What's with the 20+ year olds males being refugees?


that kid is a Kurd. he might have been killed by the Turkish scum or thrown over board by your muslim friends. Those nuts you want to bring here, throw people overboard...get your propaganda straight you leftist clown

Nigerian Muslims threw Christian refugees off dinghy in Mediterranean

The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.
"Go make sure its safe in America while we stay here with the terrorists everyone pities us for"
A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough
You're lying to enable an invasion. That makes you a pig and a traitor. Look at real refugee populations...they are absolutely primarily families. No, young men of fighting age do not leave their families behind to save themselves in real refugee situations.

Now when it comes to a matter of PIONEERING....the men will leave families behind to secure jobs, land, status...then bring the family later.

But in true refugee situations...no.

Show me where I lied? Show where do you think I'm a traitor. If you cannot prove it you better fucking apologize. Dick breath.
It's almost impossible to escape from ISIS let alone going back to fight. Even if they want to fight.... Who will armed them? Where do they get firearms to fight with. You make it sound just march forward and fight with their dick.
Maybe you can do it and fight with your fucking pussy spread open for ISIS. I know you like that because you are having a dick starvation. You are fucking stupid.... YOU ARE A GOOD EXAMPLE OF PIG.
Your have no knowledge about Syrian refugees or ME. Do you know any veterans or active military officers? Well I know lots of them. I also know a Red Cross worker in Jordan where most of these refugees are camped. You have nothing but your fucking dirty mouth. Go clean up your smegma built up.
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A young male has a much better chance of getting a job here. Especially since you bigots jump at your own shadows and freak out at the sight of a woman in a burqa. What chance would she have of getting a job all alone in this country?

Sometimes a family can only afford to finance one person's escape. It isn't a choice, asshole. So they send the one most likely to earn money to send back for the rest to escape.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The Kurds got invaded.............The men, women, and even their children found guns and stood against them. They have stopped them in these fights, and have taken back ground. In many cases, they have fighters who SHARE guns.........so if one falls those without guns pick up the guns of the fallen and continue the fight.

Agree. But Kurds was already armed but impoverished when ISIS got there because they were trying to gain independence. And we can see their progress.
Northern part of Syria where ISIS originated was was caught by surprise. The Syrian army government can't do a darn thing because they are fighting two groups ISIS and the rebels.
On the side....there's something I do not understand. Syrian Air Force are still intact...... ISIS or the rebels do not have any kind anti aircraft. Why didn't they used those planes or helicopters against the ISIS? Just wondering if you know the answer. I'm not being sarcastic here.
I believe they have used air power, but to limited extent. I don't think they had the resources for a sustained campaign with air power. They started the War with about 300,000 but are down to 150,000 either killed, wounded or awol.............or joined the other side.........That is the last number that I've heard...........Millions are fleeing...........Seems to me that with that many they should be able to recruit back to the original fighting strength....................

Which begs the question WHY.............haven't those fleeing returned to the fight, and the lower number of Syrian troops?

I just have to refer you to my original post #21. Where I got my information from my friend working Jordan. And you can take it however you want.
You would leave your family in a dangerous country and flee to the USA on the lie that you come to make sure its safe then? I believe it. Pussy.
shut up. You have no idea what you are emoting about.
That's not an example of emoting. Your bitchy response is.

Yeah that's all you know. Shut your pie hole bitch.
I warned you. If you want to talk to me in decent way..... I will talk to you in decent manner. But if you talk to me garbage because you are a garbage person. I will trash you.
You would leave your family in a dangerous country and flee to the USA on the lie that you come to make sure its safe then? I believe it. Pussy.
shut up. You have no idea what you are emoting about.
That's not an example of emoting. Your bitchy response is.

Yeah that's all you know. Shut your pie hole bitch.
I warned you. If you want to talk to me in decent way..... I will talk to you in decent manner. But if you talk to me garbage because you are a garbage person. I will trash you.
Traitor. Twenty year old men are flooding our borders for the express purpose of waging jihad.
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?

Wasn't aware you were a combat veteran. Or is it easy to talk tough from the cheap seats when you have a vagina?

Only when you have sand in your vagina.
Real mean don't run AHEAD of their families. But you go ahead and keep making excuses for the cowards.

Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that
You would leave your family in a dangerous country and flee to the USA on the lie that you come to make sure its safe then? I believe it. Pussy.
shut up. You have no idea what you are emoting about.
That's not an example of emoting. Your bitchy response is.

Yeah that's all you know. Shut your pie hole bitch.
I warned you. If you want to talk to me in decent way..... I will talk to you in decent manner. But if you talk to me garbage because you are a garbage person. I will trash you.
Traitor. Twenty year old men are flooding our borders for the express purpose of waging jihad.

You are a liar scumbag. Prove to me that I'm a traitor.
You would leave your family in a dangerous country and flee to the USA on the lie that you come to make sure its safe then? I believe it. Pussy.
shut up. You have no idea what you are emoting about.
That's not an example of emoting. Your bitchy response is.

Yeah that's all you know. Shut your pie hole bitch.
I warned you. If you want to talk to me in decent way..... I will talk to you in decent manner. But if you talk to me garbage because you are a garbage person. I will trash you.
Traitor. Twenty year old men are flooding our borders for the express purpose of waging jihad.

You are a liar scumbag. Prove to me that I'm a traitor.
don't mind her. It is just her inner christian acting up.
Gracie refugee situations such as this are not about cowardice. It's about survival. You probably referring to other kinds of wars like the hard liners Iraqis fighting US forces inside Iraq or other revolutions. Which no matter how ugly the war is they still respect humanity.
ISIS are different kind of animals. They do not respect animals let alone human beings. They fight to die.
Currently there are ground ( Kurds and Permerga ) forces fighting ISIS trying to retake a town with US air cover but they are not that successful.
Even if these male refugees wanted to fight. What kind of arms do they have? And when you fight they will also kill your family. If there is a chance to escape I will escape with my family. But if a scenario like this with no other options I will let my son escape by himself. I'm not protecting coward people. I'm just saying that this is the reality.

Life under ISIS rule is worse than we ever imagined, and some fighters and citizens have had enough

Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria
I mean, do they have no balls? Do they not care enough to fight for wherever they ran from? Why the hell are they running? And why are grown assed men running with their families instead of doing the same? Send the women and children out...but stay and fight! Or is that just a European thing where women and children get out first? Imagine the Titanic disaster. All the young guys running for the boats and letting the weaker folks sink. It's shameful.

And what the fuck are countries doing letting able bodied MEN..young and middle aged, in to begin with?

Is it just me or is something wrong with this picture?
The husband or father goes first in a refugee situation. That only makes sense. The father goes ahead of the family and establishes a safe place, and then sends for his family.

No point in exposing the entire family to an uncertain and risky flight across unfamiliar countries with hostile natives. An adult male can move more quickly and safely when unencumbered.

Then he puts down stakes in a safe place, and the family follows.

Taking the same dangerous route he just took without the manly mans protection....yeah okay.
Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria
You are sadly out of touch with the majority of Americans. If Muslim killers hide behind women and children then those women and children are going to die.
Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria
You are sadly out of touch with the majority of Americans. If Muslim killers hide behind women and children then those women and children are going to die.

Your view are distorted and delusional. As usual you are talking nonsense.
1. Prove to me that Im a traitor. If not you better apologize.
2. Prove in my post that I am out of touch. You don't a shit about ISIS and ME problem and here you are talking bullshit and nonsense. All you are telling are nothing but dumb and a joke.
Funny they were nothing, but wackos with machines guns and pick ups until the so-called Iraqi army ran and left their armored vehicles behind.So what does Obama do? sends them more tanks and armored vehicles.:uhoh3: the point is. we could have easily destroyed isis, we still can but Obama refuses.

Funny...... Sure glad to know your knowledge about ISIS......ISIS was born in Syria not Iraq from there they took over military headquarters and armories when Syrian armies abandoned their positions. Then advanced to Iraq. They were already heavily armed when they advance to Iraq. Them Iraqi soldiers abandoned their military their site.....That is how they got tanks and humvees.
Btw we are talking about refugees from Syria not Iraq. We could have easily destroyed ISIS? Like what sending US soldiers? There are other coalition countries plus Russia's pounding these animals and they are still standing.

Umm... yeah ok that's how they got all those Humvees and American weapons. isis was nothing , They grew as Obama looked on and did nothing. As his administration cleaned up his intelligence reports to Obama's liking. As he ignores requests for Air support from the pathetic Iraqi army.Even after he said he'd destroy isis, he didn't even bomb the friken headquarters.:uhh:The best thing we can do to help these refugees, is to destroying isis, not bring 10s of thousands here , that's idiocy.. Russia and Iran, and Hazballah destroying isis? Please... that's a joke, they like the choas, as they push their own interest in the region.

When ISIS moved in Iraq and took over towns.......(From your post) They grew as Obama looked and do nothing........ Like what? What do you except Obama should do? Send the marines? Why? Iraqi has enough man and fire power to wipe ISIS. But they are cowards.....Why should a single American soldier die for their sake?
Iraqi Kurds are having a good progress retaking town from ISIS like Sinjar with air cover from US. There are special forces imbedded with the Kurds. So I'm not sure what else do you expect. Do you have a suggestion or other way how to fight ISIS? Aside from that I admire your zero military and logistical knowledge.
But I do agree with your post about...... Russia, Iran and Hezbollah Is a joke and push their own interest in the region is a joke.

November 2015 Sinjar offensive - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny everybody keeps saying Al-Quida in Iraq morphed into isis ..Go figure:eusa_think:.We should be arming up the Kurds directly, but we don't, we send weapons through the Iraqi government. We didn't provide any air support for the Iraqi army.(such as it) it at first, or even send them the fighters that they had already paid for...We pulled all our forces out of Iraq, all of them, what a joke that was. We send out planes flying sorties, most come back not bombing anything, for fear there might be civilian casualties. Obama is a joke ,hes a co-founder of isis. No post any Wikipedia links when talking about this war which Obama refuses to call a war. Obama's people might have posted that

Apparently your information are based from these people here on internet. I strongly suggest stay out of that and do your own research. What different does it make how Obama call this a war or not? Do you have link Obama is a co founder of ISIS?
We do supply arms to Kurds and we provide air power support. Our special forces are also imbedded with the Pesmerga Kurds. We also supply arms to moderate rebels in Syria but no shoulder anti aircraft missile.
That is correct our bombing sorties coming back not bombing anything. Because we are not in the business of murdering innocent civilians. Maybe you don't care about innocent civilians but you will be surprise decent American people disagree with you. You are suggesting a carpet bombing which no government will support that. As I previously asked... Do you have suggestions how to fight these ISIS?


U.S. begins airdrops of weapons to Kurdish forces in northern Syria

War is hell boy, civilians die .do you know the definition of murder boy? I don't think you do. Obama is a joke, and the whole world knows it, which makes you a joke for defending his ineptitude. Wtf? he just started to supply the Kurds in mid Oct?:uhh: Does your research involve Wikipedia?:slap:

Obama's former CIA Director admits Obama didn't bomb ISIS oil facicilities because of Environmental Damage
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