What's the Difference Between Acosta and Kavanaugh?

Acosta does not ask questions
He editorializes and waits to see what happens next.
It’s a press conference. It’s not an opportunity for Jim to offer his opinions and see how Trump responds.
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.

Actually, a SCOTUS justice can be impeached, true?

And wouldn't you require more than just somebody's accusation, from 35 years ago? Some evidence, anything at all?
Judge did Not say Acosta must be allowed access. Judge did say procedures were not followed and when they are, he will be barred again
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.
Indeed....So, do uncorroborated shaky memories from over thirty years ago from one accuser, along with the outright lies of others, count as credible evidence by which to level serious accusations of such infamous violent crimes?
What's the Difference Between Acosta and Kavanaugh?

Acosta is a little bitch mud sucker Democrat.:21::21::21::21::21::21::21:
(Kavanaugh lied under oath before the Senate, TWICE, this hearing and the hearing he had before he became a circuit court judge.....)

Where was Christina Ford's due process, that didn't stop ya'll from lying your asses off about her...? Preventing the FBI from doing a proper investigation was not due process for either of them? It just made us realize how crooked this administration and the Senate Repubs are....

Where is Hillary Clinton's due process?? Ya'll claim she is a multi time murderer..... and Satan's spawn all wrapped up in to one! :D

to answer your question, If Kavanaugh sued in a civil court for false accusations by Christina Ford, as CNN did.... he would have gotten REAL due process like Acosta.

The hag pulled that story straight outa her ass.
honestly, I don't think she did make it up... when I was a kid, I went thru somewhat similar situation like that with drunk boys I knew... when at parties or get togethers at a friend's house when their parents were out of town etc etc etc....
of which I managed to weasel my way out of....

so to me, it is feasible and believable....

But, I believe her situation was different in that there were 2 boys, who were older than her and the way they grabbed her and shut the door, turned up the music, one stayed watch... all really frightened her, especially if they were really drunk.... which they were known to be excessive drinkers.... they both could have been rougher and scarier than they even realized they were to her... and maybe because she was just 15, this scarred her, mentally? I dunno? :dunno:

Something did happen to her, it ain't made up out of thin air, and Kavanaugh and Judge were the two guys.... that's something one would not forget....

It would have been better if she told her parents, even though I do know how hard that would have been at the time, especially if you didn't want your parents to know you were at a party, with drinking....

But if it were my parents who were told, it would not have been a police matter, but more than likely my parents would have met with the Kavenaughs and told them what their son did. This keeps it private and not some public scandal at their schools.

THIS would have made his parents more aware of their son's drinking problem while he was underage and in high school and maybe this could have helped both Brett and Judge, and prevented Judge and maybe even Brett?? from becoming alcoholics....?
(Kavanaugh lied under oath before the Senate, TWICE, this hearing and the hearing he had before he became a circuit court judge.....)

Where was Christina Ford's due process, that didn't stop ya'll from lying your asses off about her...? Preventing the FBI from doing a proper investigation was not due process for either of them? It just made us realize how crooked this administration and the Senate Repubs are....

Where is Hillary Clinton's due process?? Ya'll claim she is a multi time murderer..... and Satan's spawn all wrapped up in to one! :D

to answer your question, If Kavanaugh sued in a civil court for false accusations by Christina Ford, as CNN did.... he would have gotten REAL due process like Acosta.

The hag pulled that story straight outa her ass.
honestly, I don't think she did make it up... when I was a kid, I went thru somewhat similar situation like that with drunk boys I knew... when at parties or get togethers at a friend's house when their parents were out of town etc etc etc....
of which I managed to weasel my way out of....

so to me, it is feasible and believable....

But, I believe her situation was different in that there were 2 boys, who were older than her and the way they grabbed her and shut the door, turned up the music, one stayed watch... all really frightened her, especially if they were really drunk.... which they were known to be excessive drinkers.... they both could have been rougher and scarier than they even realized they were to her... and maybe because she was just 15, this scarred her, mentally? I dunno? :dunno:

Something did happen to her, it ain't made up out of thin air, and Kavanaugh and Judge were the two guys.... that's something one would not forget....

It would have been better if she told her parents, even though I do know how hard that would have been at the time, especially if you didn't want your parents to know you were at a party, with drinking....

But if it were my parents who were told, it would not have been a police matter, but more than likely my parents would have met with the Kavenaughs and told them what their son did. This keeps it private and not some public scandal at their schools.

THIS would have made his parents more aware of their son's drinking problem while he was underage and in high school and maybe this could have helped both Brett and Judge, and prevented Judge and maybe even Brett?? from becoming alcoholics....?

Your opinion...it's my experience in life if something traumatic happens you remember details, she couldn't remember shit
(Kavanaugh lied under oath before the Senate, TWICE, this hearing and the hearing he had before he became a circuit court judge.....)

Where was Christina Ford's due process, that didn't stop ya'll from lying your asses off about her...? Preventing the FBI from doing a proper investigation was not due process for either of them? It just made us realize how crooked this administration and the Senate Repubs are....

Where is Hillary Clinton's due process?? Ya'll claim she is a multi time murderer..... and Satan's spawn all wrapped up in to one! :D

to answer your question, If Kavanaugh sued in a civil court for false accusations by Christina Ford, as CNN did.... he would have gotten REAL due process like Acosta.

The hag pulled that story straight outa her ass.
honestly, I don't think she did make it up... when I was a kid, I went thru somewhat similar situation like that with drunk boys I knew... when at parties or get togethers at a friend's house when their parents were out of town etc etc etc....
of which I managed to weasel my way out of....

so to me, it is feasible and believable....

But, I believe her situation was different in that there were 2 boys, who were older than her and the way they grabbed her and shut the door, turned up the music, one stayed watch... all really frightened her, especially if they were really drunk.... which they were known to be excessive drinkers.... they both could have been rougher and scarier than they even realized they were to her... and maybe because she was just 15, this scarred her, mentally? I dunno? :dunno:

Something did happen to her, it ain't made up out of thin air, and Kavanaugh and Judge were the two guys.... that's something one would not forget....

It would have been better if she told her parents, even though I do know how hard that would have been at the time, especially if you didn't want your parents to know you were at a party, with drinking....

But if it were my parents who were told, it would not have been a police matter, but more than likely my parents would have met with the Kavenaughs and told them what their son did. This keeps it private and not some public scandal at their schools.

THIS would have made his parents more aware of their son's drinking problem while he was underage and in high school and maybe this could have helped both Brett and Judge, and prevented Judge and maybe even Brett?? from becoming alcoholics....?

Your opinion...it's my experience in life if something traumatic happens you remember details, she couldn't remember shit
ya see, that's just not true.... she remembered it was a house in the Bethesda area, she remembered the layout of the house of which she drew a diagram, she remembered she was at the country club pool near this house, practicing diving earlier in the day, she remembered correctly 3 of the guys there, she remembered it was summertime, she remembered she was 15, she remembered what happened upstairs during and right after the incident when she made it to the bathroom and locked the door.... it's all the other stuff before and after that point that she is fuzzy on or doesn't remember.... this can tie in with the mental issues/trauma this caused her....

if she was simply making up a story from thin air, why not just make up the whole story with all the details?

PLUS there is Kavanaugh's childhood calendar, July 1st, 1982 marked as a day spent at Timmy's drinking brew-skis, with 2 of the other guys she said was there, at the time period she said it happened, at a house in the Bethesda neighborhood....

That makes it more likely that her story is true....

But, to me, that event standing on its own, when Brett was 17 is not necessarily a disqualifying event for him...

In my opinion his performance in the hearing was disqualifying, he just showed he was not a non partisan, neutral person, along with his lying in previous hearings, and his judicial decisions that have put corporations over us individuals... all disqualified him from holding one of the highest positions in our govt on the supreme court for a lifetime.
(Kavanaugh lied under oath before the Senate, TWICE, this hearing and the hearing he had before he became a circuit court judge.....)

Where was Christina Ford's due process, that didn't stop ya'll from lying your asses off about her...? Preventing the FBI from doing a proper investigation was not due process for either of them? It just made us realize how crooked this administration and the Senate Repubs are....

Where is Hillary Clinton's due process?? Ya'll claim she is a multi time murderer..... and Satan's spawn all wrapped up in to one! :D

to answer your question, If Kavanaugh sued in a civil court for false accusations by Christina Ford, as CNN did.... he would have gotten REAL due process like Acosta.

The hag pulled that story straight outa her ass.
honestly, I don't think she did make it up... when I was a kid, I went thru somewhat similar situation like that with drunk boys I knew... when at parties or get togethers at a friend's house when their parents were out of town etc etc etc....
of which I managed to weasel my way out of....

so to me, it is feasible and believable....

But, I believe her situation was different in that there were 2 boys, who were older than her and the way they grabbed her and shut the door, turned up the music, one stayed watch... all really frightened her, especially if they were really drunk.... which they were known to be excessive drinkers.... they both could have been rougher and scarier than they even realized they were to her... and maybe because she was just 15, this scarred her, mentally? I dunno? :dunno:

Something did happen to her, it ain't made up out of thin air, and Kavanaugh and Judge were the two guys.... that's something one would not forget....

It would have been better if she told her parents, even though I do know how hard that would have been at the time, especially if you didn't want your parents to know you were at a party, with drinking....

But if it were my parents who were told, it would not have been a police matter, but more than likely my parents would have met with the Kavenaughs and told them what their son did. This keeps it private and not some public scandal at their schools.

THIS would have made his parents more aware of their son's drinking problem while he was underage and in high school and maybe this could have helped both Brett and Judge, and prevented Judge and maybe even Brett?? from becoming alcoholics....?

Your opinion...it's my experience in life if something traumatic happens you remember details, she couldn't remember shit
ya see, that's just not true.... she remembered it was a house in the Bethesda area, she remembered the layout of the house of which she drew a diagram, she remembered she was at the country club pool near this house, practicing diving earlier in the day, she remembered correctly 3 of the guys there, she remembered it was summertime, she remembered she was 15, she remembered what happened upstairs during and right after the incident when she made it to the bathroom and locked the door.... it's all the other stuff before and after that point that she is fuzzy on or doesn't remember.... this can tie in with the mental issues/trauma this caused her....

if she was simply making up a story from thin air, why not just make up the whole story with all the details?

PLUS there is Kavanaugh's childhood calendar, July 1st, 1982 marked as a day spent at Timmy's drinking brew-skis, with 2 of the other guys she said was there, at the time period she said it happened, at a house in the Bethesda neighborhood....

That makes it more likely that her story is true....

But, to me, that event standing on its own, when Brett was 17 is not necessarily a disqualifying event for him...

In my opinion his performance in the hearing was disqualifying, he just showed he was not a non partisan, neutral person, along with his lying in previous hearings, and his judicial decisions that have put corporations over us individuals... all disqualified him from holding one of the highest positions in our govt on the supreme court for a lifetime.

She lied
(Kavanaugh lied under oath before the Senate, TWICE, this hearing and the hearing he had before he became a circuit court judge.....)

Where was Christina Ford's due process, that didn't stop ya'll from lying your asses off about her...? Preventing the FBI from doing a proper investigation was not due process for either of them? It just made us realize how crooked this administration and the Senate Repubs are....

Where is Hillary Clinton's due process?? Ya'll claim she is a multi time murderer..... and Satan's spawn all wrapped up in to one! :D

to answer your question, If Kavanaugh sued in a civil court for false accusations by Christina Ford, as CNN did.... he would have gotten REAL due process like Acosta.

The hag pulled that story straight outa her ass.
honestly, I don't think she did make it up... when I was a kid, I went thru somewhat similar situation like that with drunk boys I knew... when at parties or get togethers at a friend's house when their parents were out of town etc etc etc....
of which I managed to weasel my way out of....

so to me, it is feasible and believable....

But, I believe her situation was different in that there were 2 boys, who were older than her and the way they grabbed her and shut the door, turned up the music, one stayed watch... all really frightened her, especially if they were really drunk.... which they were known to be excessive drinkers.... they both could have been rougher and scarier than they even realized they were to her... and maybe because she was just 15, this scarred her, mentally? I dunno? :dunno:

Something did happen to her, it ain't made up out of thin air, and Kavanaugh and Judge were the two guys.... that's something one would not forget....

It would have been better if she told her parents, even though I do know how hard that would have been at the time, especially if you didn't want your parents to know you were at a party, with drinking....

But if it were my parents who were told, it would not have been a police matter, but more than likely my parents would have met with the Kavenaughs and told them what their son did. This keeps it private and not some public scandal at their schools.

THIS would have made his parents more aware of their son's drinking problem while he was underage and in high school and maybe this could have helped both Brett and Judge, and prevented Judge and maybe even Brett?? from becoming alcoholics....?

Your opinion...it's my experience in life if something traumatic happens you remember details, she couldn't remember shit
ya see, that's just not true.... she remembered it was a house in the Bethesda area, she remembered the layout of the house of which she drew a diagram, she remembered she was at the country club pool near this house, practicing diving earlier in the day, she remembered correctly 3 of the guys there, she remembered it was summertime, she remembered she was 15, she remembered what happened upstairs during and right after the incident when she made it to the bathroom and locked the door.... it's all the other stuff before and after that point that she is fuzzy on or doesn't remember.... this can tie in with the mental issues/trauma this caused her....

if she was simply making up a story from thin air, why not just make up the whole story with all the details?

PLUS there is Kavanaugh's childhood calendar, July 1st, 1982 marked as a day spent at Timmy's drinking brew-skis, with 2 of the other guys she said was there, at the time period she said it happened, at a house in the Bethesda neighborhood....

That makes it more likely that her story is true....

But, to me, that event standing on its own, when Brett was 17 is not necessarily a disqualifying event for him...

In my opinion his performance in the hearing was disqualifying, he just showed he was not a non partisan, neutral person, along with his lying in previous hearings, and his judicial decisions that have put corporations over us individuals... all disqualified him from holding one of the highest positions in our govt on the supreme court for a lifetime.

She lied
SHE DID NOT!!! :lol:

The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.
Indeed....So, do uncorroborated shaky memories from over thirty years ago from one accuser, along with the outright lies of others, count as credible evidence by which to level serious accusations of such infamous violent crimes?

They warrant a proper investigation.
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.

Actually, a SCOTUS justice can be impeached, true?

And wouldn't you require more than just somebody's accusation, from 35 years ago? Some evidence, anything at all?

Yes. I would require an investigation. I certainly wouldn't just say: "Accusations are too old. You're hired. "
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.

Actually, a SCOTUS justice can be impeached, true?

And wouldn't you require more than just somebody's accusation, from 35 years ago? Some evidence, anything at all?

Yes. I would require an investigation. I certainly wouldn't just say: "Accusations are too old. You're hired. "

That wasn't how it went down, and I think you know it. The age of the accusations really had nothing to do with the confirmation, outside of the obvious fact that the accuser never accused Kavanaugh until he was nominated for the SCOTUS, in and of itself highly suspicious. As you also well know, there was absolutely NOTHING in the way of evidence to support her story, and as you also know, there was an investigation by the Senate investigators and by the FBI.

And BTW, you are certainly wrong when you asserted that there was no possibility that Kavanaugh could be fired. In fact he could be, it's called impeachment.
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.

Actually, a SCOTUS justice can be impeached, true?

And wouldn't you require more than just somebody's accusation, from 35 years ago? Some evidence, anything at all?

Yes. I would require an investigation. I certainly wouldn't just say: "Accusations are too old. You're hired. "

That wasn't how it went down, and I think you know it. The age of the accusations really had nothing to do with the confirmation, outside of the obvious fact that the accuser never accused Kavanaugh until he was nominated for the SCOTUS, in and of itself highly suspicious. As you also well know, there was absolutely NOTHING in the way of evidence to support her story, and as you also know, there was an investigation by the Senate investigators and by the FBI.

And BTW, you are certainly wrong when you asserted that there was no possibility that Kavanaugh could be fired. In fact he could be, it's called impeachment.

Impeachment is fairly difficult, but you are correct. I guess the more concerning thing is that he is not term limited. And if it was determined that he'd raped, I don't know if he'd be impeached as it is outside of statutes of limitations.
Acosta succeeded in making himself the news which is what is goal was from Trump's first press briefing. He is a grand stander and the worst example of what American journalism has become. Hateful Liberals all competing to be THE ONE that takes Trump down. They all want a movie made about them a la "All The President's Men". Oooooh they can just taste the glory.

Trump made Acosta part of the news. He's too stupid to understand that, and evidently, you are too.
Acosta made himself part of the news by using a White House press conference to try and engage and bait the POTUS into an argument over the mob from Central America. Who is stupid about this matter?

It appears you are.
The former is somehow deserving of due process to have what is a privilege restored to him, while the latter deserves no such consideration -and in fact deserves to have his reputation destroyed- over uncorroborated and completely invented charges that never occurred more than 30 years ago.

Would be funny were it not so completely nauseating.

If I was hiring someone for a job which they will have for the remainder of their career without the possibility of being fired, followed by full pension and benefits until death, I would want to know if they had raped someone.
Would you hold back your key witness for two months during the eligibility inquiry, a la DiFi?

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