What's the Difference Between Strzok and Nunes or Jim Jordan?


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
So it isn't ok for Strzok to have a political opinion and work on an investigation that is about a person he doesn't politically care for... BUT it is ok for people like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan who would love to kiss the feet of Trump to do Congressional investigations involving Trump and his political opponents?
They are very bias. Wasting time and money to do this sham of an investigation. Thank God there are reasonable and knowledgeable Democrats on the committee, or they would of tarred and feathered him.

Goodlatte, Jordan, Goudy, Meadows and Issa are showing their bias and ignorance.
They are very bias. Wasting time and money to do this sham of an investigation. Thank God there are reasonable and knowledgeable Democrats on the committee, or they would of tarred and feathered him.

Goodlatte, Jordan, Goudy, Meadows and Issa are showing their bias and ignorance.

Yep we have a hearing going on where a Republican Congressman is bringing up the marital issues of Strzok, yet they closed the House Russian collusion investigation long ago. How big of a joke is this?
The GOP cannot stand the thought of their Orange Fuhrer becoming the next Tricky Dick Nixon so, they try to do whatever they can concoct to percolate a deflective fairy tale
So it isn't ok for Strzok to have a political opinion and work on an investigation that is about a person he doesn't politically care for... BUT it is ok for people like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan who would love to kiss the feet of Trump to do Congressional investigations involving Trump and his political opponents?

The difference is that one of them is an FBI agent who abused his authority to taint an investigation and undermine a legitimately elected president. The other two are legislators who want him prosecuted for it.

The era of not prosecuting criminals because they're political opponents needs to be over. Crime is crime. Half the democrats and a few Republicans should be in prison, and I hope Trump puts them there.
So it isn't ok for Strzok to have a political opinion and work on an investigation that is about a person he doesn't politically care for... BUT it is ok for people like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan who would love to kiss the feet of Trump to do Congressional investigations involving Trump and his political opponents?
No difference.

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