What's with the 20+ year olds males being refugees?

Millions of syrians have escaped the war. With their families. They are in camps in lebanon, and turkey. Some made it to jordan, Egypt or iraq. From these refugee camps those families send a young strong person en route to europe. you ***** have no idea how expensive, dangerous, and exhausting the route to germany or sweden is. Pathetic scumful couch bravery.
Millions..............let me repeat that...............Millions...............Millions more in Jordan..............

Let me repeat that.................Millions....................

The highest ISIS force count I've heard of is 50k...........

Let me repeat the number.............Millions

How about they turn around and fight
^^ pathetic armchair bravery.
Wow............that sounded so brutal that I pissed myself.......being the armchair type of guy.............

Now............Rambo..........why are Millions hauling ass instead of killing ISIS...........

Or will you get tough with me and make me piss myself again................

Posted from under the bed.......grovelling in fear........
will you concoct another idiotic post within the next 20 minutes? i can hardly wait to address it the way it deserves.
will you concoct another idiotic post within the next 20 minutes? i can hardly wait to address it the way it deserves.
Answer the question posed.........................Or will you hide behind everyone who disagrees with you as arm chair warriors............

yeah. after escaping a warzone, uprooting the whole family, giving everything up, the next thing to do for syrian seagal is to go back to the warzone. as i said, pathetic armchair bravery, completely devoid of merit. typical internet bullshit.
yeah. after escaping a warzone, uprooting the whole family, giving everything up, the next thing to do for syrian seagal is to go back to the warzone. as i said, pathetic armchair bravery, completely devoid of merit. typical internet bullshit.
Perhaps that is what you'd do then...............run away...........

damn, i think you really thought that that was funny.
I did............pissed my armor......................

So why are they all hauling ass................I'm sure a large group of them don't have families or are single..............why don't they return.............

You haven't given us jack shit to that point. Nor the numbers mismatch.....................

Listen dumb ass...........We armed and trained the Iraqi's......and they fled from small forces in Northern Iraq......even though the outnumbered and out gunned them.................

Why did they run................

Why do the Kurd's NOT RUN...........and hold ground...........perhaps you can actually answer the topic.
nigga please. this thread is about, "why are 20+ year old males refugees". judged upon be geriatric, and most probably obese, internet warriors. go on.
nigga please. this thread is about, "why are 20+ year old males refugees". judged upon be geriatric, and most probably obese, internet warriors. go on.
Why aren't they fighting back?

You're still dodging................evading...............
probably because they want to survive and find a better life. just a hunch though. i know that you would immediately ride your hobby horse into raqqa to defeat the evil islamists. good for you.
eagles get a bad rap here, btw. almost every single poster using the string "eagle" in the handle is a fucking moron.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough
You're lying to enable an invasion. That makes you a pig and a traitor. Look at real refugee populations...they are absolutely primarily families. No, young men of fighting age do not leave their families behind to save themselves in real refugee situations.

Now when it comes to a matter of PIONEERING....the men will leave families behind to secure jobs, land, status...then bring the family later.

But in true refugee situations...no.
Syria before and after.

A beautiful place. Everyday people with jobs, cars, mobile phones, homes, families, nice clothes, coffee shops... yes, just like you and me. They are not escaping poverty to come and scrounge your tax money. They are fleeing a living hell on earth.

The transformation as a family survive a treacherous and deadly journey to safety and happiness. Many died. But this family survived


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