What's the point of religion when we have education now?

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

A few years back in a public school a girl was raped during study hall. The father got wind of it and came down to the school to demand answers. The first words out of the mouth of the school officials was to calm down and not call attention to the matter. Of course, the father refused and the story hit the news stands.

The first words out of the teacher who was suppose to supervise the children in the study hall where the girl was raped was, "It's not my job to teach the children morality".

This is where the US is today. Children are taught everything EXCEPT the most important things, which is how to become a decent human being.
Then be a better parent or dont have kids. Most rapists were raised in religious homes.
We've outgrown it? In the greater sense of 'humankind', certainly. Statistically, the majority still seems steeped in misunderstood, arcane dogma that leads only to confusion, frustration and strife.

Not so. When politicians want more money flowing into the federal beast of a government then they tend to get all religious on us and ask Christians to support the poor by throwing more of our tax dollars to them. However, when it comes to killing babies religious folk are made to feel stupid and chastised about their religious beliefs like Hillary Clinton is not doing saying that religious folk need to be re-indoctrinated. I guess Progs think that humans become humans only when the Prog birth fairy waves her magic wand of the "fetus" when passing out of the birth canal in order to make it human.

In terms of helping the poor, look at statistics on who helps the poor. Religious folk dominate the scene by giving more of their money and time to helping the poor than any other group.

Atheists tend to be leftists and prefer to vote for politicians who force them to give to the poor. The trouble is, about 90 cents on the dollar of the tax money that is earmarked to help the poor is actually eaten up in bureaucracy. I guess voting for these corrupt demagogues helps to ease their conscience since they are too lazy and greedy to give to the poor themselves.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

A few years back in a public school a girl was raped during study hall. The father got wind of it and came down to the school to demand answers. The first words out of the mouth of the school officials was to calm down and not call attention to the matter. Of course, the father refused and the story hit the news stands.

The first words out of the teacher who was suppose to supervise the children in the study hall where the girl was raped was, "It's not my job to teach the children morality".

This is where the US is today. Children are taught everything EXCEPT the most important things, which is how to become a decent human being.
Then be a better parent or dont have kids. Most rapists were raised in religious homes.

Most rapists are raised in religious homes?

Really? Do you intend for us to believe that the teachings of Jesus cause people to rape or are you having another stroke?

Not to worry, I would never dream of asking you to provide statistics on this. One can only endure so much shame and embarrassment
It is not the job of educators to teach morality. It is the job of educators to teach that there is such a concept and what classic concepts of it are.
It is not the job of education to teach what to think, though that is largely what happens. It is the job of compassionate, enlightened educators to teach how to think.

You dolt. By not teaching morality you are teaching morality. There is no way around teaching morality. Raising children in an amoral environment where you cannot say that rape is "bad" is sending a clear message to them.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

A few years back in a public school a girl was raped during study hall. The father got wind of it and came down to the school to demand answers. The first words out of the mouth of the school officials was to calm down and not call attention to the matter. Of course, the father refused and the story hit the news stands.

The first words out of the teacher who was suppose to supervise the children in the study hall where the girl was raped was, "It's not my job to teach the children morality".

This is where the US is today. Children are taught everything EXCEPT the most important things, which is how to become a decent human being.
Then be a better parent or dont have kids. Most rapists were raised in religious homes.

Most rapists are raised in religious homes?

Really? Do you intend for us to believe that the teachings of Jesus cause people to rape or are you having another stroke?

Not to worry, I would never dream of asking you to provide statistics on this. One can only endure so much shame.
What percent of americans are athiest? Very small number. Are you suggesting they are the ones committing all the rapes and murders?

You know what our prisons are full of? Theists. Very few athiests in prison.
It is not the job of educators to teach morality. It is the job of educators to teach that there is such a concept and what classic concepts of it are.
It is not the job of education to teach what to think, though that is largely what happens. It is the job of compassionate, enlightened educators to teach how to think.

You dolt. By not teaching morality you are teaching morality. There is no way around teaching morality. Raising children in an amoral environment where you cannot say that rape is "bad" is sending a clear message to them.
Religion and god aren't necessary to teach right and wrong.

My mom taught me no means no and empathy without bringing up god. And look at me I dont rape or murder. Imagine that.

Glad to know if you didn't believe in god you'd be evil.
Statistically, most rapists probably do come from homes that practiced some religion.

As for when life starts, do anti-choice advocates think life magically begins at conception? DNA is immortal; it has been constantly present since it began billions of years ago (or was it six thousand?).

Life is continuous. Every woman is born with all her eggs, and all of them are alive. Every month during her fertility, an individual opportunity for a complete human life passes by.

That's nature.

Making a baby is a choice, whether conscious or intentional or not.
That is rational logic.

The teachings of Jesus, properly understood and followed, would lead one to enlightenment. After that, one is on one's own.
It is not the job of educators to teach morality. It is the job of educators to teach that there is such a concept and what classic concepts of it are.
It is not the job of education to teach what to think, though that is largely what happens. It is the job of compassionate, enlightened educators to teach how to think.

You dolt. By not teaching morality you are teaching morality. There is no way around teaching morality. Raising children in an amoral environment where you cannot say that rape is "bad" is sending a clear message to them.
Re-read what the 'dolt' said and try to understand English (though that does require a fairly high intelligence).
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?

A few years back in a public school a girl was raped during study hall. The father got wind of it and came down to the school to demand answers. The first words out of the mouth of the school officials was to calm down and not call attention to the matter. Of course, the father refused and the story hit the news stands.

The first words out of the teacher who was suppose to supervise the children in the study hall where the girl was raped was, "It's not my job to teach the children morality".

This is where the US is today. Children are taught everything EXCEPT the most important things, which is how to become a decent human being.
Then be a better parent or dont have kids. Most rapists were raised in religious homes.

Most rapists are raised in religious homes?

Really? Do you intend for us to believe that the teachings of Jesus cause people to rape or are you having another stroke?

Not to worry, I would never dream of asking you to provide statistics on this. One can only endure so much shame.
What percent of americans are athiest? Very small number. Are you suggesting they are the ones committing all the rapes and murders?

You know what our prisons are full of? Theists. Very few athiests in prison.

Again, where are your numbers? Where is the study?
Statistically, most rapists probably do come from homes that practiced some religion.

As for when life starts, do anti-choice advocates think life magically begins at conception? DNA is immortal; it has been constantly present since it began billions of years ago (or was it six thousand?).

Life is continuous. Every woman is born with all her eggs, and all of them are alive. Every month during her fertility, an individual opportunity for a complete human life passes by.

That's nature.

Making a baby is a choice, whether conscious or intentional or not.
That is rational logic.

The teachings of Jesus, properly understood and followed, would lead one to enlightenment. After that, one is on one's own.

Oh, so now the religious teachings of Jesus can lead to enlightenment?

How can one be so incoherent?
Statistically, most rapists probably do come from homes that practiced some religion.

As for when life starts, do anti-choice advocates think life magically begins at conception? DNA is immortal; it has been constantly present since it began billions of years ago (or was it six thousand?).

Life is continuous. Every woman is born with all her eggs, and all of them are alive. Every month during her fertility, an individual opportunity for a complete human life passes by.

That's nature.

Making a baby is a choice, whether conscious or intentional or not.
That is rational logic.

The teachings of Jesus, properly understood and followed, would lead one to enlightenment. After that, one is on one's own.

Oh, so now the religious teachings of Jesus can lead to enlightenment?

How can one be so incoherent?
Even he admitted its a statistical certainty most rapists and murderers believe in god.

Unless people lie when they say they believe in god. I guess that's possibe but not probable.
Nothing incoherent to it. One need only understand what 'can' means in English.

Remember Pulp Fiction (English, M.F.! Do you speak it?)?
... But I can see in maybe 500 years the majority of free americans will either consider themselves athiests agnostic or spiritual. The more free Muslims become the less religious they will be but they might be 1000 years behind us.

It seems to me the only progress in the western world is a progress in technics and natural science and not a progress in justice and welfare. And it's interesting for me that you spoke about "free americans". I would say "unfree americans" are for example the Catholics of the USA, because in 240 years only 2-3 years was a Catholic president of the USA before he was murdered. And maybe in 500 years it will be difficult to find anyone who is not a Muslim in the area what's today called the United States of America - if there are some people at all living in this area any longer.

I know Arabs and Persians who came here to get away from Islam.

I don't know the grandchildren of german women who did suicide after world war 2 because they were raped from the civilized allied soldiers - but I know an uncle who was tortured from civilized Americans after world war 2 because they liked to hear him say "Ich bin ein Nazi." No need to say he was not a Nazi.

The ones that stay faithful have children who won't be wearing headscarfs. Why? Because they are free. Free to think for themselves.

Let me say it this way: What I hear from people using the english tongue gives me not the impression "to think" is an english invention.

You know how you get rid of Santa? Stop telling kids the story. I know its tradition but its a lie no matter how much good you think it does.

I'm a German. We call Santa Claus "Nikolaus" (December, 6th) and Christmas "Weihnachten" (December 24th (afternoon/evening) - 26th). It's by the way not even for Muslims a big problem to celebrate Christmas together with us. It's the birth of an important prophet for them. Btw. Christmas tide is here very long: December-January/February.

Literal prose Translation German Christmas Carols Am Weihnachtsbaum die Lichter brennen - In German and English

On the Christmas tree the lights
are burning;
How it glows so festively, dear
and softly
As if to say, “Find in me
Of true hope a still image.”

The children stand with glowing looks,
The eye laughs, the heart laughs.
O joyful, blessed delight!
The elders gaze heavenward

Two angels entered the room
No eye saw them come in.
They go to the Christmas tree
and pray
And then turn and leave.
Not an ear heard what they said,
Invisible to every human glance
They left as they came,
But God’s blessing stays behind.
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Except that Jesus could not be a prophet; this is one of the errors that prove the Koran is not perfect.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that religion is bad or dumb. I'm just saying we've outgrown it. We don't need stories about how the Sun moves across the sky because it's sitting in a chariot. We understand how the solar system works and know that it's actually the Earth revolving around the Sun. We don't need an illiterate Neolithic tribesman's best guess that the first people were made by Sky Father. We understand evolution now. We don't need these attempts to explain why the world is the way it is when we have the real answers to many of our questions.

Isn't it time for us to accept this and move on to bigger and better things now? Isn't it time for Jews to give up their Judaism and its attendant falsified history and ethnic supremacy? Isn't it time for Christians to give up their Christianity and its worship of an executed Jewish convict as the creator of the universe? Isn't it time for Muslims to give up their Islam and its calls for a global theocratic dictatorship? We don't need these things anymore. We can let go. Will you join the rest of the human family in letting go of the past and stepping out into the light of the bright future we can build together?
We do know a lot more about the universe than we did a few centuries ago, but we still cannot answer the basics:
1. HOW did we come about?
2. WHY are we here?
3. WHAT happens when we die?
These are still the BIG questions, that science cannot answer. Oh, sure, some pseudo scientists try, but they merely mask their own religious views in scientific sounding jargon.
All that has happened is a changing of the guard. One religion being replaced by another, through cultural & indoctrinating forces. Instead of christianity, which was the majority religion & world view for most of American history, we have secular humanism. THAT is the current religion, which has assumptions about the big questions of their own. Instead of believing in God or a Creator, they believe life is an accident of nature, with no purpose, & no meaning. They construct complex scenarios about our origins that they have no proof of, & do not even fit with scientific reality.

By the way, 'the rest of the human family' are far & away the smallest minority of beliefs on the planet. Most people have theistic religious beliefs, & do not buy the naturalistic view. Some are confused, because the propaganda campaign has been so successful in promoting the new religion, but reality has a way of bringing us down to earth.
Except that Jesus could not be a prophet; this is one of the errors that prove the Koran is not perfect.

Do you speak with me? I'm not a Muslim - I can tell you nothing about the Islam. For sure every normal Muslim is full of respect for a prophet. And it's also not a problem if a Muslim likes to do a happy celebration together with us because of the birth of Jesus. Mohammed himselve for example had the highest respect for Mary, the mother of Jesus.

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Jesus cannot be a prophet for a very simple reason.
As defined in the Bible, a prophet must always be correct or she/he cannot be a true prophet.
Statements by Jesus say he is much more than a prophet. Either is is right and is more than a prophet or he is wrong and cannot be a prophet.
Example: "Before Abraham was, I am." He was in existence before the first prophet? He is either mad or much more than Abraham was.
Jesus cannot be a prophet for a very simple reason.

He's only god, so how can he be so arrogant to be a prophet?

As defined in the Bible,


a prophet must always be correct

Always "correct"? A prophecy makes only sense if this prophecy can be wrong. If the world will die tomorrow this is not interesting. But if we have a chance the world will not die because of our decisions and deeds, then a prophecy grows to become very interesting.

or she/he cannot be a true prophet.

Give me please the source for this "definition".

Statements by Jesus say he is much more than a prophet.

"Much more than a prophet" includes "prophet", isn't it?

Either is is right and is more than a prophet or he is wrong and cannot be a prophet.
Example: "Before Abraham was, I am." He was in existence before the first prophet? He is either mad or much more than Abraham was.

Sure he was in existance before Abraham was. That's normal. I could for example travel back with a time travel machine and negate your existance a million years ago. So this experiment by thoughts shows to you: something what you are now existed still a million years ago. You are not allknowing - better maybe to say you are not allaware - so the quality is not the same, because you are not god on your own. That's all. But you are his child. There are common elements.

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Sorry, the post was intended for English speakers. Please let me know your native language, and I'lol see what I can fo.

By the way, sorry for the typo. "Either he is..", not 'he is is'...

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