Whats up with this and the statue?

So Meri you are describing a process requiring life as in return to life(future timeline=world to come) not clouds (unless it's another planet but still in life), everything has a process therefore in assumption mankind has taught death worship (Deut calls the curse). MAKING CELLS SELF REPAIRING AS TO NOT DECAY IS NOT A HARD TASK FOR A PROGRESSED SOCIETY, however if you prevent that progress through false and faulty teachings then that day can be pushed farther along or even never be reached before you people kill each other off from the result of death worship.
Who do you say is the founder of the process of placing the stored memory back into a replicated
restored (HaShev) body?
Also what OT Rabbi first talked about this resurrection teaching making it a Judaic teaching and path to eternity and justice for those who lived right?
So Meri you are describing a process requiring life as in return to life(future timeline=world to come) not clouds (unless it's another planet but still in life), everything has a process therefore in assumption mankind has taught death worship (Deut calls the curse). MAKING CELLS SELF REPAIRING AS TO NOT DECAY IS NOT A HARD TASK FOR A PROGRESSED SOCIETY, however if you prevent that progress through false and faulty teachings then that day can be pushed farther along or even never be reached before you people kill each other off from the result of death worship.

Who do you say is the founder of the process of placing the stored memory back into a replicated restored (HaShev) body?

Also what OT Rabbi first talked about this resurrection teaching making it a Judaic teaching and path to eternity and justice for those who lived right?

First, no I am not speaking of anything you wrote in your first paragraph, and therefore the question in the second paragraph has no meaning to me.

Second, I am not a student of Judaism. I know of a few basics such as Jews believe that scripture is intended to help them focus on this life, which is their primary duty. It is my understanding they believe any repentance, good deed, act of mercy done in this life is more vital today than anything that is to come. Jewish views of the afterlife vary.
I hope people reading this thread noticed that:
They don't want to know who- what- where, and they can't tell us the answers to who they are plagiarizing and impostering from, yet they are more then happy to lie and tell everyone about that imposter they are selling for the process they know nothing about. THE NERVE!
I hope people reading this thread noticed that:
They don't want to know who- what- where, and they can't tell us the answers to who they are plagiarizing and impostering from, yet they are more then happy to lie and tell everyone about that imposter they are selling for the process they know nothing about. THE NERVE!

Here is the problem: You asked a Christian about Judaism. Second, Christianity received its revelation from a man whom we believe--but you don't. I've read enough of your posts where you claim this, that, and the other about Christianity using smoke and mirrors. I refuse to do the same with Judaism.

The beliefs I hold upon the resurrection/glorifying of the body came from Jesus Christ, a man who do not believe ever existed--but whom you believe was made up of bits and pieces from this, that, and the other. That's fine, that's your belief. All I am asking is that you don't tell me what I "really" believe and where I "really" received the information which supports my own beliefs.
Fact: if it's assumed a Christian can't answer a question about Judaism then they have no business being a Christian. You know, those going around claiming they are from Judaism or fulfilled From the OT or that they know who Moshiach is.
scripture warns us of "PROMISING" people a false "Soul Flying Life"(Ezekiel 13:20-22)

You forgot Ezekiel 13:19

19You have profaned Me before My people for fistfuls of barley and for morsels of bread to slay souls that will not die and to sustain souls that will not live, by your lying to My people, who hearken to lies.
The Catholic Church is responsible for the phrase, "raking in the dough". They had small pools in the church where parishioners would throw money in, to be absolved of sin. The priests had rakes that they would use to extract the coins.

The statues were a good idea, gone bad. People would sit in church and not understand one word of the Latin being spoken by the priest, who was the only one allowed to have a Bible. So for the purpose of understanding, statues started being used to help educate. They quickly turned into idols. Avoid dogma.
The Catholic Church is responsible for the phrase, "raking in the dough". They had small pools in the church where parishioners would throw money in, to be absolved of sin. The priests had rakes that they would use to extract the coins.

Have never heard of this, and a quick search hasn't provided me with any information that anyone else has either. "Dough" used as a slang term for money originated in the United States (nineteenth century) and spread from there.

The statues were a good idea, gone bad. People would sit in church and not understand one word of the Latin being spoken by the priest, who was the only one allowed to have a Bible. So for the purpose of understanding, statues started being used to help educate. They quickly turned into idols. Avoid dogma.

Latin was used in Church for worship because it used to be the common language all men understood (rather than the more educated Greek). Statues were not used to help educate, and instruction (including Latin) was in the language the people most commonly used. When Latin began dying out, worship was held in whatever the common language is of each region.
so what up with all this bowing, and scraping and making signs to statues

so what up with all this bowing, and scraping and making signs to statues

If you watched the video you would note there was no bowing or genuflecting or making signs to statues. Catholics genuflect before God as it is a form of kneeling, a sign of humility before greatness. Bowing before the altar of God is a sign of reverence/respect.
so what up with all this bowing, and scraping and making signs to statues

If you watched the video you would note there was no bowing or genuflecting or making signs to statues. Catholics genuflect before God as it is a form of kneeling, a sign of humility before greatness. Bowing before the altar of God is a sign of reverence/respect.

this is not bowing to a statue?




this is not bowing to a statue?

Do you have a point, Guno? When children kneel before their beds during evening prayers, are they praying to their bed? I don't mind looking at a few events/statues and explain the event or artwork, but I don't have time to do this for every piece of artwork in the world.
this is not bowing to a statue?

Do you have a point, Guno? When children kneel before their beds during evening prayers, are they praying to their bed? I don't mind looking at a few events/statues and explain the event or artwork, but I don't have time to do this for every piece of artwork in the world.

grown people in public kneeling and bowing to statues
this is not bowing to a statue?

Do you have a point, Guno? When children kneel before their beds during evening prayers, are they praying to their bed? I don't mind looking at a few events/statues and explain the event or artwork, but I don't have time to do this for every piece of artwork in the world.

A child kneeling in front of their bed in prayer is not the same thing as an adult kneeling before a statue of a human being in prayer. It may be goofy thing to make a child do, but it doesn't qualify as a sin.

The first commandment is not a prohibition against making or admiring representational art, it is not a prohibition against prayer, and its not a law prohibiting worship.

It is a three part law that when combined reveals the subject of prohibition. You shall not make statues to either worship OR to bow down before them..... whether you are really praying and regardless of whatever you claim to be praying to. Whether you are dazed and confused or just acting.

It is a violation of divine law no matter how hard you try to rationalize the sin away.

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or worship them;

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The law is not about prohibiting representational art, it is not a prohibition against prayer, and its not a law prohibiting worship.

It is a three part law that when combined reveals the subject of prohibition. You shall not make statues to either worship OR to bow down before them..... whether you are really praying, dazed and confused, or just acting.

It is a violation of divine law no matter how hard you try to rationalize the sin away.

"You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.

You shall not bow down to them or worship them;

This law was given in ancient times when people were actually making statues because they believed the image contained the power of the living being. They would worship statues and engravings for this reason. The law made sense. People no longer hold any belief that an inanimate object contains power.

Since then people's learning and understanding has evolved. In modern religions no such prohibition had to be made. It would be like prohibiting people from praying in peaceful candlelit rooms, gardens, a forest, or by the sea.

As Catholic school children, we were taught not to carry around a "lucky" rabbit's foot, a "lucky" penny, or any other object we deemed as "lucky." We were taught the difference between superstition and mementos. In Christianity, a statue--like a bell--is a call to prayer. The prayer is not to the caller (i.e., the bell or statue) but to God Most High.

Christians have no problems with people following the old ways. We do not mock people for "believing" that statues have powers. Instead, we understand the history, culture, and customs from which it emerged--just as we understand our own history, culture, and customs. Is there any reason not to be respectful of others?
This law was given in ancient times when people were actually making statues because they believed the image contained the power of the living being. They would worship statues and engravings for this reason. The law made sense. People no longer hold any belief that an inanimate object contains power.

The law was not specific for or limited to ancient times. The law remains in effect and is in full force even now.

The practice of kneeling as an expression of religious devotion before a statue of Jesus or Mary or Zeus is a brazen violation of divine law that results in death in the very day that you do it even if you do not believe that a statue has any power.

The fact that you try to justify a practice that cannot be justified as if you have absolutely no awareness that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field clearly shows that you have your reward already.
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The law was not specific or limited to ancient times.

The practice of kneeling as an expression of religious devotion before a statue of Jesus or Mary or Zeus is a brazen violation of divine law that results in death in the very day that you do it even if you do not believe that a statue has any power.

The fact that you try to justify a practice that cannot be justified as if you have absolutely no awareness that your sin is as obvious as a white boulder in the middle of a plowed field clearly shows that you have your reward already.

Actually, the Law was made to a specific people at a specific time for a specific purpose.

Christians believe that purpose has been fulfilled in Christ, and we also believe God judges what comes from the heart. The false gods we were taught to be wary of are money, power, and pleasure. Statuary, is a call to God, a call away from money, power, and pleasure.
The false gods we were taught to be wary of are
the first fallen messiah claimed a god (son of perdition)-Ezekiel 28
Try rereading Ezekiel 28 remembering what words mean:
Seas=slang for Rome
Perdition (fall to the pit-1 Peter 3:19 Act 2:27)
Anointed (Christ) Cherub (guardian=Nazarene in Hebrew)
Perfect (sinless)
Ezekiel call this son of perdition an IMAGE OF A MAN one who walked the "garden of eden"=ancient Persia where Mithra- the sickly man on a cross image stems from(serpent offering eternity by partaking in his fruit= teachings)
Pastors use Ezekiel 28 to teach about the fallen Lucifer.
The only prophet ever deemed perfect, a god, who fell by the hands of Rome, who was a created image of a man based on Mithra thay walked the garden, that claimed eternity through believing him, who fell to the pit, only first fallen messiah, who was claimed the anointd cherub is Jesus figure therefore only Jesus can be Lucifer.
As he said he was in Rev 22:16. Morning Star=Lucifer Baal's son.
About the " Morning Star" Michael we know the symbolism regarding the son of the dawn or son of the day etc etc but I was thinking another clue to connect it more fully to being Jesus/ Lucifer is a play on the word " morning" which could also be " mourning" which they do as they " mourn" for him in many ways....

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