Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, etc were found faithful while having many wives. Why, in your estimation do you think they were found faithful at the same time they had more than one wife?
Jesus spoke against divorce, said it had only been allowed due to th hardness of the Israelites hearts, and that God had never ordained divorce (otherwise). He ended any talk of polygamy.

And btw I find it interesting that men sometimes want more than one wife. But what if a man's wife wanted more than one husband..?


we can imagine what might happen then, eh?

So polygamists... So much for equality of the sexes
That's what you have been told.

The Church apostatized at Vatican II. But thatdoes not mean the Catholic Church was done and over with, something Jesus said would not happen.. "the gates of Hell will not prevail against it" He said..

According to you, the gates of Hell won as soon as Jesus ascended into Heaven..

Wow.. but that's just you, human being. I follow Christ who is God
That is your interpretation. We interpret it to mean that even though apostasy overtook the church, eventually Jesus would reestablish his church and show that the gates of hell would not prevail against it.
Jesus spoke against divorce, said it had only been allowed due to th hardness of the Israelites hearts, and that God had never ordained divorce (otherwise). He ended any talk of polygamy.

And btw I find it interesting that men sometimes want more than one wife. But what if a man's wife wanted more than one husband..?


we can imagine what might happen then, eh?

So polygamists... So much for equality of the sexes
The ways of God are not subject to manmade concepts such as equality of the sexes. God is the great law giver and not man.
What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

Please give at least one paragraph as to WHY you chose as u did

Here's mine:

JWs don't believe in Hell. Well, what did Jesus die to save us from, then? Or what else would He have gone through such torture for? Please explain. The Mormons believe spirits are flying around everywhere in the universe, waiting for people to copulate (in marriage... don't know about fornication??) so as to bring those spirits into a body.. So yeh.. I don't know where they get this (although I can speculate).

The Episcopalians (founded by Henry VIII, mass murderer) are now allowing actively homosexual men to be ministers. Yikes! Whatever happened to homosexuality being a serious (mortal) sin? Or Whatever happened to Go and sin no more?
As for JW's that is a really great question. I suppose they would answer this like they do other things, "bad translations." If they don't agree with something, it's always their scholars are better than yours.

As for your reason with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you simply don't have a clear picture of this doctrine. And, the members aren't "Mormons." They are "Saints." Latter-day Saints.
First, the depiction of spirits "flying" around everywhere is incorrect with their belief. They are in a specific place called Heaven living with Father and Mother in Heaven. The doctrine is that we have always existed as energy or Intelligences. And, being energy, cannot be created nor destroyed. Father and Mother in Heaven had children with bodies much finer than our earthly bodies. They are "Spirit Bodies." Our intelligences were placed in these spirit bodies. We gained more knowledge learning to control these spirit bodies. But, we could not progress to become like our Father and Mother in Heaven without a physical resurrected earthly body of flesh and bones. The Plan is the same basic plan Father and Mother in Heaven followed in their former universe. We come to this earth to be tested to see if we have the faith enough to choose freely good over evil. We are subject to the world and all the temptations the world has to offer including Lucifer (Satan) our common enemy to tempt and torment us. There was a war in Heaven over how and who this plan would be executed by. Jehovah championed Father's Plan. Lucifer was okay with part of it but rejected the testing part. So, he came up with His alternative plan to bring us all down to earth and receive our bodies but not allow us to be tested and use our free moral agency to do so. He would bring us all back and would take upon him all glory above Father in Heaven. Father in Heaven rejected his alterations and Lucifer revolted and got a third of the hosts (spirit children) to go along with him. Father banished Lucifer and all of our brothers and sisters that followed Lucifer. The remaining two-thirds have been and continue to descend from on high to the earth to receive a body for future resurrection needs and to be tested to prove to ourselves what glory of Heaven we will belong to after our resurrection and judgment: Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial (First Corinthians Chapter 15). This process has been and continues to be very organized and orderly. This is why we view all people our brother's and sisters in the Lord because we are all literally spirit children of Heavenly Father and Mother. It is also why we sometimes refer to Jesus Christ as our "Elder Brother."

While there are no scriptural references to a "Mother in Heaven," we have a song we sing that suggests this through logic and reasoning. "Oh My Father", Verse 3, ...In the heav'ns are parents single? No, the thought makes reason stare! Truth is reason; truth eternal Tells me I've a mother there." Verse 4, "When I leave this frail existence, When I lay this mortal by, Father, Mother, may I meet you in your royal courts on high? Then, at length, when I've completed all you sent me forth to do, With your mutual approbation Let me come and live with you."

As for much of the rest, there is Biblical evidence as well as latter-day prophets that agree with the above Plan of Salvation. People often try to use what Moses said and then later in the New Testament that marriage is not given in Heaven. So, why do we believe our marriages can be made binding while in heaven and obtain the same situation as Father and Mother in Heaven have? It's because Christianity's big mistake of interpretation is that the Lord said, Whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in heaven. Marriage has to be performed here on earth as there will be no marriage of two persons after the resurrection. The marriage must be performed on earth and also sealed while on earth either by the two persons or vicariously inside our Temples. Whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in heaven. But, the binding or sealing has to be done with the sealing power of Elijah in which our Church is the only one with this authority to do so. Elijah has already returned in 1836 and restored this binding or sealing power to our Priesthood. No need for Jews to open the doors during Passover anymore. Hope this gives some insight to you.
The Radical Episcopalianists and the UCC'ers are right at the top of the Crazy List.

They have everything from Trannies and She-males serving as clergy to the invention of the sacrament of Gay Marriage. They glorify characters like the late Matt Shepard, as well as abortionists like that character in Kansas who had their ass clipped.
The ways of God are not subject to manmade concepts such as equality of the sexes. God is the great law giver and not man.
says the one who follows Luther, FAther of Protestantism (all protestant churches began w/ him)

human being

rather than Christ --who is God--and HIs Church
As for JW's that is a really great question. I suppose they would answer this like they do other things, "bad translations." If they don't agree with something, it's always their scholars are better than yours.

As for your reason with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, you simply don't have a clear picture of this doctrine. And, the members aren't "Mormons." They are "Saints." Latter-day Saints.
First, the depiction of spirits "flying" around everywhere is incorrect with their belief. They are in a specific place called Heaven living with Father and Mother in Heaven. The doctrine is that we have always existed as energy or Intelligences.
hate to sound like a Protestant but this stuff is not in the Bible. The Bible is about the only thing Catholics and P have in common.
The Radical Episcopalianists and the UCC'ers are right at the top of the Crazy List.

They have everything from Trannies and She-males serving as clergy to the invention of the sacrament of Gay Marriage. They glorify characters like the late Matt Shepard, as well as abortionists like that character in Kansas who had their ass clipped.

hate to sound like a Protestant but this stuff is not in the Bible. The Bible is about the only thing Catholics and P have in common.
Some of it is. Some of it simply takes logic and reason. Then, the most important is that the heavens are no longer closed. The apostasy has ended and we now have the Godhead speaking to us again through their servants the prophets. Starting with Joseph Smith.
We believe the Bible to be the word of God as it is translated and interpreted correctly. We believe the Bible to be the blueprint of Jesus Christ's Church as well. The basic organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints more closely fits the organization in both the OT and NT than any other Church including the Catholic Church starting with the name of the Church. Then, Prophets, Apostles, the 70s, the Priesthood after the orders state in the Bible, Melchizedek and Aaronic Priesthood Orders. A lot more as well.
The Radical Episcopalianists and the UCC'ers are right at the top of the Crazy List.

They have everything from Trannies and She-males serving as clergy to the invention of the sacrament of Gay Marriage. They glorify characters like the late Matt Shepard, as well as abortionists like that character in Kansas who had their ass clipped.

Matthew Shepard lived in Arabia, but he was lynched in the US. Why are you demeaning him?
Matthew Shepard lived in Arabia, but he was lynched in the US. Why are you demeaning him?

Shepard wasn't lynched at all, although he was murdered.

And I wasn't "demeaning" his legacy at all- just amazed that he is glorified as he did nothing except get himself murdered.
Shepard wasn't lynched at all, although he was murdered.

And I wasn't "demeaning" his legacy at all- just amazed that he is glorified as he did nothing except get himself murdered.

He was beaten and hung on a fence. He died of his injuries and exposure. He was a decent kid.
He was beaten and hung on a fence. He died of his injuries and exposure. He was a decent kid.

Sorry to hear it.

But why don't we even know the names of other victims of murder out there- like the victims of the Liberal Clown J.W. Gacy, or Gay Serial Killey Jeff Dahmer?

I'm sure they are at least as decent as Shepard.
The ways of God are not subject to manmade concepts such as equality of the sexes. God is the great law giver and not man.
yes, i am surE God LOVES discrimination against women and misogyny of other kinds... He created both male and female but if we treat them differently/unfairly... No problem! says God, eh?

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