Zone1 What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

What's the nuttiest allegedly Christian religion on the Planet?

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Well yeah ... that's how I know to be friendly and compassionate even over the internet ... I'm sure your own mother taught you the same ...
That's what is wrong with people like yourself, In an effort to be nice and be liked you are also willing to be nice to your country's enemies, foreign and domestic. You're most likely a Biden-loving patsy which makes you an enabler of our destruction at the hands of the left.
It's even sicker than that. The current cult leader has as many as twenty "wives" some of whom he "married" as young as nine. He's going to jail but the cult is still there.
This must be different from the stories I have read. I thought the polygamist cult had been disbanned or whatever, a long time ago?

Did they re-group? I mean, why does the govt allow this to go on since it's definitley against the law?
The JWs don't make sense either and have changed the Bible to suit their beliefs instead of humbly submitting to it, which means they don't believe the Bible (the real ones) are the gospel truth which means they are not really Christian.. So goes my own logic anyhow.

To say there is no Hell.. it's just the common grave of mankind (Please..) is ridiculous. Jesus spoke of Hell and how it lasts forever. He came to Earth to save us from our sins and the deadly consequences thereof.

He would not have had to die such a horrible death if there was no Hell to save us from. They are also extremely hostile toward Catholics and very closed minded to them and to all orthodox Christians.

The word Cult definitely comes to mind
That's what is wrong with people like yourself, In an effort to be nice and be liked you are also willing to be nice to your country's enemies, foreign and domestic. You're most likely a Biden-loving patsy which makes you an enabler of our destruction at the hands of the left.

Oh yeah ... I agreed with the people I helped kill in Central America ... they wanted freedoms that we enjoy in the United States, rather than the serfdom that we were imposing on them ... why wouldn't I agree with that? ... it's a shame they had to die ...

But I'm a patriot ... and President Reagan wanted these people dead ... I hated him and the tasks I was doing for him ... but it was my duty to my country to see these awful things done ...
Um, Mormon sources don't count. Do you have anything from a non-Mormon source.

The book of Mormon talks about horses, elephants, wheat, coinage, great towered cities, chariots, and the list can go on and on.

Or let's put it another way. The Nephite/Lamanite civilization lasted for about 1000 years.

The Roman Empire lasted about 1000 years.

With the Romans, we have dozens of Roman buildings, monuments, roads, coinage. We have references to them in all sorts of literary sources, not just the bible. We have remnants of Roman language (Latin) in modern languages today (Spanish, French, Italians, among others)

And for the Nephites? Nothing. Not one archeological site. Not one Native American language that appears to have derived from Hebrew. Not one coin with a Nephite ruler's face stamped on it.

Now the accounts from the BoM DO make sense if you put them in the context of their time. In the mid 19th century, people were digging up the remains of the Mound Building Civilizations in North America, and America, being racist as it was at the time, concluded their now way the Native Americans they were in the process of exterminating could have build such wonders. (In fact, the builders were wiped out by plagues brought by Europeans before white people got that far into the country). And as a result, you had a lot of theories about who could have been the REAL builders, and they HAD to be white people. So they theorized Vikings, Romans, and of course, Hebrews.

As far as the tales of elephants and horses? Largely drawn from archeological finds of mastodons and Dinohippus in North America without the context that they went extinct tens of thousand of years ago.

Heck, Joseph Smith wasn't even the first guy to come up with that goofy theory. You can thank the works of Rev. Ethan Smith (no relation) for that in "A View of the Hebrews", which Joseph Smith largely cribbed.
You won't look at the Mormon sources because that is where the answers are. Good luck in your false quest for truth.
The JWs don't make sense either and have changed the Bible to suit their beliefs instead of humbly submitting to it, which means they don't believe the Bible (the real ones) are the gospel truth which means they are not really Christian.. So goes my own logic anyhow.

To say there is no Hell.. it's just the common grave of mankind (Please..) is ridiculous. Jesus spoke of Hell and how it lasts forever. He came to Earth to save us from our sins and the deadly consequences thereof.

He would not have had to die such a horrible death if there was no Hell to save us from. They are also extremely hostile toward Catholics and very closed minded to them and to all orthodox Christians.

The word Cult definitely comes to mind
They’re all cults.
ou won't look at the Mormon sources because that is where the answers are. Good luck in your false quest for truth.
Well, no, and I'm going to try to make this simple for you.

You either have to accept Joseph Smith's veracity, or you don't, because Smith couldn't produce the plates and show them to anyone outside his cult. (Yes, Mormonism is a cult. Deal with it.)

So then you have to look at Smith's veracity on other claims.

He claimed the Book of Abraham was translated from Papyri. Except those scrolls were found at the Chicago Historical Society, and they turned out to be Ptomeleic era funerary scrolls.

He claimed that the Kinderhook Tablets were an account from the time of Noah. Except it was determined his neighbors were pranking them and made them contemporaneously.

Then you have all his predictions and prophecies that didn't come true. My personal favorite was his claim that there were people living on the moon who wore Quaker Dress.

We could talk about the missing pages of the translation, hidden by Martin Harris' wife. Oddly, Smith couldn't just read that part of the manuscript again, so he read another part of the plates that told the same story.

We could talk about his other scams, such as being convicted of fraud in New York for Gold Divining, or the Kirtland Bank fraud in Ohio, well, the list can go on.

Now, Occam's razor tells us that the simplest answer is usually the right one. The simplest answer here is Joseph Smith was a too-bit con man who blended racist theories with bible-fan fic, and made up a religion.

Right, was this aired on the "History" channel before or after the show about Ancient Aliens.

Hey, I think this guy is a Centauri!



If you are fan of Babylon 5, you get the joke. I miss Babylon 5.
well, now that my mind is polluted... :eek:

(I had to ask about this sick cult)....

Just when I thought I had heard about the worst pervert... (queer)

so this perv w/ 20 wives.. wanting to have sex with his daughter.. he was "doing God's will." I personally think we humans are almost hopelessly incapable of knowing exactly what God wants for us.. and this POS thought God wanted---

I hope I don't have nightmares.
They are all pretty nutty :dunno:
I was nutty UNTIL I found Jesus and His Church.. Jesus is more real than all the people in the world combined... which.. just knowing a small sampling thereof, may not at all be saying much

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