Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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The church of Jesus Christ of latter day hobos.

They all smoke old stogies they have found. Short but not too fat around.
what the....?

hmmmm... I guess this is not supposed to make a lot of sense... kind of like certain religions mentioned here...
a nice choice
  • Catholicism
  • Jehovah witness
  • Mormonism
  • Assembly of God
  • Methodist
  • Episcopalian
  • whatever Joel Olsteen is
  • combination of 2 or more of above
It's some real cockamamie stuff invented by the Mormons.

A lot of really old references you are using. There are many errors in Wikipedia as well. The Native Americans have DNA not from "Asia" as it should be Asia Minor. And, of course, the DNA should not be of Jews in Israel either. Why? Because Jews are descendant predominately from the Tribe of Judah. Lehi, in the Book of Mormon, was descended from the tribe of Joseph who mostly was carried away by the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years prior to Lehi leaving Jerusalem. So, the DNA effort actually predicts properly who the Native Americans and South Americans are from. Lot's of other errors as well.
Where exactly the people of the Book of Mormon age actually were in the America's is unknown. LiDar method of seeing cities and other massive communities never seen before from the air show that the archeology so far is very minimal to what is being found by this method. So, for those of you who want to believe what has been found "Settles" the issue of the Book of Mormon are just like most Democrats and Liberals today that believe all science is settled. Ignorance is bliss.
A lot of really old references you are using. There are many errors in Wikipedia as well. The Native Americans have DNA not from "Asia" as it should be Asia Minor. And, of course, the DNA should not be of Jews in Israel either. Why? Because Jews are descendant predominately from the Tribe of Judah. Lehi, in the Book of Mormon, was descended from the tribe of Joseph who mostly was carried away by the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years prior to Lehi leaving Jerusalem. So, the DNA effort actually predicts properly who the Native Americans and South Americans are from. Lot's of other errors as well.
Where exactly the people of the Book of Mormon age actually were in the America's is unknown. LiDar method of seeing cities and other massive communities never seen before from the air show that the archeology so far is very minimal to what is being found by this method. So, for those of you who want to believe what has been found "Settles" the issue of the Book of Mormon are just like most Democrats and Liberals today that believe all science is settled. Ignorance is bliss.
dogma sucks so bad
People's Temple, but they are all gone except for a few survivers. And the death cult in Africa both these claim connection to Christian teachings. A lot of deaths from listening to their leadership instead of studying scripture them selves and following a man behind the pulpit instead of the man upon the cross.
and there is no problem with a woman have ten or twelve husbands either

Where in the Bible is this allowed? ... A man with more than one wife starts with Abraham ...

"If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her." --- Deut. 25:5

I know of no such commands on the women ...
Where in the Bible is this allowed? ... A man with more than one wife starts with Abraham ...

"If brethren dwell together, and one of them die, and have no child, the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger: her husband's brother shall go in unto her, and take her to him to wife, and perform the duty of an husband's brother unto her." --- Deut. 25:5

I know of no such commands on the women ...
This is explained quite clearly by the Christ......concerning marriage and divorce. God did not condone multiple marriages nor divorce from the beginning. It was man's tradition that brought this practice into existence, not God. Men were allways breaking the righteous laws of God. As explained by God's prophets....etc., (Jer. 31:31-34) God is the husband and does not condone adultery.

Simply because something is found in the history of the Holy Scriptures does not mean that God condoned these actions taken by men. The history of the Word of God includes everything......not only the righteous acts of men like David, Soloman....etc., but also the willful sins committed by these men......the bible records the righteous laws of God in defining sin and how men struggle with the human condition to overcome these sinful desires. Some David, others such as Saul...failed and disappointed God. (1 Sam. 15:10-35)

Example: Even Paul........the hand picked apostle of the Gentiles struggled with the flesh and feared that one day he might fall from grace after preaching the gospel most of his life to save others. Paul records his own struggle with his Spirit attempting to overcome the flesh and its desires (1 Cor. 9:27).

Matthew 19:3-9 Conclusion: "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and send and to send her (the rightful spouse) away? Because of the hardness of your heart, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives....BUT FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS NOT SO.......... Jesus goes on to explain that God does not condone ADULTERY in any form, be that divorce and remarriage without just cause.....adultery, and having more than 1 God created man and woman to marry and become 1 flesh......not many.
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Evangelicals - They claim to be Christians, but they apparently worship the orange Satan
HITLER "CLAIMED TO BE A CHRISTIAN".......that claim did not make him anything other than a left wing Fascist Socialist that hated capitalism and communism as political theories. Fascism is swings both ways.

This is a logical fallacy. You conclude that because some TV evangelicals abuse their stated position as Christians in order to promote SELF INTRESTS (God loves you, but send your money to my address).....does not mean that all Christians are the same and refuse to obey the gospel according to the Christ. Example: I have a certain bread of attacks an innocent person and does bodily harm without provocation, you then would have ALL DOGS of that bread put down because of how some evil man trained that innocent animal? Who then is the real hater? :dunno:

There are good and righteous people in all phases of the political and religions spectrum......just as there are those who would abuse both politics and religion and weaponize them as a tool to do harm instead of the good that can be accomplished in an honorable and righteous manner.
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What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
The Lord's Resistance Army is the worst Christian denomination.
I was a little surprised that Mormonism beat Jehovah's Witnesses, but they are still both in the lead.
Mormonism, hands down.

Golden Plates
Hebrews in Pre-Columbian America
Baptizing dead people
Magic Underwear
Plural Marriage (until God told them to stop)
Keeping black people as second class members (until God told them to stop)
Their prophets marrying teenage girls.
Well that last one kind of applies to christianity in general. Seeing as god got a twelve year old girl pregnant.
This is explained quite clearly by the Christ......concerning marriage and divorce. God did not condone multiple marriages nor divorce from the beginning. It was man's tradition that brought this practice into existence, not God. Men were allways breaking the righteous laws of God. As explained by God's prophets....etc., (Jer. 31:31-34) God is the husband and does not condone adultery.

Simply because something is found in the history of the Holy Scriptures does not mean that God condoned these actions taken by men. The history of the Word of God includes everything......not only the righteous acts of men like David, Soloman....etc., but also the willful sins committed by these men......the bible records the righteous laws of God in defining sin and how men struggle with the human condition to overcome these sinful desires. Some David, others such as Saul...failed and disappointed God. (1 Sam. 15:10-35)

Example: Even Paul........the hand picked apostle of the Gentiles struggled with the flesh and feared that one day he might fall from grace after preaching the gospel most of his life to save others. Paul records his own struggle with his Spirit attempting to overcome the flesh and its desires (1 Cor. 9:27).

Matthew 19:3-9 Conclusion: "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and send and to send her (the rightful spouse) away? Because of the hardness of your heart, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives....BUT FROM THE BEGINNING IT WAS NOT SO.......... Jesus goes on to explain that God does not condone ADULTERY in any form, be that divorce and remarriage without just cause.....adultery, and having more than 1 God created man and woman to marry and become 1 flesh......not many.

Do you read the Bible yourself, or are you just repeating something some mortal man said, like Paul the Apostle? ...

Really? ... Abraham committed "willful sin" taking his wife's handmaiden for wife and getting her with child ... and then "punished" by being named "father of all nations" ... all before the birth of Issac ...

Abraham didn't divorce Sarah ...

Deuteronomy 24:1-5 is our Law concerning divorce ... and fornication is unclean ... I agree Matthew 19:3-9 is more specific, but not entirely different ... the problem is never the Law, but always Man's interpretation of the Law ... and this is in a society when "a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken." -- Deut 24:5 ...

... and adultery is a capital offense ...


The question was where does God prohibit a man with more than one wife ... I understand all examples in the Bible end in folly ... indeed Abraham's folly haunts us still ... Muslims ruined NASCAR ...
Do you read the Bible yourself, or are you just repeating something some mortal man said, like Paul the Apostle? ...

Really? ... Abraham committed "willful sin" taking his wife's handmaiden for wife and getting her with child ... and then "punished" by being named "father of all nations" ... all before the birth of Issac ...

Abraham didn't divorce Sarah ...

Deuteronomy 24:1-5 is our Law concerning divorce ... and fornication is unclean ... I agree Matthew 19:3-9 is more specific, but not entirely different ... the problem is never the Law, but always Man's interpretation of the Law ... and this is in a society when "a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken." -- Deut 24:5 ...

... and adultery is a capital offense ...


The question was where does God prohibit a man with more than one wife ... I understand all examples in the Bible end in folly ... indeed Abraham's folly haunts us still ... Muslims ruined NASCAR ...
You are an enigma wrapped in a riddle surrounded by a puzzle. I think God would approve.
Do you read the Bible yourself, or are you just repeating something some mortal man said, like Paul the Apostle? ...

Really? ... Abraham committed "willful sin" taking his wife's handmaiden for wife and getting her with child ... and then "punished" by being named "father of all nations" ... all before the birth of Issac ...

Abraham didn't divorce Sarah ...

Deuteronomy 24:1-5 is our Law concerning divorce ... and fornication is unclean ... I agree Matthew 19:3-9 is more specific, but not entirely different ... the problem is never the Law, but always Man's interpretation of the Law ... and this is in a society when "a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken." -- Deut 24:5 ...

... and adultery is a capital offense ...


The question was where does God prohibit a man with more than one wife ... I understand all examples in the Bible end in folly ... indeed Abraham's folly haunts us still ... Muslims ruined NASCAR ...

First and foremost: If you attempt to justify yourself under the Law, you have fallen from grace. (Gal. 5:4) Jesus Christ nailed the Law to His cross (Col. 2:14). If you stumble on only one point of the Law and the are guilty of all. (James 2:11)

You attempt to justify Polygamy by the OLD LAW? But do you obey all the law? Do you still provide burnt offerings to the Royal Priesthood of Levites? If not why not? Since you brought it up..........if you charge someone with adultery, do you still sentence he/she to death? If not why not? Do you still live under the rule of a God appointed KING? If not, why not? Do you still identify yourself by Tribe? If not, why not? :th_spinspin:

What the hell are you talking about? Who brought up Abraham in relation to marriage? Abraham is referenced in relation to having hope for the future, with a promise that his descendants would number like the stars.......and FYI: Abraham existed before Moses' brought the law down from Mt. Sanai. (Ex. 34:29). Abraham never lived under the Law and the Prophets, nor did Abraham ever worship God on the Sabbath. If He did show us the scriptures.

Strange that you would attempt to start someplace OTHER THAN THE BEGINNING, in an attempt to defend the act of POLYGAMY. What........ are you attempting to break the record of Joe Smith who had a documented 27 wives? :abgg2q.jpg:

In the eyes of God.........having more than ONE SPOUSE is a sin, as declared by God in Genesis.

And it was God Himself who drafted the Law as it pertains to marriage. This is God's original plan (i.e, like IN THE BEGINNING as declared by Jesus in Matthew 5). Marriage is between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN......not many, as the 2 are to become ONE FLESH. (Genesis 2:24)

Paul the Apostle? You mean the Hebrew scholar SAUL that studied under one of the greatest teachers of the Law and the Prophets to ever exist in the 1st century AD (Gamaliel)? -- Acts 22:3 That Paul? I am sure that you know more than any Hebrew scholar of the 1st century......after all, its only 2000 years removed from the actual events recorded by this Hebrew Scholar? :party:

FYI: The scriptures quoting Jesus on marriage and adultery are referencing OLD TESTAMENT (THE LAW) CONTENT (as the prophet Jeremiah stated, God was a husband unto the Hebrews and they still broke God's Laws (Jer. 31:31-34)...with that content found in the Gospel of Matthew......5:27-30. With Luke also declaring the same -- Luke 16:18, and of course the Hebrew Scholar Saul also declares such about what constitutes adultery. -- Hebrews 13:4

If you sleep (i.e, have sexual relations with) with more than ONE are committing not only adultery, but Fornication. "Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day, three and twenty thousand." -- 1 Cor. 10:8
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Do you read the Bible yourself, or are you just repeating something some mortal man said, like Paul the Apostle? ...

Really? ... Abraham committed "willful sin" taking his wife's handmaiden for wife and getting her with child ... and then "punished" by being named "father of all nations" ... all before the birth of Issac ...

Abraham didn't divorce Sarah ...

Deuteronomy 24:1-5 is our Law concerning divorce ... and fornication is unclean ... I agree Matthew 19:3-9 is more specific, but not entirely different ... the problem is never the Law, but always Man's interpretation of the Law ... and this is in a society when "a man hath taken a new wife, he shall not go out to war, neither shall he be charged with any business: but he shall be free at home one year, and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken." -- Deut 24:5 ...

... and adultery is a capital offense ...


The question was where does God prohibit a man with more than one wife ... I understand all examples in the Bible end in folly ... indeed Abraham's folly haunts us still ... Muslims ruined NASCAR ...

Muslims believe Deuteronomy 24:5.

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