What's with the 20+ year olds males being refugees?

I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?

They want to be homo's and liberal too boot. You know, have no personal responsibility for their own destiny. They depend on the machine to make up for their personal failures in life... Well, I digress and I did start these comments that they want to likely be fags

I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.

That's what will happen when we send the wetbacks home. You know, the leaches will go first then bring the kids. That way we don't have to take care of them

I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough
And I am betting that when you escape with your family (going with your first scenario), you will not be throwing food back in the faces that just handed you a plate, nor complain about the housing, nor leave the wife and kids in that housing and decide to go rape some woman that is a citizen of the host country. Right?
The majority are young fighting age males that are running here. Pussies.
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.
No. It's mainly cowardice on their part. There are a few jihadists in the mix, yes, but not the majority. What about those who ran but are old enough to be a MAN and protect their families and try to fix what is wrong even if that means bearing arms against their own countrymen but instead, tuck their balls between their legs and skeedaddle along with the women and small children. The better question is..why are they allowed in to these countries taking them in when all they do is sit in camps and whine? I mean...its been nothing but problems since they were allowed in. Complaining about the food, the location, beds not soft enough, yadda yadda. You don't look a gift horse in the mouth. You don't shit on the floor of your host that graciously let you in. And you damn sure don't hide under womens skirts.

(This of course does not pertain to 20 year olds who care for their siblings because their parents are either dead or stayed behind to fight for their homes).
It's an ARMY, Gracie. This is what an invasion looks like.
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.
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The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough
And I am betting that when you escape with your family (going with your first scenario), you will not be throwing food back in the faces that just handed you a plate, nor complain about the housing, nor leave the wife and kids in that housing and decide to go rape some woman that is a citizen of the host country. Right?
The majority are young fighting age males that are running here. Pussies.

When you live under ISIS rules. You do not have a choice. That's the reality however you look at it. Maybe you've been watching too much movies.
If you are in their positions with attitude like yours you will not survive in one day. Guaranteed.
Pardon me but it would be a cold day in Hell that I would leave my family behind. It would be an all or nothing deal, PERIOD.

Pardon me, but if invaded and my home taken by a bunch of heaven scum I would rather die fighting than allow them to take my home and my country. If I had family there, I'd get them to safety and return to fight the asshats that took my house..........

Perhaps they have different views over there than here.............If the terrorist tried to take this country here, like there.......the people here would have fucking hunting draws to see who gets to hunt their asses........

Perhaps even more Taxiderms to mount their asses on the walls.
The Kurds got invaded.............The men, women, and even their children found guns and stood against them. They have stopped them in these fights, and have taken back ground. In many cases, they have fighters who SHARE guns.........so if one falls those without guns pick up the guns of the fallen and continue the fight.
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?

Aside from your misunderstanding of the circumstances?
What am I misunderstanding? Guess those countries that let them in and are now slamming shut the gates misunderstood as well...but now are awakened, eh?
Pardon me but it would be a cold day in Hell that I would leave my family behind. It would be an all or nothing deal, PERIOD.

Pardon me, but if invaded and my home taken by a bunch of heaven scum I would rather die fighting than allow them to take my home and my country. If I had family there, I'd get them to safety and return to fight the asshats that took my house..........

Perhaps they have different views over there than here.............If the terrorist tried to take this country here, like there.......the people here would have fucking hunting draws to see who gets to hunt their asses........

Perhaps even more Taxiderms to mount their asses on the walls.

I am not disagreeing with you and I will do the same in heart bit. And I will be more than happy to fight next to you.
In this case.... How is a refugees going back to Syria and fight? The only animals that want to go to Syria are the people that want to join ISIS. Even if they want to fight. What do they have to fight with? Reading all these stories from people that escaped from ISIS and several ISIS itself that escaped. Its worse than an animal can take.
Pardon me but it would be a cold day in Hell that I would leave my family behind. It would be an all or nothing deal, PERIOD.

Pardon me, but if invaded and my home taken by a bunch of heaven scum I would rather die fighting than allow them to take my home and my country. If I had family there, I'd get them to safety and return to fight the asshats that took my house..........

Perhaps they have different views over there than here.............If the terrorist tried to take this country here, like there.......the people here would have fucking hunting draws to see who gets to hunt their asses........

Perhaps even more Taxiderms to mount their asses on the walls.

I am not disagreeing with you and I will do the same in heart bit. And I will be more than happy to fight next to you.
In this case.... How is a refugees going back to Syria and fight? The only animals that want to go to Syria are the people that want to join ISIS. Even if they want to fight. What do they have to fight with? Reading all these stories from people that escaped from ISIS and several ISIS itself that escaped. Its worse than an animal can take.
The Russians in WWII sent men into battle with one gun, 5 rounds and another guy with ammo only with no gun........So when the other guy got killed, he would have his gun and a little ammo. They did this in human waves and were able to slow down and eventually stop a more modern, well trained army over time.............

The Kurds didn't run.............and didn't have a lot to work with either...........but they took weapons off the dead and continued to fight...............With little in the beginning...........they Held up against ISIS and then went on the offensive against them. The Kurds now have our air power in support and are making better advances than most.
The Kurds got invaded.............The men, women, and even their children found guns and stood against them. They have stopped them in these fights, and have taken back ground. In many cases, they have fighters who SHARE guns.........so if one falls those without guns pick up the guns of the fallen and continue the fight.

Agree. But Kurds was already armed but impoverished when ISIS got there because they were trying to gain independence. And we can see their progress.
Northern part of Syria where ISIS originated was was caught by surprise. The Syrian army government can't do a darn thing because they are fighting two groups ISIS and the rebels.
On the side....there's something I do not understand. Syrian Air Force are still intact...... ISIS or the rebels do not have any kind anti aircraft. Why didn't they used those planes or helicopters against the ISIS? Just wondering if you know the answer. I'm not being sarcastic here.
Pardon me but it would be a cold day in Hell that I would leave my family behind. It would be an all or nothing deal, PERIOD.

Pardon me, but if invaded and my home taken by a bunch of heaven scum I would rather die fighting than allow them to take my home and my country. If I had family there, I'd get them to safety and return to fight the asshats that took my house..........

Perhaps they have different views over there than here.............If the terrorist tried to take this country here, like there.......the people here would have fucking hunting draws to see who gets to hunt their asses........

Perhaps even more Taxiderms to mount their asses on the walls.

I am not disagreeing with you and I will do the same in heart bit. And I will be more than happy to fight next to you.
In this case.... How is a refugees going back to Syria and fight? The only animals that want to go to Syria are the people that want to join ISIS. Even if they want to fight. What do they have to fight with? Reading all these stories from people that escaped from ISIS and several ISIS itself that escaped. Its worse than an animal can take.
The Russians in WWII sent men into battle with one gun, 5 rounds and another guy with ammo only with no gun........So when the other guy got killed, he would have his gun and a little ammo. They did this in human waves and were able to slow down and eventually stop a more modern, well trained army over time.............

The Kurds didn't run.............and didn't have a lot to work with either...........but they took weapons off the dead and continued to fight...............With little in the beginning...........they Held up against ISIS and then went on the offensive against them. The Kurds now have our air power in support and are making better advances than most.

Yes I read the WW2 history of the Russians how they fought back the NAZIs. I also read the book which they made a movie called ENEMY AT THE GATES. Real life true story. His rifle is on display in Leningrad (not sure). I recommend others to watch that.
The Kurds got invaded.............The men, women, and even their children found guns and stood against them. They have stopped them in these fights, and have taken back ground. In many cases, they have fighters who SHARE guns.........so if one falls those without guns pick up the guns of the fallen and continue the fight.

Agree. But Kurds was already armed but impoverished when ISIS got there because they were trying to gain independence. And we can see their progress.
Northern part of Syria where ISIS originated was was caught by surprise. The Syrian army government can't do a darn thing because they are fighting two groups ISIS and the rebels.
On the side....there's something I do not understand. Syrian Air Force are still intact...... ISIS or the rebels do not have any kind anti aircraft. Why didn't they used those planes or helicopters against the ISIS? Just wondering if you know the answer. I'm not being sarcastic here.
I believe they have used air power, but to limited extent. I don't think they had the resources for a sustained campaign with air power. They started the War with about 300,000 but are down to 150,000 either killed, wounded or awol.............or joined the other side.........That is the last number that I've heard...........Millions are fleeing...........Seems to me that with that many they should be able to recruit back to the original fighting strength....................

Which begs the question WHY.............haven't those fleeing returned to the fight, and the lower number of Syrian troops?
Millions of syrians have escaped the war. With their families. They are in camps in lebanon, and turkey. Some made it to jordan, Egypt or iraq. From these refugee camps those families send a young strong person en route to europe. you ***** have no idea how expensive, dangerous, and exhausting the route to germany or sweden is. Pathetic scumful couch bravery.
Millions of syrians have escaped the war. With their families. They are in camps in lebanon, and turkey. Some made it to jordan, Egypt or iraq. From these refugee camps those families send a young strong person en route to europe. you ***** have no idea how expensive, dangerous, and exhausting the route to germany or sweden is. Pathetic scumful couch bravery.
Millions..............let me repeat that...............Millions...............Millions more in Jordan..............

Let me repeat that.................Millions....................

The highest ISIS force count I've heard of is 50k...........

Let me repeat the number.............Millions

How about they turn around and fight
Millions of syrians have escaped the war. With their families. They are in camps in lebanon, and turkey. Some made it to jordan, Egypt or iraq. From these refugee camps those families send a young strong person en route to europe. you ***** have no idea how expensive, dangerous, and exhausting the route to germany or sweden is. Pathetic scumful couch bravery.
Millions..............let me repeat that...............Millions...............Millions more in Jordan..............

Let me repeat that.................Millions....................

The highest ISIS force count I've heard of is 50k...........

Let me repeat the number.............Millions

How about they turn around and fight
^^ pathetic armchair bravery.

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