Whats with these flat earther morons?

Does anyone here believe the flat earthers?

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Gold Member
Jan 13, 2015
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
Flat Earthers don't actually believe in Flat Earthers. The idea behind the contrarian concept of Flat Earth is to NEVER take any conventional wisdom at face value. Challenge everything.
View attachment 132917
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- They are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.
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I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
Flat Earthers don't actually believe in Flat Earthers. The idea behind the contrarian concept of Flat Earth is to NEVER take any conventional wisdom at face value. Challenge everything.

But why make themselves look like idiots in the process? There are better ways, to to challenge as you say, no?
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?
But why make themselves look like idiots in the process?

Actually, by coming up with plausible alternative explanations for phenomenon we all take for granted, they often make others look like idiots when they try to dispute them without full understanding of the science.

Many people who believe they are well-versed in science are only the repository of many oft-repeated facts from school.
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?

Because that isn't what this is about., and again you are splitting hairs. Do you actually have anything to add? Or just out for a morning troll?
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?

Because that isn't what this is about., and again you are splitting hairs. Do you actually have anything to add? Or just out for a morning troll?
/---- You asked a question and both answers you provided were wrong, but I'm the bad guy for pointing it out.
moonbat special.jpg
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?

Because that isn't what this is about., and again you are splitting hairs. Do you actually have anything to add? Or just out for a morning troll?
/---- You asked a question and both answers you provided were wrong, but I'm the bad guy for pointing it out.
View attachment 132921

Ffs you're thick in the head. I didn't provide answers. I asked questions. And I don't recall asking about the actual shape. I thought the trolls were in politics, but you have proven me wrong there nostradumbass.
Flat Earthers don't actually believe in Flat Earthers. The idea behind the contrarian concept of Flat Earth is to NEVER take any conventional wisdom at face value. Challenge everything.
There are different kinds of Flat Earthers. You're talking about the kind that are basically contrarians. There are those out there, however, who honestly believe it. It's become an extension of the NWO conspiracy theory, in which the powers that be are actively trying to hide things from us and everything NASA and other space organizations have been staged. Check out youtube for Flat Earth videos; they range from hilarious to disturbing.
The earth is flat, if the earth were round the oceans would spill off into space, everyone knows that. Take a basketball and a cup of water now pour the water on the basketball and turn it over, see proof the earth is flat. ;)

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character." The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

"But when we consider the beliefs of other people? It's an epistemic shit show out there. Astrology, conspiracies, the healing power of crystals. Aliens who abduct Earthlings and build pyramids. That vaccines cause autism or that Obama is a crypto-Muslim — or that the world was formed some 6,000 years ago, replete with fossils made to look millions of years old. How could anyone believe this stuff?! ... No, seriously: how?" Crony Beliefs | Melting Asphalt
Conspiracy theorists aren't misinformed or wired-incorrectly, they are simply lazy. Believing in a conspiracy is a very simple way of believing you're smarter than everyone else without actually BEING smarter than anyone else
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?
How come it doesn't look like that when we see satellite pictures from space?
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?

Because that isn't what this is about., and again you are splitting hairs. Do you actually have anything to add? Or just out for a morning troll?
/---- You asked a question and both answers you provided were wrong, but I'm the bad guy for pointing it out.
View attachment 132921

Ffs you're thick in the head. I didn't provide answers. I asked questions. And I don't recall asking about the actual shape. I thought the trolls were in politics, but you have proven me wrong there nostradumbass.
/---- What all else fails attack the messenger.
I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?
How come it doesn't look like that when we see satellite pictures from space?
/----- Chem trails distort the camera lens. Everybody knows that.
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I started hearing sometime last year, that there are actually people who believe this. Mostly people I consider to be dimwits. I have largely ignored this subject, because I consider it to be utter nonesense.

Last week I was having a conversation with my cousin, over the phone. Towards the tail end of said conversation, she stops me and asks. "So is the Earth round or flat"? Well I immediately rolled my eyes, thinking oh no not a family member. My response was very quick, with the obvious answer. She than quizzes me, about if you walked from one end of Earth to the other, where would you end up. Of course my answer was, right back where you started. She said, "I dunno about that"

Where did this start? I know muslim clerics have tried to speak on this. Telling their folliwersb that the Sun hides behind the moon at night. Yes really!

There has to be some other source of this idiocy. One of the circles it seems to be most prevalent in, is professional athletes. But I am assuming, they are following someone else on this subject. I wouldn't be shocked if it's picking up steam amongst the hollyweird crowd as well, they sure haven't displayed much in the smarts department lately.

So does anyone know, what the root of this lunacy is? And just for giggles and shits, I have added a simple poll on the subject. And if anyone out there buys into this, please explain why!
/----- The are just messing with you. The Earth is neither flat nor round. It's an oblate spheroid.

Yes I'm aware the Earth is spherical. But trust me, there are people who believe the Earth is flat. No need to split hairs, about round vs sphere.
/---- If you really knew it is an oblate spheroid, why didn't you include that as an option on your survey? eh Spanky?
How come it doesn't look like that when we see satellite pictures from space?
/----- Chem trails distort the camera lens. Everybody know that.
Anyone got the REAL answer?
I thought Chen trails were just for poisoning us with mind control drugs?
Cellblock apparently ain't as smart as he'd like us to believe

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