"What's the difference between a Democrat and a socialists?

Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.
Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.
When you eradicate greed from human nature then you can have utopia. Socialism never existed? Okey-dokey.
"What's the difference between a Democrat and a socialists?"

This fails as both a loaded question fallacy and a hasty generalization fallacy, as the Democratic Party has nothing to do with 'socialists,' clearly exhibiting the OP's ignorance of 'socialism'; nor are only two individuals 'representative' of all democrats.

Once again our would-be, in-house Barrister comes to demonstrate his absolute ignorance in all things "Reason".

There is nothing loaded in the question and there is nothing in it which serves to generalize. But the inability of the Democrat to show any potential distinction between them and their collectivist cult; OKA: Socialism, provides that THEY must LOAD their answer with the customary deflections and distractions necessary to obscure the simple fact that the US Democrat Party is entirely synonymous with socialism and their inability to show ANY potential distinction.

In truth, the Democrat Party serves as the collective advocacy that all production is owned by the state.

In searching for proof of that otherwise self-evident truth, one need go no further than the chronic claims by the Left, ON THE WHOLE, that a reduction in tax liability to any citizen, is an EXPENSE to the government.

Those needing to see an example of that need look no farther than this very thread, wherein THIS was recently posted:

Your side believes in wealth redistribution too. When they gave the rich and corporations tax breaks they basically shifted the tax burden more onto us.

In the Democrat's belief that all production is owned by the state, they not only separate themselves from the idea that the 'community' owns all production... as the State is to the Ideological an entity unto itself; but FURTHER separate themselves from the self-evident truth that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness; as there is no means for one to freely pursue the fulfillment of their life, where they are obligated to pursue such for another, who is capable of doing so for themselves, but who for WHATEVER REASON, REFUSES to do so. Thus their existence settles for far less in material goods and fiscal wealth than others; claiming the distinction in their respective station as being somehow UNFAIR... requiring another to subsidize their existence to PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

In reality, thus in truth, Democrats are to socialism, what Benedict Arnold is to treason.... SYNONYMOUS!
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Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.

Socialism is a concept... it exists in conscience, thus it exists where the elements of that concepts are set into law; wherein, those laws usurp the means of the free sovereign it seeks to saddle as a component of a collective, obligated to produce for the benefit of the collective, where the needs of such supersede the rights of the sovereign individual.

And it is through and because of this, wherein we can KNOW that:

Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to the conceptual Thesis that defines America, and the idiocy which defines socialism, OKA: The Antithesis.

See how that works?
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Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

We are OK with well regulated capitalism.

Yes... we get that you need to revise the label, so as to preclude it being identified as that which you've already throughly discredited. But you need to understand that, "Well Regulated Capitalism" is socialism.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Tea Party=Republican=Conservative=Fascist

In truth, fascism is socialism. To claim Americans fascist is akin to claiming black is white. The two concepts are in reality, thus in truth, antithetical to one another (Gilligan, that means that they're the opposite of one another).

This tactic of re-labeling Leftist failure as the failure of those who oppose the Left is merely a presentation of the mental disorder (Delusional sociopathy) that is required for one to BE a socialist.

And who can blame them... even as we discuss this, we find the fascist Eugenicism which spawned Planned Parenthood, is not only responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of the Black Lives that Matter, each and every YEAR, but they're SELLING THE REMAINS OF THOSE BLACK BABIES (along with the white and brown one's too...), demonstrating that they have absolutely NO KINSHIP WITH AMERICA, at all.

In reality, thus in truth, the addled adherents to socialism simply advocate for Foreign Ideas Hostile TO the principles that define America... not the least of which is that ALL human being are created equal, endowed by their Creator with self-evident rights, to their LIFE... .

And of course, your being here to deny that is proof in and of itself that you are a fascist and you're here to foment a feckless rationalization to avoid being held to account for such.
Good question, right?

Here are two notorious Democrats asking the question and trying to explain it:

The DNC Chairperson avoided getting into a useless ...

What the DNC Chair was avoiding was the reality that there is absolutely NO DISTINCTION between a US Democrat and a socialist.

FWIW: The Question was presented by a socialist... who itself, cannot show a distinction.
I'm not the greedy one you are.
I don't see how I am greedy. I do not envy people who have considerable wealth. You are the envious one.
This country has always had a progressive tax system where the rich pay more so the poor can survive.
Always? 1913.
The poor supposed not to live on "assistance" permanently. That's why we have illegal alien problem, the poor is sitting on their asses while crops need to be harvested.
You guys cry for Ford Motor Company because they have to pay union wages but Ford Motor Company had record profits last year.
It is the fucked up Stock Market system. Investors need profit on their investments and publicly traded stocks are bought by big retirement systems. I do not like Ford moving operations anywhere. I do not like industry moving anywhere. I am not a protectionist per se but national industry should have been kept in country. I would levy tariffs on foreign made shit to equalize market prices. I know it is surprising but I am not all the way laissez-faire.

Manufacturers move their operations off-shore DUE TO SOCIALIST POLICY.

Were you to set up the tariffs, you're quickly strip the US of most if not all manufacturing, as most of the products 'manufactured', in the US, are actually, only 'assembled' in the US.

From the steel to the plastics... very little is processed here, because of the foolish environmental oriented penalties for doing so.

But you're exactly right about the illegals. They're here because those here who are incapable of doing anything else, are being subsidized, thus are not incentivized to do so, by hunger... . In short, they are dead weight to the culture on the whole.
It's a trick question as there really is no practical difference at all. Both believe in redistribution of wealth to achieve a political agenda.
Your side believes in wealth redistribution too. When they gave the rich and corporations tax breaks they basically shifted the tax burden more onto us and now Republicans are raising our taxes.

The rich use to have 75% of the pie and now they have 90% and you're crying for them? You're a God damn fool.
Keep your suspenders on, pa.
Point exactly to where in my post I "cry" for the very rich. Looks like I hit a nerve when I pointed out the redistributionist left.
I'm for the wealthy paying their share (though they already do pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes) and I'm for Obama and the left stopping their milking of the middle class in order to support our metastasizing welfare state.
You're a God damned idiot.
It's a trick question as there really is no practical difference at all. Both believe in redistribution of wealth to achieve a political agenda.
Your side believes in wealth redistribution too. When they gave the rich and corporations tax breaks they basically shifted the tax burden more onto us and now Republicans are raising our taxes.

The rich use to have 75% of the pie and now they have 90% and you're crying for them? You're a God damn fool.
Keep your suspenders on, pa.
Point exactly to where in my post I "cry" for the very rich. Looks like I hit a nerve when I pointed out the redistributionist left.
I'm for the wealthy paying their share (though they already do pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes) and I'm for Obama and the left stopping their milking of the middle class in order to support our metastasizing welfare state.
You're a God damned idiot.
obama is out to destroy the means for people to produce sufficiently to be counted in the middle of the cultural economic scale.
Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.

Socialism is a concept... it exists in conscience, thus it exists where the elements of that concepts are set into law; wherein, those laws usurp the means of the free sovereign it seeks to saddle as a component of a collective, obligated to produce for the benefit of the collective, where the needs of such supersede the rights of the sovereign individual.

And it is through and because of this, wherein we can KNOW that:

Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to the conceptual Thesis that defines America, and the idiocy which defines socialism, OKA: The Antithesis.

See how that works?
You agreed with what I said as to the definition of socialism according to John Locke's ideology, and then twisted it to that man should not have to control his "nature: to belong to society. I could twist that into you are saying that man has the right to be barbaric and live in chaos at the expense of all those around him. State of nature is to control one's self--to self-govern--morals. Nature is barbaric, uncontrolled, animistic--before society.
See how that works?
Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.
When you eradicate greed from human nature then you can have utopia. Socialism never existed? Okey-dokey.
Greed can never be eradicated. That was one of the biggest flaws of the socialist ideology, which is why socialism never existed. Okey-dokey
Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.

Socialism is a concept... it exists in conscience, thus it exists where the elements of that concepts are set into law; wherein, those laws usurp the means of the free sovereign it seeks to saddle as a component of a collective, obligated to produce for the benefit of the collective, where the needs of such supersede the rights of the sovereign individual.

And it is through and because of this, wherein we can KNOW that:

Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to the conceptual Thesis that defines America, and the idiocy which defines socialism, OKA: The Antithesis.

See how that works?
You agreed with what I said as to the definition of socialism according to John Locke's ideology, and then twisted it to that man should not have to control his "nature: to belong to society.

First, Locke was not a proponent of socialism.

Second, man should have control over his nature. And if he can't control his nature; as history proves the Ideological Left; OKA: Socialists, cannot... then that man forfeits his means to exercise his rights and he is either eliminated in the process of usurping the means of another to duly exercise their right, or they are locked away from those who demonstrate that they can, through the actions of legitimate government.
Greed is forbidden in a socialist society.
…and UTOPIA lies within…
Our government took the best out of the ideology and formed the Constitution, but socialism in itself never existed, thus people calling others socialists is the equivalent to calling someone a martian. It has no impact, and neither does your comment because it makes no sense.
When you eradicate greed from human nature then you can have utopia. Socialism never existed? Okey-dokey.
Greed can never be eradicated. That was one of the biggest flaws of the socialist ideology, which is why socialism never existed. Okey-dokey
Socialism has always existed... as such is merely the political means by which people attempt to avoid RESPONSIBILITY... .

Socialism is the deceit behind the eternal quest for an easier way.
And the far right reactionaries here have had their asses handed to them by folks who know definitions and facts. The GOP believes in regulated capitalism and in corporate welfare. The Dems have their own issues.
Fakey, I thought you were on coffee break…

I love Jake .. be nice.
there is hope for him.......
Jake is an imbecile.
This is the imbecilic fool's comment always when given incontrovertible comment. The GOP does believe in regulated capitalism. Only an imbecile would not believe it. Keys is one of those fellows who knows not the difference concerning the GOP, the Dems, and socialism.
It's a trick question as there really is no practical difference at all. Both believe in redistribution of wealth to achieve a political agenda.
Your side believes in wealth redistribution too. When they gave the rich and corporations tax breaks they basically shifted the tax burden more onto us and now Republicans are raising our taxes.

The rich use to have 75% of the pie and now they have 90% and you're crying for them? You're a God damn fool.
Keep your suspenders on, pa.
Point exactly to where in my post I "cry" for the very rich. Looks like I hit a nerve when I pointed out the redistributionist left.
I'm for the wealthy paying their share (though they already do pay 70% of all collected federal income taxes) and I'm for Obama and the left stopping their milking of the middle class in order to support our metastasizing welfare state.
You're a God damned idiot.
Your conclusion proves the nerve hit was yours, son. The rich are not paying their fair share as a matter of fact as the numbers above show. I am tired of the Congress milking the middle class and allowing the rich to increase their unfair share even more.
obama is out to destroy the means for people to produce sufficiently to be counted in the middle of the cultural economic scale.
What a stupidassertion. Show us where the President is preventing the middle class from maintaining its wealth. Congress, son, originates tax law.
Tea Party=Republican=Conservative=Fascist

In truth, fascism is socialism. To claim Americans fascist is akin to claiming black is white. The two concepts are in reality, thus in truth, antithetical to one another (Gilligan, that means that they're the opposite of one another).

This tactic of re-labeling Leftist failure as the failure of those who oppose the Left is merely a presentation of the mental disorder (Delusional sociopathy) that is required for one to BE a socialist.

And who can blame them... even as we discuss this, we find the fascist Eugenicism which spawned Planned Parenthood, is not only responsible for murdering hundreds of thousands of the Black Lives that Matter, each and every YEAR, but they're SELLING THE REMAINS OF THOSE BLACK BABIES (along with the white and brown one's too...), demonstrating that they have absolutely NO KINSHIP WITH AMERICA, at all.

In reality, thus in truth, the addled adherents to socialism simply advocate for Foreign Ideas Hostile TO the principles that define America... not the least of which is that ALL human being are created equal, endowed by their Creator with self-evident rights, to their LIFE... .

And of course, your being here to deny that is proof in and of itself that you are a fascist and you're here to foment a feckless rationalization to avoid being held to account for such.
No Gilligan, in truth fascism is not socialism. Private businesses and industry in fascist Germany and Italy remained profit making capitalist businesses when the fascist took over and many are still some of the biggest businesses in Germany and Italy till the present day. You distort everything to fit your partisan agenda, even the declaration that all men are created equal. You have changed it to human beings. So which is accurate, all men or all human beings? After a while a bunch little white lies turn into a bundle of bull shit.

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