Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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The Radical Episcopalianists and the UCC'ers are right at the top of the Crazy List.

They have everything from Trannies and She-males serving as clergy to the invention of the sacrament of Gay Marriage. They glorify characters like the late Matt Shepard, as well as abortionists like that character in Kansas who had their ass clipped.
yeh, that's pretty insane. they probably are also in favor of --those drag queens gyrating in a sexually explicit way in front of our innocent chldren we've heard of lately... or that will be the next woke thing they have to promote bc everyone knows Jesus would promote such :oops:
yes, i am surE God LOVES discrimination against women and misogyny of other kinds... He created both male and female but if we treat them differently/unfairly... No problem! says God, eh?
Not saying that God is unfair but I am saying that men are men and not women and women are women and not men. They are not the same in all things and thus are not equal. Men shouldn't wear women's clothing and makeup and women shouldn't dress as men. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. There are many differences between men and women and are not equal in all things. The idea that men and women are the same has lead this world into many abominations that will bring Godly destruction upon their souls.
Not saying that God is unfair but I am saying that men are men and not women and women are women and not men. They are not the same in all things and thus are not equal. Men shouldn't wear women's clothing and makeup and women shouldn't dress as men. Homosexuality is an abomination in the eyes of God. There are many differences between men and women and are not equal in all things. The idea that men and women are the same has lead this world into many abominations that will bring Godly destruction upon their souls.
saying that men and women are of equal importance and should be treated with respect equally is NOT saying they are the same.
That is your interpretation. We interpret it to mean that even though apostasy overtook the church, eventually Jesus would reestablish his church and show that the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
The Real Church has existed on Earth from the time Jesus ascended. It was not destroyed and to say it was is to make Christ a liar. Just because the Church goes through times of.. even being taken over by anti-Christs such as happened at Vatican II, does not mean the True Church met its demise. No, it is carried on in Christ's followers (the ones who know objective heresy when they see it. Even Protestants see that Francis teaches egregious error).

The Church NEVER ever taught that polygamy was OK and other such horrible heresies. The V2 'church' teaches heresies (man can be saved by any religion. Please), but again, the Vatican sect is NOT the Catholic Church despite Satan's attempts to make everyone believe that. The Enemy took over the Vatican in 1963(ish), but not the True Catholic Church.

The True Church has never taught error (such as V2 and other fake religions teach). True Catholicism was kicked out of the Vatican and other Church buildings but lives on just the same.
Some of it is. Some of it simply takes logic and reason. Then, the most important is that the heavens are no longer closed. The apostasy has ended and we now have the Godhead speaking to us again through their servants the prophets. Starting with Joseph Smith.
We believe the Bible to be the word of God as it is translated and interpreted correctly. We believe the Bible to be the blueprint of Jesus Christ's Church as well. The basic organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints more closely fits the organization in both the OT and NT than any other Church including the Catholic Church starting with the name of the Church. Then, Prophets, Apostles, the 70s, the Priesthood after the orders state in the Bible, Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood Orders. A lot more as well.
The LDS once endorsed polygamy and woiuld still be doing so had not the US Governemnt stepped in... The govt wasn't always demonic
See the restored gospels.
Even the heretical Vatican II sect never endorsed polygamy ... hasn't officially condoned other mortal sins but is getting around to it, apparently. V2 sect knows that people would recognize it as Satanic if they ever condoned such things as baby murder.. Truth is mixed w/ error .. that is Satan's stategy
Even the heretical Vatican II sect never endorsed polygamy ... hasn't officially condoned other mortal sins but is getting around to it, apparently. V2 sect knows that people would recognize it as Satanic if they ever condoned such things as baby murder.. Truth is mixed w/ error .. that is Satan's stategy

Do you know what the restored gospels are?
Do you know what the restored gospels are?
I don't have to know everything in order to follow Christ.

Fortunately, Jesus never said "Seek and you will find ALL knowledge"

It sounds like a Mormon thing, so I am not overly worried about not know what that is, exactly.

In any case, if there is some "other" gospel out there... that contradicts the one Jesus gave us.. not interested in the slightest.
Um, Mormon sources don't count. Do you have anything from a non-Mormon source.

The book of Mormon talks about horses, elephants, wheat, coinage, great towered cities, chariots, and the list can go on and on.

Or let's put it another way. The Nephite/Lamanite civilization lasted for about 1000 years.

The Roman Empire lasted about 1000 years.

With the Romans, we have dozens of Roman buildings, monuments, roads, coinage. We have references to them in all sorts of literary sources, not just the bible. We have remnants of Roman language (Latin) in modern languages today (Spanish, French, Italians, among others)

And for the Nephites? Nothing. Not one archeological site. Not one Native American language that appears to have derived from Hebrew. Not one coin with a Nephite ruler's face stamped on it.

Now the accounts from the BoM DO make sense if you put them in the context of their time. In the mid 19th century, people were digging up the remains of the Mound Building Civilizations in North America, and America, being racist as it was at the time, concluded their now way the Native Americans they were in the process of exterminating could have build such wonders. (In fact, the builders were wiped out by plagues brought by Europeans before white people got that far into the country). And as a result, you had a lot of theories about who could have been the REAL builders, and they HAD to be white people. So they theorized Vikings, Romans, and of course, Hebrews.

As far as the tales of elephants and horses? Largely drawn from archeological finds of mastodons and Dinohippus in North America without the context that they went extinct tens of thousand of years ago.

Heck, Joseph Smith wasn't even the first guy to come up with that goofy theory. You can thank the works of Rev. Ethan Smith (no relation) for that in "A View of the Hebrews", which Joseph Smith largely cribbed.

Nephrite lamanite?
The LDS once endorsed polygamy and woiuld still be doing so had not the US Governemnt stepped in... The govt wasn't always demonic
The Government stepped in a lot with the Romans slaughtering Christians. The Romans controlled a lot of what happened as the apostasy grew after the Lord's crucifixion and the Apostles died off without replacing them as they did with Judas. It's thought that some of the apostles had more than one wife as well. We know Patriarchs of the Priesthood like Abraham did so. But, the fact the early Saints in the latter days did so, doesn't do anything to the fact the Lord restored His Church in these the Latter-days through Prophets and Apostles and continues to do so. Where are your Apostles and Prophets? Try not to throw red herrings into this. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is founded upon Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone.
The Government stepped in a lot with the Romans slaughtering Christians. The Romans controlled a lot of what happened as the apostasy grew after the Lord's crucifixion and the Apostles died off without replacing them as they did with Judas. It's thought that some of the apostles had more than one wife as well. We know Patriarchs of the Priesthood like Abraham did so. But, the fact the early Saints in the latter days did so, doesn't do anything to the fact the Lord restored His Church in these the Latter-days through Prophets and Apostles and continues to do so. Where are your Apostles and Prophets? Try not to throw red herrings into this. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is founded upon Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone.

It's worse than I thought.

Mormonism, hands down.

Golden Plates
Hebrews in Pre-Columbian America
Baptizing dead people
Magic Underwear
Plural Marriage (until God told them to stop)
Keeping black people as second class members (until God told them to stop)
Their prophets marrying teenage girls.

I am surprised at the Nephites and Laminites. So weird.

The church of Jesus Christ of latter day hobos.

They all smoke old stogies they have found. Short but not too fat around.

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