What’s the Difference Between Progressives and the KKK?

Hmmm, most KKK consider themselves to be right wing, conservatives.

kkk are socialists...they don't believe in capitalism or the Constitution......racial supremacists of the democrat party do not believe in the U.S. constitution...just listen to them when they are interviewed...
KKK and White Supremacists are proud members of the RepubliKlan Party

Our President says some of them are good people
equal rights for women, LGBTQ and minorities. Differences in the confederate flag and basically the civil war. Progressives come from all religious backgrounds. I suppose the KKK is against any kind of legal immigration from south of the border and of course they are white nationalists.

On top of that I would assume that most kkk members voted for Trump.
You ASSume a lot, don't you? Got any data to back that up?

You want me to back up the fact that the KKK doesn't like homosexuals and liberals think they should have the same rights as others?

No, I'm not going to back up the obvious.

The grand Pooh ba of the KKK supported OWS...


Yeah, because he doesn't like so called 'zionist controlled banks'.

I'm sure you're aware that David Duke supported Trump, right? David Duke is also a Republican. So, enjoy that.

And how come he didn't switch party in the 1960's why did he wait till 1992 and then in the 2000's he supported OWS?


Why did Strom Thurmond wait? How about Jesse Helms or Trent Lott or Jeff Sessions.
There is no difference, and why would there be, it was Democrats who created the Klan for the purpose of intimidating Republicans.

Why did most Southern Democrats become Republicans.

Some documentation please. How about provide a list of all Democrat legislators who switched to the Republican Party following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Democrats' subsequent defeat on the issue due to Republican Everett Dirksen corralling up the Republican votes.
There is no difference, and why would there be, it was Democrats who created the Klan for the purpose of intimidating Republicans.

Why did most Southern Democrats become Republicans.

Some documentation please. How about provide a list of all Democrat legislators who switched to the Republican Party following Robert Byrd's 14-hour filibuster against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Democrats' subsequent defeat on the issue due to Republican Everett Dirksen corralling up the Republican votes.

What documentation do you need, Southern states are totally dominated by republicans today.

equal rights for women, LGBTQ and minorities. Differences in the confederate flag and basically the civil war. Progressives come from all religious backgrounds. I suppose the KKK is against any kind of legal immigration from south of the border and of course they are white nationalists.

On top of that I would assume that most kkk members voted for Trump.
You ASSume a lot, don't you? Got any data to back that up?

You want me to back up the fact that the KKK doesn't like homosexuals and liberals think they should have the same rights as others?

No, I'm not going to back up the obvious.
No, asshole, I want you to back up your ASSumption that most KKK members are Trump voters. Are you stupid or something?

Because their politics line up more with conservatives than liberals (under statement). It's come out well for the klan, he tried to defend their ideology in Charlottesville and like the klan he wants to "preserve history" in the form of preserving statues of traitors that were erected decades after the war and usually in times of racial divisions such as the Jim Crow era and then later during the civil rights movement.

Also, their newspaper endorsed Trump
There is no difference, and why would there be, it was Democrats who created the Klan for the purpose of intimidating Republicans.

Why did most Southern Democrats become Republicans.
/——/ You mean Al Gore Sr, WJ Fullbright and the rest? Never. But in the 1980s as the old school racist democRATs died off the next generation registered Republican. I know because I lived there.

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