be OK with putting males in women's prisons to rape the females.

The real wingnuts are the ones that think males should really-really be in prisons with female prisoners. Or adult males should really-really be able to stare at and expose their dicks to young girls.

You sure are an odd one, though.
Oh, i see. So, thinking criminals should definitely be in prison, means we should be OK with putting males in women's prisons to rape the females.

You are right. They should only be raped by other females. Got to have our priorities here. And the men in prison get raped by other men.

Obviously, putting a trans-woman in a male prison is pretty much condemning her to rape, because the men in prison figure that's the closest they'll get to a female for years.

The real wingnuts are the ones that think males should really-really be in prisons with female prisoners. Or adult males should really-really be able to stare at and expose their dicks to young girls.

Except no one is doing that... but never mind... if you guys didn't have fake panics, you'd have no panics at all.

Hey, if you don't want to see naked people, don't go to places where you know there are going to be naked people.
You are right. They should only be raped by other females.
In Britain, rape is only a male crime. And someone tried making the same claim as you before, but only proved consensual female/female hook ups in prison. And consequences of male on female rape are very different.

Obviously, putting a trans-woman in a male prison is pretty much condemning her to rape, because the men in prison figure that's the closest they'll get to a female for years.
Potentially, which is why they should be segregated after mental and physical exams to confirm the trans ID.

Hey, if you don't want to see naked people, don't go to places where you know there are going to be naked people.
The Wingnuts are absolutely saying males should be naked around young females, as long as the male has some invisible and unprovable claim of identity.

Look at the protests around the wi spa incident, where claims abounded that the trans exposing his erect dick to kids was fine and he belonged there. Even in the video of the initial complaint some guy was excusing it to one of the victims.
In Britain, rape is only a male crime. And someone tried making the same claim as you before, but only proved consensual female/female hook ups in prison. And consequences of male on female rape are very different.

Well, good thing we aren't in Britain then.

Of course, I'm all for trying other british things like universal health care and gun control, but you guys aren't up for that.

Potentially, which is why they should be segregated after mental and physical exams to confirm the trans ID.
Again, so much wrong in our prison system, this is pretty minor.

Look at the protests around the wi spa incident, where claims abounded that the trans exposing his erect dick to kids was fine and he belonged there. Even in the video of the initial complaint some guy was excusing it to one of the victims.
Don't care. The transphobes are just going to have to learn how to deal.
Of course, I'm all for trying other british things like universal health care and gun control, but you guys aren't up for that.

We fought and won two wars, specifically for the rights NOT to be like the British. In the time since then, the British still have not advanced, even to the point that we were back then, as far as upholding and recognizing basic human rights.

If you want to live in a British style shithole, then please feel free to move there. There is no need, and no reason, at all to be trying to turn America into a shithole like the UK.
So essentially, you are a prude. Got it.
You know what, in Japan, men and women use public baths and even children participate. It's just not a big deal.

Most American women are not OK with being seen naked by strange men.

How does any right of yours, or any rights of any other disgusting sexual pervert, override their right to modesty and privacy, much less safety?

Real men feel a duty and responsibility to protect women from these kind of perverts. That you side with the perverts tells us all that we need to know about your character, but nothing that we al already know.

It certainly tells us that you're not much of a man, but then we all knew that as well.

We fought and won two wars, specifically for the rights NOT to be like the British. In the time since then, the British still have not advanced, even to the point that we were back then, as far as upholding and recognizing basic human rights.

Actually, the British and most of the rest of Europe have advanced beyond us. America is probably the most backwards industrialized nation.

Most American women are not OK with being seen naked by strange men.

How does any right of yours, or any rights of any other disgusting sexual pervert, override their right to modesty and privacy, much less safety?
Uh, they kind of gave that up when they went into a public place to change clothes, didn't they.

But do keep posting your hate crime fantasies, we all know you don't have the balls to carry it out.

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