"What's the difference between a Democrat and a socialists?

Tea Party=Republican=Conservative=Fascist

Same, same

See how that works Mr. Crazy Person
You are real stupid about these things aren't you? Tea Party is not Republican and Republican is not necessarily Conservative and Conservative is not totalitarian.
No difference. Just a little different twist on a bad idea.

Tea party or libertarians and Republicans are all assholes.
And the far right reactionaries here have had their asses handed to them by folks who know definitions and facts. The GOP believes in regulated capitalism and in corporate welfare. The Dems have their own issues.
Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

The DNC Chairperson avoided getting into a useless and endless debate and so she deflected away from answering a question in the short amount of time available. Hence the title to this thread is misleading. Neither one of the participants are trying to explain the question.
I'm not the greedy one you are.
I don't see how I am greedy. I do not envy people who have considerable wealth. You are the envious one.
This country has always had a progressive tax system where the rich pay more so the poor can survive.
Always? 1913.
The poor supposed not to live on "assistance" permanently. That's why we have illegal alien problem, the poor is sitting on their asses while crops need to be harvested.
You guys cry for Ford Motor Company because they have to pay union wages but Ford Motor Company had record profits last year.
It is the fucked up Stock Market system. Investors need profit on their investments and publicly traded stocks are bought by big retirement systems. I do not like Ford moving operations anywhere. I do not like industry moving anywhere. I am not a protectionist per se but national industry should have been kept in country. I would levy tariffs on foreign made shit to equalize market prices. I know it is surprising but I am not all the way laissez-faire.
And the far right reactionaries here have had their asses handed to them by folks who know definitions and facts. The GOP believes in regulated capitalism and in corporate welfare. The Dems have their own issues.
Fakey, I thought you were on coffee break…
Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

The DNC Chairperson avoided getting into a useless and endless debate and so she deflected away from answering a question in the short amount of time available. Hence the title to this thread is misleading. Neither one of the participants are trying to explain the question.

Spinning, huh? She had plenty of time to answer but tried to weasel her way out of it several times. It did not work out too well for her...
Tea Party=Republican=Conservative=Fascist

Same, same

See how that works Mr. Crazy Person

You are real stupid about these things aren't you? Tea Party is not Republican and Republican is not necessarily Conservative and Conservative is not totalitarian.
I was mocking Bobby1250 and his post #15

Democrat = Socialist = Marxist = Communist

Same, same.
Friendly fire? Sorry.. shit happens…
I'm not the greedy one you are.
I don't see how I am greedy. I do not envy people who have considerable wealth. You are the envious one.
This country has always had a progressive tax system where the rich pay more so the poor can survive.
Always? 1913.
The poor supposed not to live on "assistance" permanently. That's why we have illegal alien problem, the poor is sitting on their asses while crops need to be harvested.
You guys cry for Ford Motor Company because they have to pay union wages but Ford Motor Company had record profits last year.
It is the fucked up Stock Market system. Investors need profit on their investments and publicly traded stocks are bought by big retirement systems. I do not like Ford moving operations anywhere. I do not like industry moving anywhere. I am not a protectionist per se but national industry should have been kept in country. I would levy tariffs on foreign made shit to equalize market prices. I know it is surprising but I am not all the way laissez-faire.
Then we agree a lot more than you think. Maybe some would call you a socialist because you don't go all the way?

Obama is a capitalist, McCain is a capitalist, Romney, jeb, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz. Not all capitalists think exactly alike. Some believe in more regulations and some less.

It's why I laugh when I'm called a socialist from someone who went to public school.
defcon reiterated what I said about Republicans believing in regulated capitalism.

No one has been able to prove anything with the fallacy of the OP.
I'm not the greedy one you are.
I don't see how I am greedy. I do not envy people who have considerable wealth. You are the envious one.
This country has always had a progressive tax system where the rich pay more so the poor can survive.
Always? 1913.
The poor supposed not to live on "assistance" permanently. That's why we have illegal alien problem, the poor is sitting on their asses while crops need to be harvested.
You guys cry for Ford Motor Company because they have to pay union wages but Ford Motor Company had record profits last year.
It is the fucked up Stock Market system. Investors need profit on their investments and publicly traded stocks are bought by big retirement systems. I do not like Ford moving operations anywhere. I do not like industry moving anywhere. I am not a protectionist per se but national industry should have been kept in country. I would levy tariffs on foreign made shit to equalize market prices. I know it is surprising but I am not all the way laissez-faire.
Then we agree a lot more than you think. Maybe some would call you a socialist because you don't go all the way?

Obama is a capitalist, McCain is a capitalist, Romney, jeb, Ron Paul, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz. Not all capitalists think exactly alike. Some believe in more regulations and some less.

It's why I laugh when I'm called a socialist from someone who went to public school.
Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

True socialism was an ideology that never actually existed (or did it—wink). Marx took the idea of socialism (John Locke) and added the concept of revolution by the people with an elected dictator making it communism. Lenin took Marxism and added the idea of forming a vanguard party to force revolution (gang rule) with an elected dictator, which became Marxist-Leninism communism, and then Stalin added a whole new level of terror making it Stalinism. Lenin could not make Marxism work—the country was starving to death—he had to resort back to capitalism. (Dictator's never step down)

Socialism included a person to head an “as needed” assembly to oversee the community, and that person would basically be just a mediator between the people when they had arguments or actions concerning the community (commune) were needed (state of nature). Locke believed people needed representation, but not ruling over. Government was to be kept as a minimum and only when needed. If government attempted to become a tyranny, the people could revolt against it and shut it down.

“The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges everyone: and reason which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions…” (II. 2. 6).

“Locke holds that we have a property in our own person. And the labor of our body and the work of our hands properly belong to us. So, when one picks up acorns or berries, they thereby belong to the person who picked them up.”

*The problem here is that a person’s property is within its “enclosure/boundary” but when that property leaves the enclosure (boundaries), someone can take that property—this could expand to taking one’s daughter or wife. If a man rapes another’s daughter, his labor (rape) makes the girl his. It’s a spin. ;)

“As much as anyone can make use of to any advantage of life before it spoils, so much by his labor he may fix a property in; whatever is beyond this, is more than his share, and belongs to others” (II. 5. 31).

If you have more than you need (spoilage means food), then people might be starving because you are not sharing or bartering. Someone who becomes cripple or sick cannot work land, therefore that person needs charity…share, take care.

Money - …”if he would give his [goods] for a piece of metal, pleased with its color, or exchange his sheep for shells, or wool for a sparkling pebble or diamond, and keep those by him all his life, he invaded not the right of others, he might heap up as much of these durable things as he pleased; the exceeding of the bounds of his property not lying in the largeness of his possessions, but the perishing of anything uselessly in it. (II. 5. 146.)”

*One can have as many possessions as they can afford, as long as it is not wasteful. Hoarding food because of greed or to up prices is a no no. Also, someone may have barren land, and that person will need help until he can find another means of support (find minerals or labor himself out).

Locke believed that money is the root of all evil and men who collected money are evil. He did not have a problem with men bartering and trading fairly, but with men who were capitalist pigs at the expense of others.

John Locke Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Looking at this, one could say this is how the Native Americans lived.

One could also say that this is the basis of the Declaration of Independence. Coincidence? No. Jefferson was a fan.

Democrats are considered the party of the common man, the working man, but there is a difference between the Democrats and socialists. Many democrats believe they have the right to be as rich as the aristocratic Republicans and they pass bills that will make them rich. The difference between the party and ideology is greed. Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
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Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

The DNC Chairperson avoided getting into a useless and endless debate and so she deflected away from answering a question in the short amount of time available. Hence the title to this thread is misleading. Neither one of the participants are trying to explain the question.

Spinning, huh? She had plenty of time to answer but tried to weasel her way out of it several times. It did not work out too well for her...

It worked out fine. You see it as a person weaseling her way out of an easy question, I see it as a person avoiding answering a complicated question in a limited amount of time. Sure, she could have given the dictionary definitions and said "see the difference", but than she would be criticized for giving a meaningless and evasive answer because there are no pure socialist countries or pure democratic countries. What would have happened if she accurately said that socialism represented an economic system and a democratic system was about governing. The two are not even in the same category. One is about how a means of production and and distribution of product is conducted and the other is the means of governing a society.

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