What's with the 20+ year olds males being refugees?

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria

War is hell boy, civilians die .do you know the definition of murder boy? I don't think you do. Obama is a joke, and the whole world knows it, which makes you a joke for defending his ineptitude. Wtf? he just started to supply the Kurds in mid Oct?:uhh: Does your research involve Wikipedia?:slap:

Obama's former CIA Director admits Obama didn't bomb ISIS oil facicilities because of Environmental Damage

Dude you are so funny. YMML ( you make me laugh). So far you have not answer all of my questions. Kid you have no clue what you are talking about. Yes war is hell but that doesn't mean we want to murder civilians. If that is what you are advocating then you might as well join the ISIS.
From your post...We just started arming Syrian Kurds In Oct.15. That is correct. Apparently you read the link but you do not have a clue what it meant. Those arms are for Kurds in Syria which we do not have good grip of what is going on inside Syria. You make it sound so easy just arms the Kurds. Actually some of them fell into the wrong hands. Are you familiar WHAT these Syrian Kurds are fighting for? And WHO are they fighting against? Please answer some of my questions.......
From your post..... Obama not bombing oil facilities because of environmental damage. Dude what are you talking about? See link I provided for you. Russia is also bombing these refined oil storages. Do you see what is wrong with these pictures bombing both by US and Russia? Despite with all these bombings by US plus Russia..... Why do you think ISIS were still able to continue oil productions? Last question....... What environmental damage are they talking and concern about? Kid pull your head out of Obama's ass and go get some help.
BTW...I use Wikipedia and some of the people I know.

US strikes Isil's lucrative oil facilities in Syria

U.S. arms the Kurds in Iraq — to fight U.S.-armed ISIS
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Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria

War is hell boy, civilians die .do you know the definition of murder boy? I don't think you do. Obama is a joke, and the whole world knows it, which makes you a joke for defending his ineptitude. Wtf? he just started to supply the Kurds in mid Oct?:uhh: Does your research involve Wikipedia?:slap:

Obama's former CIA Director admits Obama didn't bomb ISIS oil facicilities because of Environmental Damage

Dude you are so funny. YMML ( you make me laugh). So far you have not answer all of my questions. Kid you have no clue what you are talking about. Yes war is hell but that doesn't mean we want to murder civilians. If that is what you are advocating then you might as well join the ISIS.
From your post...We just started arming Syrian Kurds In Oct.15. That is correct. Apparently you read the link but you do not have a clue what it meant. Those arms are for Kurds in Syria which we do not have good grip of what is going on inside Syria. You make it sound so easy just arms the Kurds. Actually some of them fell into the wrong hands. Are you familiar WHAT these Syrian Kurds are fighting for? And WHO are they fighting against? Please answer some of my questions.......
From your post..... Obama not bombing oil facilities because of environmental damage. Dude what are you talking about? See link I provided for you. Russia is also bombing these refined oil storages. Do you see what is wrong with these pictures bombing both by US and Russia? Despite with all these bombings by US plus Russia..... Why do you think ISIS were still able to continue oil productions? Last question....... What environmental damage are they talking and concern about? Kid pull your head out of Obama's ass and go get some help.
BTW...I use Wikipedia and some of the people I know.

US strikes Isil's lucrative oil facilities in Syria

U.S. arms the Kurds in Iraq — to fight U.S.-armed ISIS

"Kid" you're the one who's delusional. Russia just started bombing those oil fields. We've supposedly been fighting isis for almost two years now, where have you been?.You still don't know the meaning of the word murder do you? We've haven't sent the Kurds Humvees and tanks. So they obviously those weapons weren't captured from the Kurds. Anyone who thinks Obama is doing a good job in fighting the islamonazis is too far gone to reason with .That would be you:slap:
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When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria

War is hell boy, civilians die .do you know the definition of murder boy? I don't think you do. Obama is a joke, and the whole world knows it, which makes you a joke for defending his ineptitude. Wtf? he just started to supply the Kurds in mid Oct?:uhh: Does your research involve Wikipedia?:slap:

Obama's former CIA Director admits Obama didn't bomb ISIS oil facicilities because of Environmental Damage

Dude you are so funny. YMML ( you make me laugh). So far you have not answer all of my questions. Kid you have no clue what you are talking about. Yes war is hell but that doesn't mean we want to murder civilians. If that is what you are advocating then you might as well join the ISIS.
From your post...We just started arming Syrian Kurds In Oct.15. That is correct. Apparently you read the link but you do not have a clue what it meant. Those arms are for Kurds in Syria which we do not have good grip of what is going on inside Syria. You make it sound so easy just arms the Kurds. Actually some of them fell into the wrong hands. Are you familiar WHAT these Syrian Kurds are fighting for? And WHO are they fighting against? Please answer some of my questions.......
From your post..... Obama not bombing oil facilities because of environmental damage. Dude what are you talking about? See link I provided for you. Russia is also bombing these refined oil storages. Do you see what is wrong with these pictures bombing both by US and Russia? Despite with all these bombings by US plus Russia..... Why do you think ISIS were still able to continue oil productions? Last question....... What environmental damage are they talking and concern about? Kid pull your head out of Obama's ass and go get some help.
BTW...I use Wikipedia and some of the people I know.

US strikes Isil's lucrative oil facilities in Syria

U.S. arms the Kurds in Iraq — to fight U.S.-armed ISIS

"Kid" you're the one who's delusional. Russia just started bombing those oil fields. We've supposedly been fighting isis for almost two years now, where have you been?.You still don't know the meaning of the word murder is do you? We've haven't sent the Kurds Humvees and tanks so they obviously those weapons weren't captured from the Kurds. Anyone who thinks Obama is doing a good job in fighting the islamonazis is too far gone to reason with .That would be you:slap:

Kid... You have not answer any of my question because you don't know a darn thing. YMML... As always you don't know what you are talking. What made you think I'm not aware how long we have been fighting ISIS? Dude you are trying to deflect your ignorance. That is correct Russia just started bombing ISIS last month. I never said Russian are doing a bad job..... That is not what I'm talking about dude. My question to you was..... What is wrong with these pictures bombing ISIS coming from US and Russian? It is not a matter of doing a bad or good job.... it's what is wrong with these pictures. Where did I say Obama is doing a good job in Syria and Iraq? What made you think I agree with some of Obama's policy? It's not what you want to hear but I'm telling you the facts and reality as it is compared to your non sense baseless opinion.
Russian alone has dropped at least 600+ bombs against ISIS plus US and coalitions. My other question to you again was.... Why do you think ISIS are still capable of producing oil?
Why do you keep referring *murder* to me where you are the one advocating murdering civilians. You provided link about environmental damage and yet you don't know what and why it meant.
Talking about mother of delusional... Humvees and tanks.... Dude what are you talking about? We never supplied humvees and tanks in Syria to fight ISIS. You cannot even answer a very simple question about Kurds.... What are the Kurds fighting for and who are they against? Even a low information person like you should be able to understand the basic problem dealing with these Kurds. Slap back to you left and right. Please go get some help and get back to me.
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it's pretty basic.
The west is the beacon of of civilization...White people created the best and most advanced civilization in history...other races resent our abilities and success and want to undermine and collapse what we created..They can't do it militarily so they invade and pose as "refugees" because they know the west has been weakened by communists and the radical left and they can more easily infiltrate..
Actually, it is pretty basic...the West is a beacon of freebies, food, shelter, all the goodies without the effort. Why stay and fight to make your homeland a desirable place to live when you can run to some bleeding-heart, liberal Western country and be given your heart's desire?
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
But it's OK to leave the family sitting in the known hell-hole they are fleeing? Yeah, that makes sense. Of course, establishing a new home is much easier when one has no family left to summon. If these people want a better place to live, isn't it worth fighting for? I guess not, if they think someone else will be footing the bill for their free ride.
Saw on the news that many of the new refugees in....somewhere, can't remember where right now....found cell phones with Isis flags and pics of beheadings. I'll see if I can find it again.
yeah. after escaping a warzone, uprooting the whole family, giving everything up, the next thing to do for syrian seagal is to go back to the warzone. as i said, pathetic armchair bravery, completely devoid of merit. typical internet bullshit.
Actually, what's pathetic are these so-called "refugees" who would rather tuck tail and run like chickenshit cowards than fight for their homes and families.
yeah. after escaping a warzone, uprooting the whole family, giving everything up, the next thing to do for syrian seagal is to go back to the warzone. as i said, pathetic armchair bravery, completely devoid of merit. typical internet bullshit.
Actually, what's pathetic are these so-called "refugees" who would rather tuck tail and run like chickenshit cowards than fight for their homes and families.
Yep. Exactly.
Makes you wonder what the real secret is of this administration on DELIBERATELY putting this country at risk, doesn't it?
Not any more. The secret is out. But is it too late? I hope not.

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