CDZ What's this about the Chinese purchasing 180 thousand acres in Texas ??

Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.
Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.

So a pregnant woman bought a 180,000 acre Texas Ranch?
:"GH America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Xinjiang-based Guanghui Industry Investment Group. Xinjiang is notorious for its so-called ‘re-education’ camps, where China detains Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will and violates their human rights.”

So this communist Chinese purchaser of over 130,000 acreas in undeveloped land in texas is RE-EDUCATION CAMPS? WTF---I guess we know now where they plan to send we Deplorables and have our kids reeducated.
:"GH America is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Xinjiang-based Guanghui Industry Investment Group. Xinjiang is notorious for its so-called ‘re-education’ camps, where China detains Uighur Muslims and other ethnic minorities against their will and violates their human rights.”

So this communist Chinese purchaser of over 130,000 acreas in undeveloped land in texas is RE-EDUCATION CAMPS? WTF---I guess we know now where they plan to send we Deplorables and have our kids reeducated.

Man, you are one pathetic drama queen.
I posted the FACTS asshole---DEAL with the TRUTH.

This chinese company's claim to fame is REEDUCATION they own 130,000-180,000 acreas in rural texas lovely.
Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.

So a pregnant woman bought a 180,000 acre Texas Ranch?
No SKY, a corporation that specializes in CHINESE RE-Education camps did. With this amount of rural property and airfield--they will be able to do all sorts of massive harm to the country.
Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.

So a pregnant woman bought a 180,000 acre Texas Ranch?
No SKY, a corporation that specializes in CHINESE RE-Education camps did. With this amount of rural property and airfield--they will be able to do all sorts of massive harm to the country.

A corporation that specializes in CHINESE RE-Education camps bought at 180,000 acre Texas Ranch......according to who?
Doe anyone realize this is an an area that is only approximately 16 square miles? Texas has almost 270,000 square miles.
China owning even a half acre lot in Texas would make them crazy enough to go off Admiral. You're missing the point. America is awash in racism and hate for Chinese people. Not understanding that speaks well for you though! No harm in being honest. I'll be watching you closely for signs that say otherwise.

It's not racism or hate, it is an understanding that China is an aggressive enemy of the United States, that has slave labor, real slave labor, and is committing genocide against various groups in it's control.........

No, it's racism and hate. There's a huge difference. An "understanding" of the dangers China poses doesn't lead to the fear and paranoia, false accusations that everyone who disagrees with you is aligned with or connected to the Xi government, or any of the other hysterical craziness of today's Republicans.

The reality that the right fails to grasp is that the rest of the world is neither as gullible or as stupid as Republican voters. We're dealing in reality, not racism and hate. I am deeply concerned that we're contracting with the Chinese to build Canada's 5G network. The USA was the only other option. But you've proven yourselves to be completely unstable and unreliable so we went with the Chinese. God Help Us.

If a Trumpist becomes President next cycle, it will end you - internationally. Tearing up your trade deals and treaties, has left you weakened and vulnerable. You're lucky you survived this time. If you're taken over by a white nationalist, authoritarian, the rest of the world will end trading ties with you. Since 2008, we've been re-aligning our trading networks to reduce reliance on the USA, and shoring up banking restrictions.

The USA is in serious danger of becoming the new South Africa. The pariah white supremacist nation, which needs some serious human rights reform.
Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.

Here's more of your kind of lunacy.

Uh yes, I find it unbelievable that we are allowing any American soil to be purchased by foriegners period. Rented or leased maybe, but never actually sold to foriegners.

Does that mean Americans should in turn not be permitted to purchase land in foreign countries?
Up to them, but as for us we shouldn't allow it, especially to a nation that is the real enemy of our culture, our ways of life, and against our diverse make up here.
The USA is in serious danger of becoming the new South Africa. The pariah white supremacist nation, which needs some serious human rights reform
Something tells me that the US are headed in the opposite direction.
Every day you add a new name of some one or some place that's out to get you, Sure we have problems. Yes we must pay attention to China Russia Iran north Korea & everyone else. Try to stay calm, all this constant negative everything is very stressful.
Every day you add a new name of some one or some place that's out to get you, Sure we have problems. Yes we must pay attention to China Russia Iran north Korea & everyone else. Try to stay calm, all this constant negative everything is very stressful.
What's this about the Chinese purchasing 180 thousand acres in Texas ?
Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??

What do they mean by 'The Chinese'? Like anyone of Chinese ancestory? The actual Chinese government? Panda Express?
The Chinese communist government has been sending their pregnant women here to pop up anchor citizens who will have US citizenship making it easier for them to spy and steal technology as is the Chinese custom to do so in mass.

So a pregnant woman bought a 180,000 acre Texas Ranch?
No SKY, a corporation that specializes in CHINESE RE-Education camps did. With this amount of rural property and airfield--they will be able to do all sorts of massive harm to the country.

A corporation that specializes in CHINESE RE-Education camps bought at 180,000 acre Texas Ranch......according to who?
Did you not read post #43?

Kyle Bass on Twitter: "The Chinese have recently purchased ...
Dec 5, 2020 — The Chinese have recently purchased over 180,000 acres of Texas ranch land near the runway of the US's largest pilot training air force base ??

What's this about, and how does this happen ??
This is nothing new...
When's the last time NYC was mostly owned by US citizens?
"There is no private ownership of land in China. One can only obtain rights to use land. A land lease of up to 70 years is usually granted for residential purposes. Foreigners who have worked or studied in China for at least a year are allowed to buy a home.

Why are we such sucker's in the world ? This is why Trump inspired so many American's, because he recognized the injustices, and was attempting to do something about it.
Trump sold property in Florida to a Russian.

So there’s that

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