What's This About? Bill Clinton Meets Loretta Lynch On Her Government Plane For 1/2 Hour In Phoenix

What is the big deal? I thought you imbeciles on the right were the champions of freedom of speech and freedom of association?

Really? That's all you got? Do you have an HONEST opinion on the subject? On at least the appearance of impropriety?
When you're part of the most lawless administration in US history it's all good...Especially when you know the President will cover your ass no matter what you do...even if you break the law like the last AG, Eric Holder, did.
What is the big deal? I thought you imbeciles on the right were the champions of freedom of speech and freedom of association?

Really? That's all you got? Do you have an HONEST opinion on the subject? On at least the appearance of impropriety?

The RWnuts around here already completed a kangaroo court conviction AG Loretta Lynch as biased long before this meeting happened.

Why don't you go after them for THAT?
Let's put this in perspective (google that word RW'ers if you don't understand what it means).

Want to guess what the conservative consensus was on the impropriety, or lack thereof, in THIS case?

"WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia refused Thursday to recuse himself from an upcoming case involving Vice President Dick Cheney, with whom he recently hunted and dined.

"I do not believe my impartiality can reasonably be questioned," Scalia said in a 21-page memorandum, rejecting suggestions of an appearance of a conflict of interest.

"If it is reasonable to think that a Supreme Court Justice can be bought so cheap, the Nation is in deeper trouble than I had imagined," he wrote."

lol, go ahead, guess. I'll have Captain Obvious give you the answer.

CNN.com - Scalia won't recuse himself from Cheney case - Mar 18, 2004
5 Threads Merged.

You guys really don't waste time when the marching orders go out, do you?
Blatant corruption gets a lot of attention by those on the side of Justice.


"On the side of justice"

You guys are hilarious.

Another thread merged.
So if a prosecutor of a mobster met with his mafia boss you'd see no conflict?

Says a lot about you.

Loretta Lynch isn't a "prosecutor", and Bill Clinton isn't a "mafia boss".

But get to hopping - I bet there's another headline on Drudge by now, you guys better start 5 more threads on it.

Baah! Baah!
5 Threads Merged.

You guys really don't waste time when the marching orders go out, do you?
Blatant corruption gets a lot of attention by those on the side of Justice.


"On the side of justice"

You guys are hilarious.

Another thread merged.
So if a prosecutor of a mobster met with his mafia boss you'd see no conflict?

Says a lot about you.

Loretta Lynch isn't a "prosecutor", and Bill Clinton isn't a "mafia boss".

But get to hopping - I bet there's another headline on Drudge by now, you guys better start 5 more threads on it.

Baah! Baah!
Attorney General
The chief law enforcement officer of the United States orof a state government, typically serving in an Executive Branch position. The individual represents thegovernment in litigation and serves as the principal advisorto government officials and agencies in legal matters.
Attorney General

We can argue about Bill Clinton being a mafia boss.
Sad to say...it looks like

"Baah! Baah!

is the best response these Dumb-ass Liberals have for Bill Clinton getting caught doing business the way only the Clintons do business.

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